UNCATEGORIZED- im too lazy to actually define it. but im pretty sure its a common-knowledge word hahaha


OOOOH my goodness. i love comments. and again, i apologize for not posting for two months. but HEY! it wasnt two years so at least its not THAT bad (:

first of all, i must refer yet again to my favorite spammer and their brand new comment:

”Why have you deleted my post? It was very beneficial information and i assure at least 1 person found it helpful unlike the rest of the comments on this website. I’ll post it again. Sick and tired of getting low amounts of useless traffic to your site?……”

hehhehehe SO FUNNY! i know that this is probably a generic comment they post when the first one goes through as spam, but i still think its hilarious. thanks random spammer for insulting the rest of the comments on this site. IIII personally think you guys have very useful and awesome comments. hehehe

so i see that my previous post ACTUALLY gained some visitors!!! *hold for applause* wooo! i was happy 😀 hopefully you guys haven’t all left and will check this site yet again. whether motivated by old bookmarks, early childhood nostalgia, or just plain boredom, i love you all and welcome your company!

moving on to NANOWRIMO. …………..







i have about 4000 words. and yes, it is about eleven o’clock at night on NOVEMBER 30th…. hehehe GO ME! yes. i procrastinate. and yes, i do have a life filled with… well, ya no… school and crap. i don’t know about you guys, but i am in all the AP classes my school offers for sophomores and um… it sucks. i have so much homework i think im about to burn my binders. they make you keep it all! it doesnt make any sense!

but i’m getting off topic. i started my NOvel at a good pace, two thousand words a day. sadly, i didnt start til the 7th because i forgot… and then i kind of… forgot two days after that… and then um. yeah. 4000 words.

it would have been decent but, i spose i’ll just have to see how it goes next year. i just wanted to give all you guys who actually DID it a big old THUMBS UP!!! you are brave souls. mind telling us what you wrote about if you participated? maybe i’ll post a few snip-its.  i think it could be fun.

so yeah. i just wanted to post again. talk about NANOWRIMO and get a little up to date.

speaking of which….

IT WAS MY 16TH BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY! :mrgreen: just sayin… hehhe

i ate chocolate cheesecake and my friends ambushed me at school. it was definitely high up their on the memorable birthdays list.

so please comment! and this time i will actually reply and keep all up to date! how was your thanksgiving? did you go shopping the day after? are you looking forward to winter/christmas break? i want details hehhe

-Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:


PLURALIZATION- the act of transforming a noun pertaining to a single object/subject into a noun pertaining to multiple objects/subjects


“Fed up with getting low numbers of useless visitors to your website?” this is one of the comments that was awaiting me this evening in my ‘spam’ section. i must say i laughed pretty hard. the commenter then went on to say how they had this amazing way that i could rake in the cash using this site and no longer had to be a visitor-less site manager person…..or something like that.

i of course thought that this was hilarious because… well… i dont exactly have millions of visitors obsessively checking their subscriptions to this site daily. hahaha but what can i expect?!


i am a very bad Co-Prez. i apologize to anybody and everybody that will ever see this!

i also find it extremely hilarious that half the posts on this site kind of have the same exact content: ‘wow! it sure has been a while! im Lizzy-wa in case you forgot! im so sorry! bad Co-Prez! bad!’ and then i posted a few more times and thennn….. repeat! (several months or even years later of course)

so naturally when i came across a lovely person named Jessi repeatedly commenting OVER and OVER about how this place was completely deserted and kind of sucked, i of course had to POST! i would also like to thank the random spammer that notified my of my low visitor count in such a… delicate way… NOT!

so i would really really like to continue posting on here. there isnt too much to post about… but i am VERY open to ideas. we could always talk about Scott-la’s other books too of course.

i am very very depressed that a certain JILLIAN came onto this site, posted once, taunted us with confidential Midnighters news, and then left because nobody replied. schzeezsh. everybody knows you have to check back here every month or so… hahah just kidding Jillian. but seriously if you come back and tell us what that was all about (i think she actually said that like… a year ago…) i would love you!

-Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:


NONELECTRICAL- um… not electrical. (congrats to the 99% of you who beat me to that definition)


so back to the OHMYDARKLING thing. ok the last time i posted on this site was all the way back in 2008 which is really really wierd and… lame. and the last comment was posted all the way back on MAY 20 at 9:57pm by rbsguy. lets give them a round of applause! (i say let US because i’m hoping i dont end up being the only one who reads this. cuz really wouldn’t that just be so sad?)

before i continue i just wanted to remind you guys that my name is Lizzy-wa. ok now that that part of the brain has been refreshed, we can move on:

see i was checking my email and deleting all of the stupid forwards and riddles that have been filling up my inbox for the last couple of months when i saw this thing from WORDPRESS. i was alll ‘oooh important!’ and i clicked. turns out it was just a ‘please moderate so and so’s comment cuz they wanna worship Midnighters too’ email. so, being the used-to-be-decent but currently-sucky site manager that i am, i clicked the link to approve the comment. i barely even recognized the website. i havent been on here in so long! and the dashboard (the place where you moderate stuff and keep things under control) was about as foreign (ok im pretty sure i didn’t spell that rite but i just tried it out like eight times and it looked the best) as… um… an alien? oh wow i cant even come up with a good comparison anymore.

so i approved the comment and started exploring the dashboard. did you know i can actually put polls on the site now? i guess tomorrow im gonna try to figure out how to do that. cuz really who doesnt love polls?

oh and a couple months ago i found like all of the duct-tape related comments i could find on this blog and Scott-la’s blog and made this shirt on microsoft publisher. hehe the things i do with my free time…

so yeah i hope somebody actually reads this! *fingers crossed*

-Co-Prez OUT! 😀


SESQUIPEDALIA A very long word/a foot and a half long


so. is anybody doing NaNoWriMo? i am. but i have NO idea what to rite about, and its already one day in.

NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month, and you have to rite 50,000 words (or 175 pages) during the month of November. that means that you have to start… yesterday (hehe) and be completely finished with your book by midnight on November 30th.

the website for it is so if you want to look into it more, you can click on that link. it has forums and stuff… and you can sign up for it so you can have other people read yours… i think…

but i still have no idea what to rite about. the site doesnt specify what you have to rite about, so i guess you cood do a fanfic thing, but im not very good at that. so i need ideas!

or you cood keep your own ideas and do NaNoWriMo with me. wich ever.

-Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:


SEMICIVILIZED- Halfways civilized?


hehe. so i only used todays tridecalogism cuz my mom said i was acting like an animal today and that i was ‘completely uncivilized’. i protested saying that ‘i DID take a shower that morning. and i WAS wearing matching socks’. (altho not matching shoes). so she said that i was “semicivilized”. turns out its a tridecalogism! who new?!

now, on to business. the winner of the TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION competition, along with the top spot on the face rank list and a title of their choice is:

*drumroll please…………………………………………………………………………*


and by an ALMOST unanimous vote mite i add. GO MISTRANSLATED-LA! she must have SLAVED on that entry. wich by the way was this:


It would be called Westerlestier Land, because there is no way he’d leave Justine out of it.

His army would consist of all of his rapid, over obsessive fans, the members of the YA mansion, all of Scott-la’s various friends, anyone who has ever read any of Scott’s books or any of his friend’s books, all of the nerdfighters, and here’s the best part, there will be a machine invented that brings all of his characters to life, so he’ll have an army of the Cutters, Midnighters, Peeps, etc.

Capital: Of course there would be two capitals, one would be New York, New York which Scott-la would conviently rename New Scott City. The five boroughs would be renamed after each of his books, starting with The Peeps instead of the Bronx, Prettieslyn instead of Brooklyn, Midnighthatten instead of Manhatten, Uglies instead of Queens, and So Yesterday Island instead of Staten Island. The second capital would be Sydney, Australia, whci Scott-la would give to Justine to do what she pleased with. If any of you have read Justine’s blog, then it is obvious that she would call it Quokkaville, and quokkas would roam the streets. Actually Scott would probably give the whole contenent of Australia to Justine. She would most likely keep Australia as the name, since she loves Australia, then she would do with it what she pleased. Another important city would be Bixby, Oklahoma. Right now it is a small town, but when Scott-la rules the world it will be a huge tourist attraction. There will be a museam there dedicated to midnighters, and each house really will have a tridecalogism on it. Street names and location names will be changed to reflect the books, and the route that the book follows will be marked out on a map that you receive when you first arrive there. Furthermore, their will be cars parked in certain marked off areas with dummies placed inside so it looks like people frozen in midnight. There will be statues of darklings and slithers everywhere, and there will be reinactments of scenes from the books every hour at a desinated location. There will be people roaming the streets dressed up as characters from Midnighters.
Another city that will be important is a new city in Washington (the rough location of Uglies) that will be designed like Tally’s city. LIke Bixby their will be people dressed up like the characters roaming the streets. There will also be reinactments of scenes from the books. There will be museums dedicated to Uglies around the city.
Disneyland, Disney World, and the entire Disney cooperation will now be owned by Scott and the theme parks will re-open as being dedicated to Scott-la’s books. There will be a huge roller coaster like the one in Uglies with cars that look like hover boards kind of. There wil be people dressed up as Scott characters roaming the parks and instead of having the huge mickey head made out of flowers at the entrance, there will be a huge picture of Tally. Disney channel will play shows made off of Scott’s books and only shows and movies that Scott’s army likes.

New Holidays (yes, more than one): We would still celebrate Halloween, though it would be called Samhain, and at midnight everyone would go outside dressed all in black carrying flashlights and go “searching” for darklings until sunrise. During this time their would be grand parades of people “searching for darklings”, bonfires would be made, and fire works would be set off to fend off the darklings.
May 5th would be a huge celebration of Scott-la’s birthday. There would be huge author conventions across the globe, and everyoen would have to send Scott a gift of some sort, more appropriately something related to his books. Their would be a parade in every city across the globe, and no one would do anything on this day but celebrate.
The anniversary of the days that his books came out would be celebrated by a mass reading of whichever book was released that day. At the end of the day fireworks would be set off and a celebration that was themed off of whichever book it was would be held.
At least once a week on midnight each household would get up and hold some sort of a celebration to comemerate midnighters.
There will also be a celebration on every Friday the 13th. On this day everyone must dress up as a character from midnighters. Everyone would then spend the rest of the day in character.
Memorial day would become international Mourning of Zane’s Death Day. This day would be spent with everyone rereading Pretties and/or Specials. There would be memorial services across the world to remember Zane.
There will be random stop, drop, and read times. These will be announced over loud speakers through out cities, on the radio, and on all television stations. At this time everyone will stop whatever they are doing and read until it is stated that they may stop.

Laws ( I kind of have more than three, sorry. I got carried away. If that’s too many than you can only count three of them.):
1. You must have read all of Scott-la’s books if you are able to read.
2. You must read all of Scott’s books at least once a year.
3. You must celebrate all holidays.
4. You must carry around some sort of metal with a thirteen letter name or a thirty-nine letter name at all times.
5. You must be able to answer any question about any of Scott-la’s books when asked by any member of Scott-la’s army.
6. You must read for at least an hour a day.
7. You must always have a book on you, because you must always be ready for the stop, drop, and read time.
8. Book stores must feature Scott-la’s books on the bestseller’s rack in the store.
9. Each book store must have a full stock of Scott-la’s books at all times.
10. Everyone must own a copy of Scott-la’s books. If you can not afford them, then a set will be provided for you.
11. You must always be able to name at least thirteen tridecalogisms when asked by a member of Scott-la’s army.
12. You must travel to both of the capitals at least once in your lifetime.
13. You must state the Westerlestier Land pledge every morning, it goes as follows:
I pledge alligiane to Scott Westerfeld, and to the army for which he stands. One group of book lovers, reading books, and worshiping Scott, with reading and good books for all.

This would be Scott-la’s fawesome world.


hehe. that about tripled the length of the post. 😛

so just comment to claim your prize and your title. and do it soon, so you can see your beautiful new name on top!

-Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:


EMBELLISHMENT- An ornament or decoration


ok. so. as you can see, the word today has really nothing to do with the post…but i dont care. cuz i just realized today that its a tridecalogism and heck im gonna use it!

hehe. ok. so sorry i didnt post this on the 31st…or the 1st or 2nd or 3rd. but i was gone all weekend and i had dance and babysitting the last 2 nites. sorry. but im finally posting.

so this is where we vote. for the winners of the contest. basic same rules as the last contest we did.

you vote once. and only once. make it clear and ALL CAPS on who you want to win. try to only vote once and not change your votes around or anything, cuz it makes it really hard to count.

the winner will recieve (as you mite recall):

  • Top Spot on the facerank list for two weeks (or however long it takes me to update it) 
  • Official and eternal title of choice (unless of course you win another contest in the future).
  • Bragging rights
  • so, now for the entries:



    Scott’s new world is named Scott-la-land *instead of ‘Gondwanaland’*

    it’s capital shall be Manhattan, New York, but renamed as Rabid Fangrrl HQ

    his massive ARMY will consist of:
    The chasing midnight werewolves club
    Everyone who posts on westerblog, except the slammers
    Justine Larbalestier and followers
    Linkin Park, Fall Out Boy and Opshop (we needs music too!)
    Some book-loving friends of mine who read Scott-la’s books
    and me, of course
    in other words, about 200?? rabid fangrrls and some freakishly good bands

    The new holidays (yes, more than one) shall be:

    taking place April 13-16, it will be the biggest music festival EVA! all the world stops work/school to veiw concerts by the greatest bands of all time!

    taking place on september 9th (Tally’s birthday), it is a celebration of freedom. again, no work, and everything is free. if you want it, you grab it. just like a hole in the wall. because when scott takes over, there’ll be no more problems with poverty and stuff

    taking place on october 31st, it is basically halloween of today, except at midnight, and everybody has to dress as a character from a book (preferably scott’s), and that means EVERYONE. even your totally dull teachers and parents.

    taking place on december 31st at midnight, it is a HUGE celebration of all things scott for the incomming year. and at midnight, there’ll be massive fireworks displays, like in New Pretty Town.

    Three new laws:
    3. lastly, it really annoys me when teachers tell you off for reading in class. under your desk. because dude, i’ve FINISHED MY WORK! so reading in class is now totally legal


    REXROXMYSOX-LA (she rote 2. but a vote for Rex-la is a vote for ether one. they are seperated by a spacy thingy)

    Ok the the world would be called Scottland(hehe) his followers would include the whole wide world 9.1 billion people. The capitol would be Midnightersville, Scottland. Holiday- Saint Scotts Day on every Friday at midnight would include worldwide gigundo fireworks, parades, parties, and of course lots of fool food. Laws- Must dedicate one hour of every day to praise Scott, stay up til 12 am everynight, and be ICY 24/7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The world would be called westerworld the capital will be new york new york renamed peepsville, scottstown. followers would include all 8 biilion peeps, 6 billion stiffs, all of chasing midnight werewolves club, and 7 trillion rabid fangurls!!! The new holiday would be Special Day celebrated on the New 13th month created just for scott. The new month shall be called Scottstember. it shall be 39 days days long. There will be TONS of FireWorks, parades, and crazy scott fans running around everywhere. There will be a giant poster of scott on every house in the world. The new laws will be
    1) Read one of Scott’s books every month
    2) Hoverboard for at least 7 hours a day
    3) Dedicate the 9th hour everyday to SCOTT!



    ok… world name: Westerfeldville
    army: everyone that reads scotts blog! (hundreds)
    new world capital(s): (there are 2) Sydney, Australia will be Justineland and New York City will be Scottland!
    holiday: EVERY 13TH OF THE MONTH!!!!!!!!!!! (called Prettyminded Midnight) We will celebrate by dancing at 1 pm (thats 1300 for the military) and fireworks at midnight!
    3 laws: have to talk in pretty, have to read at least 2 scott westerfeld books, have to find your midnight power!



    It will be named: SCOTTAGASCAR

    THe capital will be san diego,ca but it will be renamed:SAN SCOTTIEGO, CALISCOTT

    Followers will be everybody who will have read his books by then: 815,730,721(that’s 13 to the 8th power)

    The new holiday would be: SCOTT INDEPENDENCE DAY. It is to celebrate the day that Scoot took over the world (January 13, 2013) It is going to be all day long. There will be fireworks that can actually be seen in broad daylight, so there will be fireworks ALL DAY LONG. There will be music all day long blasting through your skintenna. And there will be a hoverboarding race that goes all over the worl and whoever wins gets to be Scott-la for a day. oh, and in case you havent figured it out yet, It is on january the 13!

    The new laws will be:
    1.You must never, ever, ever, EVER talk down about Scoot, Justine, or their books.
    2.You have to read all of his books at least 13 times every 13 years
    3.You must obey all the laws.



    World Name: Scottmerland

    Army/Followers: Well, you know, all of his obsessive fans would be his army which is, like, what? 100? And then the members of the YA mansion, so now were at about 120? then all of Scott-la’s friends. I’m gonna say he has like, 50, maybe? So, 170? Stephenie Meyer and some other YA authors. So, about 450 total.
    But his advisors and people who help him rule would be (Obviously) Justine and the residents of the YA mansion.

    Capital: Scottmerland would have two capitals (King Scott-sama doesn’t want to have winter in his capital!!!!) New York City, New York and Sydney, Australia. They would be called New Novel Town, New Westerfeld and Youngblood, Scottland (hehheh like Scotland?)

    Celebration: Westerdays, celebrated from the 5th (Scott-la’s birthday in May)to the 25th each month, most VICs (very important cities) would have parades on the day King Scott-sama could visit them, and all cities with an army member (us!) would have a party on one of the days for them, Bixby would have a ginormo firework show every night, King Scott-sama would chose a new way to celebrate every day (such as, on the 13th of each month this year I will be writing a book, therefore, my army will control the celebrations, or, on 7ths of every month this year, the army members will have pie with me, or, on the 21st of each month this year, I will hand out new books to the army, or, on the 15th of each month this year I will throw a big party for my advisors, army, pie cooks, family, and those who read this year’s award winning number (any number King Scott-sama choses, 13, 507, 65, etc.) of books.
    Most cities only celebrate 3 to 5 days, but King Scott-sama has to have time to make it to the cities and if he’s busy then it’s us, the army, that must make it to all the VICs

    1. Everyone capable of reading must read at least one of King Scott-sama’s books each year
    2.Reading is the number one priority of Scottmerland and if it weren’t for the no punishing your children (unless the army says so) law, then it would be illegal to tell them to stop reading(which is totally a punishment)
    3.Anyone caught damaging a book purposely in any way will be sent to jail, or for more drastic damage, the army will decide punishment.



    It would be called Westerlestier Land, because there is no way he’d leave Justine out of it.

    His army would consist of all of his rapid, over obsessive fans, the members of the YA mansion, all of Scott-la’s various friends, anyone who has ever read any of Scott’s books or any of his friend’s books, all of the nerdfighters, and here’s the best part, there will be a machine invented that brings all of his characters to life, so he’ll have an army of the Cutters, Midnighters, Peeps, etc.

    Capital: Of course there would be two capitals, one would be New York, New York which Scott-la would conviently rename New Scott City. The five boroughs would be renamed after each of his books, starting with The Peeps instead of the Bronx, Prettieslyn instead of Brooklyn, Midnighthatten instead of Manhatten, Uglies instead of Queens, and So Yesterday Island instead of Staten Island. The second capital would be Sydney, Australia, whci Scott-la would give to Justine to do what she pleased with. If any of you have read Justine’s blog, then it is obvious that she would call it Quokkaville, and quokkas would roam the streets. Actually Scott would probably give the whole contenent of Australia to Justine. She would most likely keep Australia as the name, since she loves Australia, then she would do with it what she pleased. Another important city would be Bixby, Oklahoma. Right now it is a small town, but when Scott-la rules the world it will be a huge tourist attraction. There will be a museam there dedicated to midnighters, and each house really will have a tridecalogism on it. Street names and location names will be changed to reflect the books, and the route that the book follows will be marked out on a map that you receive when you first arrive there. Furthermore, their will be cars parked in certain marked off areas with dummies placed inside so it looks like people frozen in midnight. There will be statues of darklings and slithers everywhere, and there will be reinactments of scenes from the books every hour at a desinated location. There will be people roaming the streets dressed up as characters from Midnighters.
    Another city that will be important is a new city in Washington (the rough location of Uglies) that will be designed like Tally’s city. LIke Bixby their will be people dressed up like the characters roaming the streets. There will also be reinactments of scenes from the books. There will be museums dedicated to Uglies around the city.
    Disneyland, Disney World, and the entire Disney cooperation will now be owned by Scott and the theme parks will re-open as being dedicated to Scott-la’s books. There will be a huge roller coaster like the one in Uglies with cars that look like hover boards kind of. There wil be people dressed up as Scott characters roaming the parks and instead of having the huge mickey head made out of flowers at the entrance, there will be a huge picture of Tally. Disney channel will play shows made off of Scott’s books and only shows and movies that Scott’s army likes.

    New Holidays (yes, more than one): We would still celebrate Halloween, though it would be called Samhain, and at midnight everyone would go outside dressed all in black carrying flashlights and go “searching” for darklings until sunrise. During this time their would be grand parades of people “searching for darklings”, bonfires would be made, and fire works would be set off to fend off the darklings.
    May 5th would be a huge celebration of Scott-la’s birthday. There would be huge author conventions across the globe, and everyoen would have to send Scott a gift of some sort, more appropriately something related to his books. Their would be a parade in every city across the globe, and no one would do anything on this day but celebrate.
    The anniversary of the days that his books came out would be celebrated by a mass reading of whichever book was released that day. At the end of the day fireworks would be set off and a celebration that was themed off of whichever book it was would be held.
    At least once a week on midnight each household would get up and hold some sort of a celebration to comemerate midnighters.
    There will also be a celebration on every Friday the 13th. On this day everyone must dress up as a character from midnighters. Everyone would then spend the rest of the day in character.
    Memorial day would become international Mourning of Zane’s Death Day. This day would be spent with everyone rereading Pretties and/or Specials. There would be memorial services across the world to remember Zane.
    There will be random stop, drop, and read times. These will be announced over loud speakers through out cities, on the radio, and on all television stations. At this time everyone will stop whatever they are doing and read until it is stated that they may stop.

    Laws ( I kind of have more than three, sorry. I got carried away. If that’s too many than you can only count three of them.):
    1. You must have read all of Scott-la’s books if you are able to read.
    2. You must read all of Scott’s books at least once a year.
    3. You must celebrate all holidays.
    4. You must carry around some sort of metal with a thirteen letter name or a thirty-nine letter name at all times.
    5. You must be able to answer any question about any of Scott-la’s books when asked by any member of Scott-la’s army.
    6. You must read for at least an hour a day.
    7. You must always have a book on you, because you must always be ready for the stop, drop, and read time.
    8. Book stores must feature Scott-la’s books on the bestseller’s rack in the store.
    9. Each book store must have a full stock of Scott-la’s books at all times.
    10. Everyone must own a copy of Scott-la’s books. If you can not afford them, then a set will be provided for you.
    11. You must always be able to name at least thirteen tridecalogisms when asked by a member of Scott-la’s army.
    12. You must travel to both of the capitals at least once in your lifetime.
    13. You must state the Westerlestier Land pledge every morning, it goes as follows:
    I pledge alligiane to Scott Westerfeld, and to the army for which he stands. One group of book lovers, reading books, and worshiping Scott, with reading and good books for all.

    This would be Scott-la’s fawesome world.



    name-SCOTTLANDIPITY -serendipity means good things that just fall into place b/c of f8. there4, good things fall into place here all the time.

    army-leaders CHASING MIDNIGHT WEREWOLVES CLUB! other people- any1 else who is a fan of him, especially other authors.

    capital-(ok, hold on. im argueing w/ my mom about a dress. i rarely where dresses[have 2 b 4ced 2] and this dress is ORANGE! with POLKA DOTS!! eww eww eww.
    CAPITAL-where bixby, oklahoma is. renamed MIDNIGHTERVILLE

    holiday(s)-SCOTT-LA DAY!!! must b capital, must hav exclamations. takes place on scott-las bday, every1 must b kind and nice(except 2 siblings)every1 must give each other books [which MUST b in good condition. dont hav 2 b perfect, just good] fireworks all nite. except fireworks that dont keep little kids that need sleep awake. parents must let kids do whatev they want, as long as it isnt dangerous 2 themselves or others.
    INTERNATIONAL BOOK DAY-every1 dresses up as a book character. every1 may get 1 free book from a bookstore, if the want.
    SPECIALCIRCUMSTANCES-takes place on decmeber 21st. every1 thinks about special circumstances all day
    UNLUCKY DAY- takes place on december 12th. ugh ugh ugh! every1 stays in bed and hides all day
    LUCKY DAY- takes place on jewish leapyear. in that year, we add a month, not a day, so on the 13th day of the 13th month, we all celebrate having a lucky day and talk in 13s whenever we can

    1-absolutely NO FITING! if u fite, kill, steal, u name it, u get loked up in jail 4 the rest of ur life.
    2-no criticing books. unless there nonfiction. can only critic sad fiction books. and really bad 1s. but scott-la has 2 approve bad 1s as bad 1s.
    3-when they turn 10, or whenever they can understand them, every1 MUST read scott-las, justines, stephenies, and many other good authors books. YA r only required.


    so. one vote only. you are NOT ALLOWED TO VOTE FOR YOURSELF. i repeat. NOT ALLOWED!!! hehe. so. vote away!

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😀


    INSUSCEPTIBLY HYPOTHESISING GLASSBLOWINGS– masses of molten glass forming a hypothesis that are incapable of being influenced/affected


    while our tridecalogisms today have absolutely NOTHING to do with the following post, they are completely relevent!!! in some sort of freekish, twisted way.

    take a moment. notice the post’s dominating title. (hehe. i dont think i cood ever use that phrase more literally). if you are a frequent visitor to the CHASING MIDNIGHT WEREWOLVES CLUB MEMBERS page, then you will already have known about the topic of which i speak. if you haven’t been there in a while, here’s the scoop:

    once upon a time, there was a beautiful, fawesome, Scott-obsessed genius of a girl. her name? Lotti-la! or shood i say Lotti-sensei. this girl was so much of a genius girl, she came up with a BRILLIANT thot:

    “it occurred to me a few days ago that if scott-la ever wanted to take over the world, he would have a huge army of rabid fangrrls at his command. seriously, he could totaly do it. oooh, imagine a world ruled by scott-la! international uglies day!”

    GENIUS OR WHAT?!?! i think so. and, noing me, this gave me an idea:

    *drumroll pleese*


    this is the CHASING MIDNIGHT WEREWOLVES HQ’s SECOND official contest. what’s it about?

    basically, you get to design Scott’s new world. you see, in the year of 2015 (155*13), Scott will take over the world. (hypethetically of course. everybody nose that we’re all gonna die on December 21 of 2012. theres 3 twelves hidden within that date. UNLUCKY!) so, that’s basically it. here are the guidlines:

    • When Scott takes over the world, he would of course need to change the name of the world. i mean, come on! Earth? pleese. what would this name be? you decide.
    • In order to convince the world to let him rule there unworthy minds, he will need some assistance. Who will help him? *translation* Who will make up his fawesome army? be as specific as you want. tell us the exact people by name, or just tell us certain groups. (ex: Justine Larbalestier, Maureen Johnson, and Holly black; ex #2: the CHASING MIDNIGHT WEREWOLVES CLUB; ex #3: the United States of America). Whoever you choose, you must be sure and tell exactly how many people will make up his army. Just to give us a good mental picture.
    • All empires have capitals. *translation* Where all the planning and ruling takes place. Where will this be? Will he keep the name or change it?
    • He will no doubt need a holiday to celebrate his reign. What will this fantastical day be named? When will it occur? Is it anual? Or does it happen every second Tuesday? And what is to happen whenever this fantastical day occurs? A parade? Fireworks? The giving-away of free books?
    • And of course he will have to make some laws. Name three.

    i no this is a lot to take in, but seriously people. world domination is no fun and games. hehe. ok. well this is, but still. so. to simplify the above rules for those of you that dont understand:

    • Rename the now Scott-owned world.
    • Decide his loyal followers/army, including the exact number of people that will make up his loyal followers/army.
    • Decide the new world’s capital and name.
    • Create a holiday celebrating the new world. Include its name, date, and activities.
    • Make three new laws for the new world.

    have fun, and try not to overwork yourself. enter as many times as you want. just enter your entry (hehe) into the comments and i’ll post a voting thing like last time. yes, you will all vote for your favorite new world. and there will be a winner. and only one winner.

    oh! i almost forgot! PRIZES:

    • Top Spot on the facerank list for two weeks
    • Official and eternal title of choice (unless of course you win another contest in the future).
    • Bragging rights

    ENTER AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:


    PSYCHOSOMATIC- pertaining to or involving both the mind and body…huh?


    They did the ritual two days later, standing in the street in front of Rex’s house. Connor held a convenience-store notebook, full of copied lore symbols and numbers, and a box of sidewalk chalk. Rex took the sidewalk chalk, barely acknowledging the other seer.

    It was 11:59.

    Rex took a piece of chalk, bubblegum pink, and began copying the lore symbols, wincing in concentration as he interspersed them with The Aversion.

    A year ago, he couldn’t even think it, let alone write it. Practice made perfect.

    Made you stronger.

    Next to him, Melissa chuckled dryly.

    “Whatever doesn’t kill you…” she reminded his thoughts, and took the chalk from him, penciling in the rows of 13s herself. Rex moved to stop her, but realized it was probably best this way. This would wear him out either way. He didn’t need to waste his concentration.

    Blue flooded the street, leeching color from the chalked-in circle.

    Jessica Day appeared on the crest of the hill, a good twenty yards away, where they’d brought her last night. Jonathan had been leaning against the streetlight there, and now he leapt up, and they low-gravity-bounced down to the circle.

    “What do we do?” Jess asked, sounding like a five year old at a doctor’s appointment.

    “Get in the circle,” Rex directed. Jonathan went to go with her, and Rex shook his head. “We don’t know what’ll happen. Just Jess for now.”


    Connor also stepped out of the circle, watching the scene. Tech and Dess were off to one side, talking in tridecalogisms. Listening to them gave Connor a headache.

    “C’mere.” Rex directed, and Connor stepped forward with the notebook, the two of them going around the circle, sketching symbols.

    “How is this supposed to work again?” Connor asked, because every answer he got made less sense.

    “It’s preparation. We don’t know if it’ll do any good, but Dess said we should do it, and it can’t hurt.”

    “So there’s really no purpose to all this,” Connor confirmed, flipping a page in the notebook.

    “Pretty much none. When it all gets down to it, it’s up to me.”

    This part Connor had heard about already. Rex had to tap into his darkling side, and they knew it was going to be dangerous. For the past year, he’d been trying to suppress it. Now, he had to use it.


    Rex Greene took a deep breath, threading the 39 links of the silver chain linking his wallet to his belt buckle through his fingers. It hurt, but not the way it used to. More like a loose tooth you kept pushing. A dull ache you couldn’t leave alone.   

    Connor was looking at him. Flyboy was too. Jess, with hopeful eyes. Melissa, looking scared for him. Dess and Tech, mildly amused. Everyone was staring at him.

    Rex took another deep breath.

    And another.

    And then he reached inside his mind, to the dark little corner where the darkling lived now. Down to where he’d forced it.

    You’re not strong enough, a voice hissed to him, you’re weak. You’ll fall to the beast. You can’t do it. You can’t save Jess. You can’t even save yourself.

    Rex took yet another deep breath. His mind was a swirl of hunter and prey, hunts and Aversions and technology and blue.

    And in there, was a skill. A memory of the time when they’d created the blue time. An arm in his mind he could reach with, and pluck things straight out of time.


    Rex stood there for a long time, both fists clenched tight, knuckles white. Connor and the others watched, waiting, as the dark moon swung across the sky, and Rex didn’t move, just letting out the occasional, hissing, rattling breath.


    Jessica Day screamed. It hurt. Everything. Like she was being torn in a million different directions at once. She reached her hand out of the circle, reaching out for Jonathan, who grabbed her hand, and turned on Connor.

    “Do something!” he shouted.

    “What the hell am I supposed to do?” Connor shouted back. He had no idea what was going on. Rex was still a human statue, eyes screwed shut, and Jess was doubling over in pain, screaming.


    Melissa stepped forward, taking Jessica’s hand. Agony poured through her head, and she ground her teeth, biting down as hard as she could.

    She turned to Jonathan, blood dripping from her lip.

    “What’s happening?” he asked.

    Melissa shook her head.

    “I don’t know.”


    A rushing sound filled the street. A roaring.

    Midnight was ending.


    Blackness fell on the scene, colors returning. The blue disappeared, replaced by streetlights and pale stars.

    Melissa spun around, the hand that had been gripping Jessica’s closing on air, palms biting into her fingernails.

    Jonathan Martinez was crying.

    And laughing.

    In the middle of the street, Jessica Day was crouched on her hands and knees, couching and choking.

    “That was…” She broke down in a fit of coughing. “Psychosomatic.” 

                THE END




    *says with british accent*

    marvelous! simply marvelous darling!


    hehe. i personally loved it! my fave part: “Jessica Day was crouched on her hands and knees, couching and choking”. hehe. COUCHING!!! thats my word!!! hehe. loved it. quick and to the point. yet totally suspensful. way to geterdone.




    and by the way…i was just searching threw google, and i found this site:



    click on it. seriously. you can read the ENTIRE TOUCHING DARKNESS!!! online!!! its so FOOL!!! except page 321 and 322. i dont no why…


    -Co-Prez OUT! 😀


    PROCRASTINATE- to do anything other than what you are supposed to be doing. just so you dont have to do it. (hehe. i just made that up. im pretty sure you wont find that definition in the dictionary).


    RETURN FROM THE MAN-EATING DUCT TAPE. *gasps for air*. this *gasp* is *gasp* the *gasp* story *gasp* of *gasp* why *gasp* i *gasp* was *gasp* gone! *gasp* *gasp* *gasp*!!!!!

    ok. *gasp*. so i was walkin down the street. just mindin my own busness. not hurtin anybody. just takin a stroll and lookin cool. *winks and does that freeky finger point thingy to some random kid on the street*. WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN…

    KABAM!!! KACRASH!!! KABOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    out of nowhere, this gigantic roll of flying duct tape the size of montana just flys out of nowhere and smacks me in the head!!!

    its all a blurr after that. until (what i later was told was 16 days later) i woke up in a dark alley. yes. A DARK ALLEY. and. surrounding me, were exactly 72 (never a good sign) gigantic montana-sized rolles of duct tape! i used to LIKE duct tape! i thought duct tape was my FRIEND!!! but i guess i was RONG!!! for all of a sudden, i was SWARMED!!! i was so confuzzled! wich ways up?! which ways down?! WHERES THE NEAREST BATHROOM!?!??!!??!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????

    i was thrown upsidedown, sideways and threw a loop-de-loop. i was twisted and turned and smacked on the cheek! IT WAS MADNESS I TELLS YA! MADNESS!!!

    before i new it, i was strapped to the wall. there was no way i was possibly gonna EVER get down. there had to be at leas 60 (still never a good sign) gigantic montana-sized rolls worth of duct tape strapping me down to the wall! i looked to my left. i looked to my rite. yes. there were only 12 (still not a good sign) gigantic montana-sized rolls of duct tape left. standing before me. watching with weary eyes. weary? i thot to myself. why the heck wood these…MONSTERS be WEARY of ME?!?!? when i was clearly not going anywhere anytime soon.

    then i realized they were holding (yes. holding. dont ask me how) candles. the air was thick with the scent and taste of the candles. i opened my mouth. “tastes like…vanilla”, i said allowed. the duct tapes started murmering to each other. (again. i have no idea how that is possible). then i soaked in my surroundings. i looked down, and saw about 39 million (always a good sign) pictures of me. ME?! yes. me. along with *counts candles using photographic memory* 52 (again, a good sign) candles.

    my brain slowly processed the information… “A SHRINE!!!?!?!?!?????!?!?! FOR ME?!?!?!? OH YOU SHOODNT HAVE!!!” the duct tapes nodded (by this time i was used to the freekyness of it all). and then they cut me down. this task alone took them an additional 22 days. (lots of duct tape. im sure if you have ever messed with duct tape, im sure you wood understand).

    all the while they fed me these odd greyish (yet good) grapes that had an odd (but good) duct tapeish flavoring to them.

    overall, it was an adventure i will never forget. but now i am back, safe, and i will post the continuation of IN HONOR OF MJ in a couple of days. unless all of you are over that since it was just so long ago and wood rather just move on. if so, pleese tell me, and i will gladly move on to another subject.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😉


    TRIDECALOGISM– a 13 letter word that means “13 letter word”


    so. a while back…ok. a long time ago, Serafina-la suggested doing a tridecalogism every post thingy. so i thot i’d try it. so from now on i will start off each and every post with a tridecalogism. and the definition of course. see? very fawesome.

     i will try to post more…and visit more…and be a better Co-Prez. im REALLY REALLY sorry!!! ive been sick for the last week with a fever of 101…if that makes it any better…everytime i try to get on the computer, i go check out Scotts site for about two minutes, one of the foreverly-cursed-with-paranoia parental units catches me, and im sent back to bed. how lame is that?! but nobodys home rite now. so i thot id take the opprotunity.

     once again: REALLY sorry about not visiting or posting for…threeish weeks…i no you guys are getting bored…i can tell. we need another contest i thinks. any ideas?

    -Co-Prez OUT! 💡