SESQUIPEDALIA A very long word/a foot and a half long


so. is anybody doing NaNoWriMo? i am. but i have NO idea what to rite about, and its already one day in.

NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month, and you have to rite 50,000 words (or 175 pages) during the month of November. that means that you have to start… yesterday (hehe) and be completely finished with your book by midnight on November 30th.

the website for it is so if you want to look into it more, you can click on that link. it has forums and stuff… and you can sign up for it so you can have other people read yours… i think…

but i still have no idea what to rite about. the site doesnt specify what you have to rite about, so i guess you cood do a fanfic thing, but im not very good at that. so i need ideas!

or you cood keep your own ideas and do NaNoWriMo with me. wich ever.

-Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen: