(listed by face rank)

Mistranslated Nonelectrical Ornimentation-la: Malevolent Midnighters Dictator

Serafina-la: Co-Presidential Midnighter Laureate

Lizzy-wa: Co-Prez

Lotti-wa: Midnighterette

Allie-wa: Midnighterette

Kadie-wa: Resplendently Rabid Fangrrl

Taylor-wa: Resplendently Rabid Fangrrl

Vicky-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Bri-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Amy-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Sophie-la: The Prez of Darkling Midnighter Resources

Tracy-la: Rabid Fangrrl

RexRox-la: Rabid Fangrrrl

Danielle-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Sifa-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Sierra-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Yasi-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Erika-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Kim-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Hayley-wa: Rabid Fangrrl

Tally/Zane-la: Rabid Fangrrl

XariaNamine-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Carls-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Tagular-wa: Rabid Fangrrl

Kelsey-wa: Rabid Fangrrl

Gwen-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Savvy-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Alisha-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Dottie-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Olivia-wa: Rabid Fangrrl

Monklover-la: Rabid Fangrrl

Chanel-wa: Rabid Fangrrl

Jessie-wa: Rabid Fangrrl


  1. Can i be a rabid fangirl?!? >:D

  2. Yayz.

  3. hey!!!! i’m a midnighter wannabe! so un-fool!


  4. i have the second lowest face rank?!?!?!?! grrrrrrrrrrr… 😦

  5. oh yeah. i didn’t notice this.

  6. Uh! And I don’t get to be on here…*sigh*. Just kiddin!! πŸ™‚

  7. it would be happy making if, you know I could join. plz

  8. WOOOOOOO! new PEEPS just added.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  9. YOSH!! more rabid fangirls!!! yayz.

  10. hehe. rabies.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  11. wooo!! i wanna b a rabid fangirl!!! (and then, u no, work my way up the corporate ladder heh heh heh)

  12. it would be SO FEXCELLENTLY FAWESOMELY FOOL just to make it to a rabid fangirl please!!! πŸ˜€ por favor?

  13. WOOOOT!! I’m a rabid fangirl!! SaaaaWEEET!! πŸ˜›


  14. yeah!! my face-rank isnt last anymore!!!!

    Amy-la was here

  15. WOOHOO!! THANKS SO MUCH LIZZY-WA!!! so what do i hav to do to raise my facerank???…

  16. Bri-La don’t you wanna be rabid? kdn. how do we raise our face rank??

  17. Wanna know sumthin sad? Well, here it is. To start off, I am not fat. I am skinny. And today, I broke a desk. How sad, right? So Now, I’m covered with bruises and in excrusiating pain. But yay for asprin!! Yay! (I told you I wansn’t fat bc that’s not how the desk broke, the front two legs just broke)


  18. i’m sorry Kadie-wa, it sounds very extreme. Better luck tommorow with desk thing.

  19. hehe. Kadie-wa you are so funny. you broke a desk. thats one thing i have yet to do. but i have broken a inch thick board in carrotay. im a black belt. no seriously. i have HORRIBLe hand i cordination. well, not really. i just stink at sports. all im good at is running and swimming. shame-making huh?

    you raise your face rank by commenting!

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  20. the list is updated and in updated face rank order.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  21. YESSS!!! # 3! WOOT! and so sorry kadie wa. that stinks that you broke that desk. did u like it? and i hope u feel better.

  22. that wood rock if i cood break a desk. ok. on monday, im gonna jump on my desk until it breaks. how many detentions do you think i will get?

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  23. Yay! I’ll keep commenting!

    And yes *tear tear* Poor me. Breaking a desk. I too have broken wood. Actually, cement once, but I did it wrong, so I cut my hand. ouch. But then I stopped karate because i kept poking myself on accident with the bow. (a long stick that you spin above your head like a helocopter)


  24. I didn’t get any detentions. But my teacher laughed at me. And now my class won’t stop laughing at me.

    I didn’t have school today. Yay me!


  25. OU OU OU!! Wow! I’m second!! Yay for face rank!!


  26. hehe. Kadie-wa you are so fawesome. i can never stop laughing about you. ok. im about to post again. but what shood it be about?

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  27. School maybe? Or should we keep talking about how fawesome i am!! Kdn! πŸ˜›

  28. Sports would be cool…and school. YOSH!
    *sigh* i’ve always wanted to do martial arts…
    SWIMMING 4 EVA!!! (and soccer)

  29. yay soccer!!!!!! πŸ˜€ i do karate but im only a yellow belt (the third belt) so i dont break any bricks. and im probly gonna quit before high school next year cuz there’ll b a lot of uther stuff goin on.

  30. and carls i got a buncha friends who do swimming but i can swim to save my life! well actually i could probly swim to save my LIFE, but i cant swim fast thats for sure.

  31. hehe. my little brother was in carottay. but when he turned four he said, and i quote “carottay is SOOOOO boring. i already no how to do everything. i can even break a board.” notice, hes four. at the time. hes nine now. but then he was four. and he was only a yellow belt. he has yet to break a board.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  32. i dunno there are some pretty fierce little kids in my karate class. but yellow belts dont break boards. i would know.

  33. hehe. yeah. the little ones are the ones you got to watch. one moment there in front of you, the next, there kickin your but! hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  34. little kids ninjas scare me. awwww… face rank is low.
    dude, lizzy-wa, you should put something on the “About” page or something. right now it just says a word press template. like talk about how we want a fourth midnighters book and mention scott-la and stuff. and DARKLING WEREWOLVES, of course.

  35. ok. i’ll try to find time.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  36. lol rabid fanperson. πŸ™‚

  37. well if there a guy, i dont want to say girl. that wood be embarrasing. altho im almost positive heshes a girl. but i wanna make sure.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  38. so fool! i’m a rabid fan girl!
    my face rank is number 5!!!

    Amy-la was here!

  39. back to the karate thing…i always thought it would be funny if somone tried to rob a karatae studio, cus their butts would get kicked!! (or broken in half) πŸ˜›


  40. darn i’m very low…but kadie-wa wow you broke a desk? that happened to one of the kids in my class, he isn’t overweight either but some screws were loose and when he sat on it–it just kinda collapsed!

  41. hehe Kadie-wa. yes. that wood not be good.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  42. btw my dad’s a blackbelt in karate, he hasn’t taken any formal classes in awhile but he still knows how to do everything…he tried to teach me some of it when i was little but the only thing i would do is yell “HIYAH!” (or however you spell it) over and over. but he managed to teach me some simple stuff with the Karate Kid movies. i heart those movies!

  43. hehe. i love that moovie! HYAH! (or however you spell it). hehe.

    -Lizzy-wa OUT! πŸ˜›

  44. a scary amount of desks in my school are just missing screws. this place is cheap like that. also, they’re from like 1955, so yeah.
    my face rank’s all low and it hasn’t changed!

  45. hey do the fawesome smileys work here 2? 😈 πŸ˜† ❓ ❗

  46. yay!!

  47. OMG!!! The Karate Kid movies were the fawesomeist!!!

  48. this it totally random but, today at school their was a bomb threat and we were evacuated and locked in a gym down the street at the junior high. but then it was really crowded and hot and stuff so like half the school rioted and broke out. Everyone with cars and trucks were giving rides and so I ran away with them and went home, it was very exciting.

    P.S it wasn’t actually locked there was just a teacher standing at the door, and we didn’t get in any trouble b/c it was like 400 kids, but it was still exciting

  49. wax on wax off, HIyah

  50. wow. that’s pretty crazy. there was a blackout last week at my school and they just let us go home after a while.

  51. i had a fever on monday and i still had to go to scool. you guys are lucky. but Kelsey-wa, that sounds fotally icy. talk about a great story!

    -Co-Prez OUT! ❗

  52. fevers are no fun especially when u have to go to school.

  53. yes. and then i had to do the mile and i was coughing the whole time and was half dead by the time i was done. *sigh*

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😈

  54. i end up going to school when i’m feverish or semi-concious a lot. hey lizzy-wa, how’d u get a picture? like the little extras-y icon! i wanna get one! i wanna use my wierd midnighters picture’s i’ve made! help me out web-folk!

    i always walk the mile. i’m lazy.


    i had a fever the whole first week of high school, which has ttly given me ingrained knowledge of the layout through a haze, which in the long run is convenient.

  55. hehe. i dont have scool today. and im going to FRITE FEST at wild waves. never bin there. and i hear its really scary. which cood be a problamo considering i am a scaredy cat. when it comes to things jumping out at you. hehe.

    and you have to make an account to get a picture. *sigh*.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  56. hey guys. i just updated the member list.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  57. hey, WHAT’S P W/ THAT?!?!?!?! i posted two MORE comments, but my face rank went DOWN? πŸ˜₯ *sniffle* πŸ˜₯ *sniffle* πŸ˜₯

  58. you did? ok i’ll update it again.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  59. sorry i meant what’s *up* with that…and wow bomb threat…the biggest thing that’s happened at my school is when they had the drug-sniffing police dogs come in and check the lockers. they didn’t find anything tho. i guess it was a false tip or something, b/c that was WAAAAYYYY back in 7th grade, & they haven’t done it since then.

  60. hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  61. and (sorry just remembered this now) they forgot to tell the teachers to keep their students in the classroom when the dogs got there, so when the bell rang a bunch of kids left the room and then RAN RIGHT BACK IN b/c these dogs were SCARY!

  62. oh and thanks lizzy-wa one spot up from my original place! WOOOOO!!! πŸ˜€ yay! πŸ˜€ huzzah! πŸ˜€ k byes peoples!

  63. wow. now i feel slummy cuz the drug sniffing dogs come to my school all the time. they were there on thursday. they announced to stay in your classrooms though. a bunch of kids got suspended for smoking at band camp….and there was a big fight….and kids drinking in the band room in the morning. wow. compared to u people, maybe my town really *does* have a drug problem.

  64. wooot! face rank numba two! i am awesome!
    lol like the “midnighterette” title.
    we have so many rabid fangrrls now.
    chasing werewolves unite!

  65. i need to check this website more often, i get distracted always and then i don’t check and then i don’t leave comments and then my face rank won’t go up. i get distracted easily…oh look!! something cool!! bye!

  66. is everyone one this website a girl?

  67. hmmm….if i’m number two, does that make me nana love? and does it make lizzy-wa tally youngblood? questions to ponder…..

  68. i think so Jess-la. hey. ya wanna join?

    hhhhmmmm…good question Serafina-la. i’m cool with that. i saved the world…your supernaturally beautiful…works for me!

    by the way…has anyone checked the “about” page? its fawesome.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  69. seen it. read it. LOVED IT, lizzy-wa. hey i just remembered: MY SCHOOL IS HAVING THE HALLOWEEN DANCE TONIGHT!!! super excited, but i’m not wearing my costume. no one ever does, though i tried to get my friends to wear theirs w/ me. and also i don’t want to use my tattoos for a 3-hour dance, i’m saving them for halloween night!

  70. i checked the about page. our mission sounds so lofty when it’s put like that……

    and i’d rather be Tally Youngblood than some kind of shallow future Paris Hilton who gets splattered with cake. ah, well….I’ll say i’m Aya Fuse instead. she’s cool.

    yeah. girls seem to be more prone to fangrrling. for obvious reasons implied in the word fangrrl. there’s gotta be some guy midnighters fans out there though. they’re really not girly books. i mean, uglies, even though guys and girls both like it, is kind of a girl book. midnighters, not really. interesting….

    ur being a special, right taylor?
    i can’t wait for halloween. best. holiday. ever.

  71. u should take the i out of fangirl. fangirl’s like, blah. if u’re truly rabid, u r a fangrrl. rabid, roaring, darkling werewolfy.

  72. hehe. ok Co-Prez-la.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  73. oh yeah! i can affect near-instant change in spelling!
    well, u gotta admit it sounds more rabid that way.

  74. my face rank went down one πŸ˜₯

    Amy-la was here

  75. yeah it does sound more rabid doesnt it?

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  76. it does. and everyone knows werewolves are rabid.

  77. hehe. rabid darkling werewolves. hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  78. they’re the best kind.

    PLZ WRITE THE BOOK SCOTT-LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. i have never heard of the word fanguy….guys don’t really like to read books anways, i mean, i have read more books than my brother altogether and he is 5 1/2 years older than me!!

  80. yeah…..well, some guys do read books. but fanguy just lacks the same ring. or, guys read books but don’t get as obsessive about them. they need a proper term though…..fanboy? sounds better, in my opinion. fan-folk? fan? fan-not-girl?

  81. My name is hard to pronounce…..kdn


  82. hehe. i like that. fan-not-grrl. i like fanperson two tho. hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

    you no what? its hard riting -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜› cause im used to saying -Lizzy-wa OUT! πŸ˜› now. and its hard to switch. very hard. gggrrrrr…

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  83. lizzy-wa thats why i don’t have a signature! fanboy does sound better…

  84. hehe. yeah.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜†

  85. i like my siggie.


    SO simple

  86. yeah. thanx for the idea! i owe you big time.

    all hail the mity Kadie-wa. all hail.

    hehe. im funny-making. hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜†

  87. Oh yeah, I’m mity. bow down, bow down. kdn!! πŸ˜›


  88. hehe. girl, your so fuunnnyy. hehe. that sounded wierd.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  89. Me funny. I try. Hehe. I think I should get my own blog…don’t know if me mommy would let me (tee hee I used the word ‘mommy’) I’ll say that I’m getting all straight A’s and i deserve it!! (well, cus it’s TRUUUUEEE!!)

    You know what I discovered today? Oh, wait nvm it doesn’t work on my computer. only the one at school. Darn

    Me have to go do stupid hw.

    TTYL!! (good book btw)


  90. i keep saying that. i should stop piggybacking on scott-la’s blog for overlong blog post comments. but my mom would probably freak out. even if i get all As and am in all honors classes adn stuff.

    woo! i bask in my #2 face-rank.

  91. hi, everyone!!! can i join??? i’d love to become a real aya-type person, obsessively checking her face rank at every possible chance!!! that sounds fun!!! please put me on the ranks!!!!

  92. Grrrrr….you stole me spot!! (kdn) Or am I OHHHHH BU BURNNN!! Kdn again, that’s waht all the peeps doo at our school. It’s funny when you see the th graders try to do that and we are like, sorry you don’t do it right. And then, we teach them and feel bad for ever saying it in the first place.


  93. hey Lizzy-wa can i have a spot? Me want to be a rabid fangrrl!

  94. hehe…fangrrl…definitely more rabid-sounding. i heart it. i’d make a heart but if i do it cuts off my comments b/c of the symbol.

    and yeah, i’m being a special, my shirt’s all done, but i still have to put on my whole costume and take pictures (to see if i want to send them to scott) before i go to my friend’s house for trick-or-treating tomorrow. i have to straighten my hair too…darn it that takes like an hour with my hair (super curly–but not like an afro-style curly or anything!). but seriously. halloween=BEST HOLIDAY EVER!!! πŸ˜€ like most of the fun is designing the costume (for me anyway)!

  95. fanboy reminds me of Flyboy, which is yet another midnighters reference, so i think it’s the perfect title for any guy that wants to join!

    seriously, guys! join!

  96. Man does everyone wear costumes on Halloween? I haven’t gone trick-or-treating since second grade and haven’t dressed up since kindergarten. Tomorrow for school I might wear something but I don’t really have anything. Usually on Halloween I give out candy to the kids. last year I threw candy out of my second-story room window. Sooo stupid. I’ve grown up so much.

    Happy Halloween! πŸ™‚

  97. ooh, throwing candy out of a second story window sounds fun!!!! and the funny thing is that i’m probably older than you. i’m just slightly immature when it comes to that sort thing. *imagines pelting little snot-nose kids with snickers* MWLALALALA!!!!! (yes, that is supposed to be la, not ha. inside joke w/ my friends)

  98. p.s. why do my comments say awaiting moderation? it’s bugging me. and lizzy-wa, i want to be a rabid fangrrl!!!! it’s so grrr-ful.

  99. i heart flyboy!
    i agree with taylor. wish there was a workable heart symbol. because actually saying the word heart makes me chafe with lameness.

    and halloween is the best holiday EVER! how can u not dress up? or deny FREE CANDY?! some people….
    my melissa costume is so0o0o fawesome. i’ll probably take millions of pictures. might post some somehow or send them somewhere or something.

    join the cause! chasing darkling werewolves are the best werewolves!

  100. ummm, why did all of my other comments get erased?? it said awaiting moderation for a while, and now they’re gone. someone help!!!

  101. ok, nevermind. i posted another comment, and they came back. go figure. i’m confuzzed.

  102. pplz who are allergic to chocolate deny free candy….

    I had my whole extras outfit ready and then my mom said i was too old.


  103. that sucks Kadie-wa. She couldn’t have told you before you made your costume?

  104. are YOU allergic to chocolate? and not ALL candy has chocolate in it.

    what? that’s so horrible, Kadie-Wa
    how can u be too old to wear a costume but not too old for your mom to force u not to go? that sucks globally.
    what were you doing for an extras costume?

    my melissa costume was fawesome.

  105. One of my friends says her mom went trick-or-treating until she was 21. Well, I’m not really sure if she is my friend anymore. She’s been such a snob lately.

    So true what Scott-la wrote in Uglies…”losing your best friend sucks, even if it’s only for three months”.

    But this isn’t a pity party! This is a blog to talk about Midnighters! But I have to go because I’m not really supposed to be on now.

    FOURTH MIDNIGHTERS DARKLING WEREWOLVES!!! I’m getting tired of saying that, Scott-la needs to hurry up and write!!

  106. for my extras costume, i was going to wear my i’m an extra tee shirt (and laugh at the people who asked what i was) and I was going to make crash bracelets out of tin foil. and use my neighbor’s skate board, and finally, I was going to take my eye liner and make tattoos on the side of my face.

    And yes, I’m allergic to chocolate. no lying. I’m a lacky and a chockie. (as pplz at my school call me)

    But I can eat cake!!

    Wow, that was random.


  107. FAWSOME! I am supportive of anything haveing to do with more midnighters books.

  108. very foolio Serafina-la. try copying and pasting a pic! i wanna see!

    sounds foolio Kadie-wa. too bad you coodnt wear it. sigh. and whatup with the choclat thing?! HOW DO YOU SURVIVE?!?!?!?!!?!? im taking a brief moment of silence for you.
    ok silence is over. hehe. and yeah i like that. fanboy. flyboy. total fawesumness.

    and for the record, my costume was fawesome. i was Dess the SPECIAL manican. i couldn’t decide between Shay, or Dess, so i dressed like a SPECIAL. but i went around all day just reciting my list of 217 fav tridecalogisms. and my name was Dess. and i walked like a manican. dont ask. it was a bet. im gonna try to post pics. its fawesome.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 8)

  109. Oh yay thanks for adding me, LIzzy-wa!

  110. thanks for putting me on the list, lizzy-wa!! i went as tally. i made my friends call me tally-wa, and if they called me tracy, i wouldn’t respond, or try not to!! halloween was totally fun!!!! best holiday ever!!! oh, and if scott happens to read this: write fourth midnighters NOW!!!! we want midnight werewolves!!!!!

  111. hehe. yer welcome new Rabid Fangrrls. so. for the record. how many times ya been around the sun?

    by the way. my avatars not working fer some reason. spooky-making…

    -Co-Prez OUT! 8)

  112. hhhmmmm…ok it didnt work. then it did. hhhmmm…except now its not hyperlinking to here. hhhmmm…

    -Co-Prez OUT! 8)

  113. i made a list of 39 tridecalogisms i stole from u guys and carried it around. more on costume later.

  114. Yes, i get that alot. Chocolate!! I can’t live without it!! Says teachers. but then i say back, and I can’t live with it! πŸ˜›


  115. i have been around the sun 15 times. number 16 coming in january!!! yay me!!!

  116. well i guess if u’ve never really had it without almost dying, you could live without it pretty easily. but if you suddenly developed an allergy to chocolate, that would SUCK.

  117. i’ve been around 14 times, but it will be 15 in 9 days and 34 minutes!

    YEAH!!! MY B-DAY’S COMING UP!!! i’m getting a D&B handbag from my parents, gift cards for yet-unknown places from my grandparents and aunt, and the soundtrack to Wicked from someone (don’t know who, my mom just hinted that i might get it–BEST MUSICAL EVER!!!)

    SUPER excited…i can drive in like a year now!

  118. Taylor you’re so lucky my birthday (13th, if you want to know) isn’t for another…9 months, 22 days, 17 hours, and 20 minutes. I think. If my computer clock is right, which it isn’t.

    I was born in August, which is kind of interesting because that means I will graduate high school at 16 or 17.

  119. my b-days not for 2277004 seconds. scheeszh. november 29. i turn lucky 13! so Allie-wa. your a really young 7th grader? someone my age. well, younger than my age. finally! hehe. no. you old folks are great too. hehe. im just kidding.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜†

  120. my b-day’s not til july.

  121. i love birthday…at my school you can put happy birthday/congratulations/whatever messages on the morning announcements for your friends so we all do that. but yeah. FIFTEEN!!! quincenera! which i would have since my dad’s cuban (but NOT communist), but it takes WAAAAYYY too much time to plan, and it’d be so expensive!

    my grandma (the 11th) and my great grandma (the 21st) have november bdays too. and we all have 1s or 2s or both in them (mine’s the 12th).

    serafina, how old are you gonna be? (and btw, is your name “serafina zanes” now? i just noticed the “s” at the end…)

  122. yeah. she had to change it. Serafina Zane has 12 letters. total darkling magnet. so she changed it to 13 letters by adding the s. see? but ya no. if you count the space, now you have 14 letters instead of 13. on letter count on microsoft word it always counts the spaces ya no…

    i need to post again…what? give me ideas cause i have no idea. ok never mind i just got an idea.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  123. ha, i knew i’d probably be the oldest on this site!!! taylor, driving isn’t very fun at all. i took driver’s training over the summer, and i hated it so much!!! i really don’t ever want to drive again!! i have my learner’s permit, but i probably won’t get my real driver’s liscence until i’m like, 17 or 18. in my state, you have to drive like, 70 hours in the day, and 10 at night before you can get your 16 year old liscence. since ending driver’s training in the beginning of july, i’ve driven maybe 20 minutes. i’d much rather have someone else drive me around. if i had enough money i’d buy a chueaffur, or however you spell that. i should probably be doing homework right now. oh well!!! i hate biology anyway.

  124. hehe. i have to rite a essay that was supposed to be done on wensday and edited over the weekend but im only on the first paragraph. ok seriously i need posting ideas. i had one but then i forgot it. humph.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😦

  125. i’m gonna be fifteen in july. i think. it’s bad that i lose track of my age like that. you take driver’s ed next year at my school, all the sophmores i know were just recently freaking out cuz their big driving fate deciding test just happened.

    and yes, i was trying to avoid darklings with the name thing.

    i’m sorta supposed to be writing an essay now too but i be lazy. and it’s sorta optionalish.

    Co-Prez—i posted some post ideas up on Westerblog.

  126. and i have no homework this weekend! for once!
    it’s cuz my school has quarterlies instead of midterms and finals, so i’m in the middle of taking all these big 20% of your marking period grade exams this week.

  127. hhmmmm…i think im gonna have a cover contest. that sounds very foolio. dont ya think? or maybe a short story contest like the EXTRAS one. your prize could be…an upgrade on the face ranks! im updating rite now.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 8)

  128. just updated the face ranks for anyone that didnt notice.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 8)

  129. Cool! I jumped like…a lot. fawesome! Yes, Lizzy-wa I’m a young 7th grader. And I started kindergarten at 4. If I decide to graduate high school early, I could graduate as early as 15!

  130. VERY foolio. ive been offered to skip a grade like four times. i turned them all down for some stupid reason. only recently did i realise that that wood mean one year less of scooling. *sigh*

    -Co-Prez OUT! 8)

  131. no one ever offers for me to skip a grade! though it’d sorta suck to be in all classes with sophmores……well i can think of some good sides to that, but i’d miss all my friends.

    my grandma skipped like four grades, graduated when she was like 15.

  132. Wow. lizzy-wa, my grandma got married at 18. I don’t think she finished high school.

  133. No! She got married at 16! She got pregnant with my dad at 18. She dropped out of high school to get married. She ran away from home. Wow…I can’t imagine her doing that.

  134. wow. that’s pretty crazy. my grandma was like a scientist person, she even went to college which was pretty rare back then.

  135. hey everybodyz!!! my bestest friend ever told me about this site, and i REALLY wanna be a rabid fangrrrl!!! it’s so grrr-y!!! and in case anyone cares, i’m probably gonna be the oldest on the site (sorry Tracy-la!) and this will be fun!! PLZ let me be a rabid fangrrl PLEASE!!! πŸ˜›


  136. …my computer is slow…i feel soooo lonely right now… 😦
    (oh, by the way – sotally random question here…who likes my name??)


  137. oh, and i just thought of another random question… anybody here ever played Kingdom Hearts?? (PS2 game) It’s my FAVORITE GAME EVER!!! (or at least KH2 is… πŸ˜› )


  138. wow, serafina! my grandma graduated high school, but didn’t go to college. too much money.

    i’m in 2 classes w/ people a grade ahead of me (sophomores)—math & science. yeah that’s my school’s wacko accelerated program, i just wish they offered it for english and spanish! in 7th grade we got to have our own classes without older kids, but after that first year i’ve been stuck with them. but i did make some new friends! and a lot of my friends are in my classes too, so it’s not so bad. but it is kinda funny when they ask me for help *giggle*

  139. and has anyone else noticed the little itsy-bitsy smiley face at the bottom left-hand corner of every page on the blog? i’ve seen it like sooooo many times, but i keep forgetting to mention it. it’s so cute. i smile whenever i see it lol

  140. does anyone go on neopets? look up kadie_wa and join my uglies series guild. i really need more pplz. and if you don’t have an account, u shoul make one.

  141. hey, XariaNamine, i like your name!!!!! and i bet your not the oldest!! i dare you to be older than me!!! lol…

  142. hey Xaria-la…welcome to the club!

    ok thats a little spooky-making…16? 18? ran away? my grandmas are boring. they dont even bake cookies. when my little brother and sister have fundrazers, they only buy cookies if IIIII make them! how rude is that?!

    i have two classes with kids above me too. eigth grade math and orchestra. its boring. i have one friend in the math class, but when shes with her other friends she tries to act all “cool” and ignores me. how bogus is that?

    hey Kadie-wa! i have a neopets! i dont go on THAT much. but i have 3 million “neopoints”. how bogus is that mall where you need REAL money to buy COMPUTERIZED clothes?! but i’ll join. my guild stinks.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 8)

  143. yay!!! 6th on face rank!! woohoo!!!! and i officially added the -la to my name. it’s more interesting. grr, bored, and i left like, all my homework at school on accident. go me. my teacher’s voice is sooo easy to tune out. stupid vocab… grr!!

  144. does it HAVE to say awaiting moderation just because i added the -la to my name!!?!?? that’s so completely bogus!!!

  145. hey tracy-la…my b-day’s in December…I’M ALMOST SIXTEEN!!!! that’s sotally fawesome!!! (so ha, i win ur dare!!!)

    oh, and taylor, yeah i noticed the little smiley…it’s soooo cute!!!

    so nobody’s ever played kingdom hearts??


  146. hehehe. your all moderated Tracy-la. i like that better. adds the PIZZAZ! bubblyness. hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 8)

  147. yes, tracy-la i think it does have to say that…it’s doing the same thing to me…GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!


  148. random comment…i love this background!!! it’s so flower-y!!!


  149. oh, and if i haven’t already said so, THANK YOU FOR ADDING ME!!!
    (just felt like screaming that–if you couldn’t tell–i’m really hyper right now… πŸ˜› )


  150. and i love being bubbly!!! lol!!

  151. my computer sotally (if you haven’t figured it out by now, that’s so-totally) evil!!! it won’t do like anything but play music, and it barely does that……GRRRRR!!!

  152. hehe. i have tons of homework but im avoiding it on here. hehe πŸ˜€ i love having a reason to not do stuff. well, its not a reason according to the parentals. but its reason enough for me!

    yeah. i love the smiley. Serafina-las always talking about it.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  153. wow, XariaNamine, i would never have guessed that sotally meant so-totally. my brain don’t work that way.

    yeah, i “accidentally” left my homework at school. but it doesn’t matter, my friend says she’ll give me the answers before school starts. she’s cool that way!!

  154. tracy-la, are u implying i’m not cool??? (not like u’d no anyways but still) and what else would sotally mean???


  155. and still nobody says anything about kingdom hearts…how about final fantasy??? or r u people all against fawesome videogames???


  156. sorry. i dont play video games. i mean, i rock at them and can kick anyones butt. but i dont play. not my style…

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  157. whoa, calm down! i’m not implying that ur not cool!! i’m just saying that my friend is going to be nice and help me with my homework!! i don’t even know you!! and there’s probably no one else on this site right now. no one ever goes on after like, 8. one bad thing that comes with being one of the oldest people on here, ur online later.

  158. i didn’t used to play video games at all, then i started and can’t stop. especially guitar hero!!!! most fawesome video game ever!!!

  159. good point tracy-la…it’s going to be very lonely here…. 😦
    and lizzy-wa, videogames r like the fawesomest things EVER!! how can u not like them?!?

  160. I thought I was the only one that noticed the smiley! I’ve never heard of Kingdom Hearts…oh, wait, yes I have. Some people at school were talking about it. But I never play video games.

  161. OOOOOh!!!! I LOVE GUITAR HERO!!!!
    (stupid question-anyone ever wondered what’s with the “f” in fawesome?)


  162. i finally saw the smiley after Taylor pointed it out. i think i’ve seen it before, but it just didn’t register in my mind. many things have been doing that lately. i have no idea why. i think it might be because i’m sleep deprived. i never get enough sleep. maximum of 7 hours a night. then on weekends i sleep for like, 12 hours!!

  163. sleep sounds like fun…i think i’ll sleep through tomorrow…

  164. i have. it kind of implies that it’s a mix of a swear word and awesome. quicker to say, and you don’t get in trouble. no doubt a high schooler made it up. maybe scott when he was younger!!

  165. anyway, me getting tired. bye peeps!!! haha, peeps!! ok, enough corny jokes for today…

  166. f in fawesome? f*cking awesome, it’s been slang in my school for a while.

    Man I have to write a news story each week for school. Look at my (original) headline: Most famous corpse in the world unveiled to public

    Any guesses as to what it’s about?

  167. Wow, I missed a whole conversation.

    Srry, I won’t be on much. Our first semister is halfway done, and this is HUGE on our perminant record, so I’ve got to get straight A’s. Which means LOADS of X-credit.


  168. my face-rank went down!!!! just because ive been busey with my own blog means that i am no longer number 6!?!?!?! grr… well you wont think that when i become #2 when my story wins! (P.S. i’m continueing my story on my blog.)

  169. I’m sad 😦 i dont know why. I just am.

  170. uuuhhh…you guys fawesome isnt f**king awesome. well, maybe it is. i dont no. but its used in The Last Days. thats why people use it. yepyepyep. i have yet to read it tho. its just what ive heard.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😈

  171. Lizzy-wa, i know. one day i said fawesome to my mom and she was like “watch you mouth.” and i was like “what?” and she was like “i know what that f stands for” and i said “it’s from the last days. i have the book in my room, i could show you.”

  172. hehe. moms. so old and un-hip. hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  173. I’m scared to say that. Because of that reason.


  174. my face rank of 9 makes me feel so unloved. πŸ˜₯

  175. Fawesome at my school means f*cking awesome. It’s meant that for a long time (seriously like a couple years). I wonder if Scott made it up or based it off something he heard somewhere. But I don’t know what it means in The Last Days because I’ve never read it! so…yeah.

  176. i need a higher face rank!!!!!!!!!! hmmmmm………

    i need to do something drastic……….

    what shall it be………..

  177. heh heh heh. im bored.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😦

  178. this band has nothing to do with Midnighters, but you wouldn’t know that from their name…

    That’s so cool! Or fawesome, whether it be The Last Days fawesome or ‘my’ fawesome.

  179. If you want to read it you’ll have to copy-paste the URL into the address box. or click my name.

  180. I’m tired of beeing 9th. Bump me up!!! I want to brag to my friends what my face rank is, then they can go “What is face rank?” an i would laugh because i’m the only one that read extras, but two are reading uglies and one is reading pretties. hmm… i should ask Ashley “David or Zane?”

  181. hmmm… you raise your face rank by commenting… I’m gonna come on here every day now!

  182. hehe. but i only update like once a week. its hard work. i have to go threw all the comments. i wish i had a machine do it fore me. hhhhmmm…

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😈

  183. hey lizzy-wa. i just finished the the third midnighters book. can i be in the club. it would make me happy if you did(lol) yep.

  184. Did you guys like the ending to Blue Noon?!?!?!? I did not like it at all. It was sort of confusing. 😈

  185. That sounds hard, but i still want my face rank up. so i will keep commenting.

  186. Lizzy-wa, what day do you update the facerank, i want to see it the day it goes up.

  187. uuuhhh…whenever i have time. probably tomorrow.

    yeah Vicky-la you were just added. i liked the ending. i really didnt like Jessica that much. i just really feel bad for Rex. not so much Melissa. i didn’t really like her after what she did to Dess in TOUCHING DARKNESS. so yeah.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 8)

  188. Ally-Wa, he made Fawesome up. not from f******awseome.


  189. ie!!!!!! ie!!!!!! not y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok sorry it’s not a big deal. πŸ™‚ But what I meant was did he hear it somewhere instead of making it up off the top of his head. I think. Something like that. Cause I hear fawesome all the time and I only know like 2 people who have read The Last Days.

    Anyway it’s not a big deal. cause it can be whichever way you want it to be. and it still makes sense. sorta.

  190. hhhmmm…dont no. never hear anyone saying it around me except me. hhhhmmm…suspicions…

    -Co-Prez OUT! 8)

  191. la la la… i want my face rank up… la la la…


  192. haha, amy-la ur funny. yeah. i want my face rank up too, but i just got added in the club, so it will take a while, unless…

  193. my face rank is FIFTEEN?!?!?!?!?!? oh well. i’ll just keep commenting.

  194. and commenting…..still commenting…more commenting…okay im done…..comment!!!!! 😈

  195. still 9th…

  196. still 15th

  197. i be really happy with being 16th, after all in extras ur lucky 2 be in the top 10,000, so i be really famous then

  198. or not

  199. Well, that’s kinda because 10,000 out of 1,000,000 is actually quite alot. out of 17..well, 10000/1000000 = x/17 I don’t feel like solving that now…wait! My computer has a caclulator!!

    170000 = 1000000x
    170000/1000000 = 1000000x/1000000
    17/100 = x

    Hey, i didn’t use my calc. it’d be .17. So, you’d have to be in the top .17. I don’t know if I did that right. I’m not a polymath like Dess.

  200. And make sure to not that it is POINT 17, as in decimal-one-seven, not 17.

  201. uuuuhhhhhhhh. what? wait, but theres 17 people in the club soooo that would mean everybodys famous rite?? oh yeah i am soo smartickle. i rock. just kidding, well i am smart, but just not, oh forget it.

  202. my face rank is still 9th. I consider the top 4 to be popular or famouse if you ask me…

    -Amy-la was here 😑

  203. No, POINT 17. as in 17/100. .17, not just plain 17. sorry.

    lol I just love that little smiley face.

  204. mr. smiley’s cute, ain’t he? hey has anyone seen like the super-wide comment war being waged over at westerblog? pretty entertaining…and there’s been like 100 comments since i was last on here! jeez, i had all-county chorus on friday & saturday and went to NYC on sunday and missed so much! but yeah whoa…

    I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M 7TH! fexcellent! but that’ll probably change b/c of these crazy “i want my face rank up.” “update the face ranks, lizzy-wa” posts. oh well. i guess that’s what happens when you only write like one extra-long comment a day lol!

    it was my bday today! oh, happyhappyhappy birthday to me! 15! yeah! too bad it’s at 4:54 p.m. instead of 12:00 a.m. πŸ˜₯

  205. but today i’m gonna write 2. I GOT EXTRAS FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! apparently my incessant begging finally got to my parents muahahaha! 😈

    my library copy came in a few days ago though, so i’m gonna read that one so that my copy won’t get completely beaten up just yet!

    well now i must go, if only there was a smiley face with a party hat on b/c i’d put like twenty of them in here!

  206. so very many comments to read through when i get back.

    and i’m in the stupider advanced freshman math, which means i’m in regular sophmore math, so my class is like all sophmores. i’m in bio honors though, not so many older kids in that one.

    i like your name XariaNamine. it’s all fawesome. and you are older than me, even though i’m older than some people on here.
    awesome how many people are getting on this site and like hearing about it from friends and joining and stuff. word of mouth rocks!

    and yeah, i dunno. fawesome’s from The Last Days. and in the back Scott-la thanks somebody for it. like, he says “thanks to (Morgan? maybe) and her friends for ‘Fawesome'”.
    but i don’t think it stands for f*cking awesome there, it might, but Zahler says ‘fool’ and ‘fexcellent’ too, and it doesn’t really work for those.
    funny with whoever’s (amy-la? i’m 2 lazy 2 check) mom all didn’t get it. my mom wouldn’t do that. because she’s read The Last Days. my mom’s awesome like that.

    ha ha i’m number two in face rank. i’m awesome.

  207. Yes, I’ve seen the super-wide comment war on Westerblog. As a matter of fact, I have the widest comment. I feel so Special.

    I’m 5th in face rank. Because I have no life. All I do is make random comments here and on Westerblog. It’s actually Pretty fun.

  208. hehe. so many comments. i cant believe i have to go threw these. sorry i havent updated yet! i have TONS of homework! and Allie-wa that title shood have been mine! πŸ‘Ώ hehe. just kidding. or am i…

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ™„

  209. I know I’m evil. I just can’t help being the best, now can I? lol jk. I don’t want an angry Lizzy-wa. no……….for the sake of us all.

  210. haha, “for the sake of us all” your right, we dont want an angry lizzy. cause it mite get ugly(sorry lizzy, dont eat me) πŸ˜†

  211. i wonder when lizzy will update the face ranks. meanwhile i will tell you about me. kay, to start off today i……..did nothing. hmmm. o..k..a..y. ummm, i guess that pretty much sums it up. πŸ˜†

  212. oh, that would be so sad-making! (angry lizzy i mean)


  213. haha, yeah. it would.

  214. hey lizzy, how did you know how to do all those awesome smilies. do you know a website that shows you how to do them?

  215. mmmmaaaayyyybbbbeeee…but im not telling! MUAHAHAHAAHA! 😈 hehe. just kidding. but those are all of them anyways. and its pronounced “Lizzy-wa” for your information. hehe. ok seriously im not THAT ugly when i get angry….and i dont eat people…well, not excesively…hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ’‘

  216. I know where it is. The list of smilies? It’s not that hard to find. I came across an old post on Scott-la’s blog where he like showed Aya’s eye from the cover of Extras and people had to guess who’s it was, and someone looked at the image location by right-clicking the picture, then clicking “copy image locaion” or something like that. I got a brilliant πŸ’‘ I did the same thing with the smilies. I copied the image location, pasted it into the address box, then took away the very last section, so instead of that I had this: actually it doesn’t wor on this one, but i posted it on Scott-la’s blog. Cause when I saw Lizzy-wa with all those special smilies I just knew there had to be an index. I mean, the images don’t come from nowhere ❗ You just have to look hard enough…

    Is that what you did, Lizzy-wa? Cause it seems so complex now that I write it down.

  217. Ok…here it is: fawesome, right ❓

    Grr…why is my comment awaiting moderation????? No one will see it until it has been moderated.

  218. Oh I know why I put more than one link in it. I hate that. I’m not a stupid spam bot. Doesn’t it know me well enough????????

  219. it’s still suspicous because your friendship is new.

    i’ve seen the long comment war but it’s kind of annoying. like, takes way too long to scroll through and i don’t care.

    whoa! if u like put the mouse pointer over the smiley, it tells you what they typed in to make it. just like click on it and it tells you wat it is. that’s awesome.

  220. ok, i emaild scott asking for his address because my LA class is writing thank you letters for thanksgiving. i come home, check my email, and there it is. i got his address and no one can have it. this should totally bumb up my face rank, shouldnt it?

  221. Yeah I know about the putting the mouse over the smiley thing but it only works in Internet Explorer and I usually use Firefox.

    hehe…on the blog post it takes my computer literally like 5 whole minutes to load the page all the way. So I really can’t wait til Scott-la makes a new post. Today.

  222. ha ha, don’t stalk anyone amy-la.
    and i’ve only got internet explorer so yeah.
    it’s up 2 comment 200 on there now. and i always love new postage.

  223. I wonder… :->: :<-:

  224. lizzy, i kno that it is pronounced lizzy-wa. i just call you lizzy, because i want to. JK. anyways, kailey-wa said she doesn’t want to read midnighters because it sounds boring. what a load of poo. :mrgreen:

  225. oh and lizzy, i kno you dont eat people, but you do STAB PEOPLE WITH PENCILS!!! okay, breath in breath out *sigh* ok, back to normal self now. bye πŸ‘Ώ

  226. HMPH! what does she no? her name is not to be mentioned on this site ever again! unless of course she comes to her senses and reads them and loves them. hehe.

    yeah seriously Amy-la what is up with you lately? first you track down my email, now Scott’s actual ADRESS!? hehe. well, your out of luck. go ahead and ship him to Australia. he wont care. he LIVES THERE! MUAHAHAHAHA! i have soiled your evil plans! πŸ‘Ώ

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  227. yay, finally someone who is actually on at the same time as i am. and it just so happens to be the co-prez, im starstruck. *gasp* ummm. i went on to the smilies index, but it doesn’t show you how to do them. well maybe it does, but im probably not smart enough to find it. so lizzy can you help me. ❓

  228. well if u r on internet explorer, just put the mouse over one already typed and it tells u wat they typed.

    and i think amy-la is a stalker. jk.

    ha! so not boring. they’re awesome. fawesome even. the Best Books Ever.

  229. and i’m a Co-Prez and i’m always on here. because i have no life. i’ve noticed i have the first comment on like every thread.

  230. haha. yeah, my friend thinks midnighters are boring. what does she kno. :mrgreen: haha. i like mr green, he’s my buddy. :mrgreen: go mr green!!!!

  231. hey, it was for Language Arts!!!! 😑

  232. and i am not a stalker, i got all the info on your email from my blog.

  233. i am getting higher…………. roll ur head over the key bord and see what come up see like thiss…..

    dce4gt68ju,l;lnm vcxs436v m,178h y cf rb hjkop;koujgtbc

  234. oh, my gosh!! i haven’t commented in forever!!! and it’s like 10:30, so i’m really tired!! anyway, last wednesday, when i was at youth group, my friend’s twin brother fell on my foot and sprained it. it hurt so bad!!!! we were playing a game called amazon warrior woman, and the guys link themselves together and the girls try to pull them apart in 10 minutes. my friend and a couple of other girls had him lifted off the ground, but he wriggled free, and fell on my leg, while my foot was bent. ouch.

    and kadie-wa, i remember from a while back you wrote something about a guy getting pantsed in your class. well, now i have a story too. a guy got pantsed in my english class today, boxers and all. and i was in a bad spot, and saw EVERYTHING. i’m scarred for life. we should start a support group for girls who’ve witnessed a guy getting pantsed.

    ok, cya guys!!! it’s sleepy time now.

  235. hey everybody that just got on, roll your head on the keyboard and post what comes up. like so….awertuyhjkohjmfglkjgfhkljhgfchjkhugjkhg. see isn’t that cool! well not really but yeah. :mrgreen:

  236. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO disgusting! i cant believe that! man…i wood be so embarrassed if i saw that. i wood never be able to talk to that guy again!

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😯

  237. i hav no life either… 😑

  238. 😦

  239. ha. ur scarred 4 life, taylor.
    and we know you’re not a stalker, amy-la.
    nobody’s gotten pantsed in my school since like 4th grade, that i know of.

    i have nooooo life, which is why i’m on here in the morning. but really, it’s only because i was looking for a certain POLL….*hint. hint*

  240. Since my stupid cat just had to run away for the last days of this compotition and I don’t get to compete, can we do another one? (I mean another compotition.) I had a good idea, but i didn’t get to do this one. So maybe we can do a compition on like…who can draw a darkling the best and post it on a site that we can all look at or something. Please?


  241. another competition would be fawesome. i mean, look how many more ppl and comments this one has gotten us. we should do stuff like that, like draw a cover for Chasing Midnight, name the characters, ect. it’d b fun.

  242. the face rank list needs to be updated. i look at it every day, and it is still the same…

    roll your headon the keyboard and see what comes up. like thiss…

    kmjiunhbygtvhtnjumik;k,l jnmhbgyvtfb hnjumkil

  243. yay! i updated my blog! not with scott stuff but still, i feel so sad knowing no one goes there. *sniff* SO GO THERE NOW!!

  244. sorry Bri-la. it wont let me comment. but i have it on my feeds list and it started dinging at me the moment you posted. but i cannot comment. πŸ˜₯

    yeah we’re totally gonna have another competition. that one was so fun!

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  245. I JUST UPDATED THE FACE RANKS!!! for those of you that havent already noticed.

    i have changed it a little though. instead of having the faceranks listed just by YOU commenting, it is now more like actual faceranks. it counts when other people say your name two. now, chanting wont work. you can say a name too times, or 169 times. (square of 13). but it will only count as one point on your face. hehe. zits. never mind. so…yeah. i hope you like the new technique!

    i also changed the name level thingys. sorry Kadie-wa, but your not a Midnighterette anymore. your now a Resplendently Rabid Fangrrl. along with two others. you may regain this position of course. just not yet. bask in your probably higher face ranks!

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  246. yay! I be ninth!!!!

    πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  247. ! πŸ™‚

  248. commenting more so face rank goes up


  249. hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜†

  250. yes. woooohooooo. my face rank went from 15 to 8. oh yeah. go me. ohhhh, what now!!!!!! Just kidding.

  251. can i be Special One or something?


  252. cuz i just luv specials

  253. yay, now i know how 2 do those smileys

  254. hehe. yes 15 to 8 is quite an improvement.

    well…i wood say yes Lotti-la…but it kinda has to have to do with Midnighters. ya no what i mean?

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  255. yeah, i guess… what about seer? i luv rex

  256. yeah. you cood be that. if you win…or maybe that cood just be a rank. but youd have to get lots of mentions to get that high.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ’‘

  257. yeah, being able to earn the ranks of the different talents would be cool. like acrobat, seer, flamebringer, mindcaster, polymath. mindcaster lowest because that’s a talent that it hurts to have, then seer maybe (in order of awesomeness) then hmm….which comes first, polymath or acrobat? i think acrobat’s a cooler talent, but dess is so awesome. flamebringer would have to be the top because even though jess isn’t the coolest, that’s like the strongest talent.

    if i win, i want the title Midnighter Laureate.

  258. sweeeeett!!!!!! I moved up to 4 instead of just five! Yay!! But sadly I bet that will drop. My mom has this new “no computer on weekdays” rule. which sucks. so…:cry:

    actually, for the first time in weeks I don’t feel all depressed. which is odd, considering….

    Considering something that should totally make me depressed. My grandmother is in the hospital, so…yeah.

  259. yeah!!!! 6!!! :mrgreen:
    thanks for upping my face rank!

  260. but then you wont be co-prez Serafina-la! πŸ˜₯

    really Allie-wa? thats sad. 😦 my great grandma was in the hospital recently. she just died. on november 12. that just goes to show how evil darklings are. why did they have to eat her? she was going to turn 97 on the 22. πŸ˜₯ darklings are so πŸ‘Ώ . unless there werewolves. its not there fault.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😐

  261. i need to keep my face rank going up. so i will comment a lot more. 😈

  262. can my title change? it seems like everyone is a rabid fangrrl.

  263. allie-wa AND lizzy-wa, i’m sorry about each of your grandmas.
    oh now i feel bad for when my birthday is! look what it’s caused for poor lizzy-wa!

    πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯

  264. oh yeah! isnt your birthday on the 12th? id be worried if i were you. oh well. at least its not december 12th. now THAT wood give me nitemares. and its ok. i mean, she was 97. its not like she “left before her time” or whatever.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜•

  265. yeah, well maybe i’d keep the co-prez but add the other thing too. i dunno…i’d have to win first.

    *sympathy for grandmotherly woes*

    hmmmm…..i was born on the ninth….and that added with the month is 16, which seems safe. but OMG the year equals 12! unless you add the 19 part. then i’m okay.
    sorry, most circular numerology ever.
    Circular Numerology. good chapter or something title.

  266. you wanna know what’s weird???
    there was a baby, that was born and died on July 11th 1993.
    I was born on july 12 1994.
    that baby would have been my cousin.

  267. yeah…darn…i don’t have horribly bad luck tho, so w/e.

    i feel bad AWFUL for the children of the future that are born on december 12th, 2012! can you imagine? that’s like the largest darkling magnet ever created… 😯

  268. hey guys…i have just uploaded my first chapter of CHASING MIDNIGHT WEREWOLVES on fanlib. its the Eliza version. i’ll probably do the other version two. but not yet.

    just go to search and type in CHASING MIDNIGHT WEREWOLVES. it shood come up. or type in Midnighters. or Werewolves. yeah. or Lizzy-wa. its my only story so far.

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  269. oh, mi birthday is the 13th June, 1994. i be safe from darklings πŸ˜‰

  270. AND i just turned 13 πŸ˜‰

    i forgot to tell anyone about a funny story…
    i am the clumsiest person in the world, and i hate going up on stage in school assemblies (so shaming), but one day i had to (forgotten why in the embarrassment). so i go up, and right at the front, i trip over my own two feet and fall flat on my face IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL!!! i have never been so humiliated… 😦

  271. I hav mega bad luck… 😦 😦

  272. that sucks. i stick to the back of crowds for that precise reason. though i’m not that clumsy.

    lucky fool turning 13 on the 13th! my mom’s b-day is the 13.

  273. my friends bday is was the 31 of august. he turned 13 rite? then 13 days later, it was september 13, and he was 13 years and 13 days old. his class got are social studies quiz back that day. he was the only one in the class that got 100%. and then he found 20 dollars in the bus parking lot. how lucky is that?

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😯

  274. that. is. awesome.
    my b-day’s the ninth. bo0-ring.
    today….is probably associated with 13 if i think hard enough, but i’m tired.

  275. wow lizzy-wa…and if you reverse the numerals of 31, you get 13! that is so lucky, w/ all that stuff that happened to that kid! how freaky…


  277. Thanks for grandmother sympathy. πŸ™‚ But they are pretty sure that she is going to be okay. She had her gall(or however you spell it) bladder removed.

    I’m so sorry about your great-grandmother Lizzy-wa. I never actually knew my great-grandmothers at all, but I did go to one’s wedding a long time ago, when I was like 3. I knew she was dead, but for some reason I thought she might be sleeping when I saw her in her casket. Okay that sentence was seriously disturbing.

    The digits in the year I was born add up to 24, multiple of twelve. And I’m twelve years old.

    *long boring section removed because of know-it-all-ness and annoying-ness. and long-ness*

    Those ‘ness’es make me think back to a little French person on youtube that I found a couple months ago. I really love her accent. her name is Soko, I think. If you type in “Soko – I’ll kill her” and click on the second video.

    This year social studies sucks. Lucky kid that got 100 on his test. I got 98 on my last test…but I have another one on Monday for the French Revolution.

    Too bad there aren’t 13 months in the year. If there were, and I could name the 13th month, I would name it…hmm. I don’t know what I would name it.

    I hate school computer class. The teachers are always so mean and think they know everything about computers, but I really know so much more than them. Like today, even though it wasn’t computer class, there was this librarian trying to show us how to use a search engine, and instead of clicking “go” on the page, she clicked “go” next to the address box (actually it’s an arrow but w/e)

    I posted new uglies fanfic on fanlib!! I’ve been working on it for a week, and that’s just the for the first chapter. for direct URL, or click my name.

    I always feel really guilty about leaving long comments. But I guess that if people don’t want to read them, they won’t. so w/e.

  278. Daanngg do i get the longest comment award? srsly, I tried to cut most of it out, and that is the result. Soo long-winded sometimes.

  279. hmm… i wonder if there is any cool 13 stuff for my birthday.


    nope. lets add the year:


    nope. (i used a calculator, i’m not dess)

  280. that was a long comment allie-wa

    1+9+9+4=23 grr…

  281. ooooh….gotta go read chapter five and uglies fanfic now.

    allie-wa, u ttly called her funeral her wedding. same with me, never knew my great-grandparents or either grandfather.

    i’m lucky, i no longer got computer class. but i sympathize with hatred of idiots—my english teacher last year wanted us to write our essays in size fourteen font and got all regretful. we’re like, do you want us to type it in fourteen? and she goes (no joke, she was this much of an @$$ that annoying little—) oh, i don’t want you messing up your parent’s settings on the computer. we’re like, please be MORE condescending. and god you effing moron, the f—ing font size resets every time you open word!!!!!!! *deep breath*

    now i go read fanfic.

  282. 1+9+9+3=22
    dammit! so close….so very very very close.

  283. wow she does seem dumb!

  284. that was my 8th grade english teacher for you. had the best monotone ever, repeated everything three times, was scarred that she saw a guy wearing a hat while eating…in a DINER!, put everyone to sleep yet let us read/write/draw under the table with ease, was sadly mainly replaced by a student teacher and then her appendix like burst and she was in the hospital and missed the end of the year.
    *moment of admirational silence*
    english teacher of boredom, we hardly knew ye.

  285. why so much moderation?!

  286. Oh,wow,. I’ve better start commenting. So, lizzy-wa,are you counting every single comment?


  287. yep. every comment and every time your name is mentioned.

    hehe. yeah Allie-wa. i was like…she was dead at her wedding? sorry about that. but i was thinking it was like corpse bride or sompthing. hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜•

  288. that reminded my of my grandad’s last words. he died 2 years ago, and my grandma was a chain-smoker, and when he asked for her, we had to tell him she was outside having a ciggie, and he said “i’m not surprised; the two places i expected her to be when i was dying were outside smoking, or on the toilet”. it was really sad then, but she can see the funny side now.

  289. it still isn’t very funny for the rest of us

  290. *sigh*. man. this chat is really starting to bring me down. can we start talking about something else?

    ok. i REALLY want to start talking about something else. if not, we’ll be stuck on this subject forever. i really don’t want that to happen. ok here. how about everybody just take a moment of silence for everybody who has died in our lives………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
    ok i feel alot better. *thinking of another subject*.

    so lets talk about Serafina-la. she just won the contest! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! her first pages were fawesome! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! im gonna try to rite a whole book with mine.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜•

  291. lol I didn’t see her wedding, her funeral lol I can’t stop laughing that’s like almost as bad as the “it is god” thing I did once. But y’all know what I meant. lol. lol lol omg I can’t believe I did that!!!!!

    I’m sorry about your grandad, lotti. I can imagine how sad that was. No one I know has ever died before, tho. Thank goodness. I don’t know what I would do.

  292. hey. since were all talking about sad things, i just thot i’d let you all no that Vicky has been restricted from the computer til the end of the month. how bogus is that?! just cause she has a A- in math! can you believe that?! my parents never punish me for getting bad grades. cause they kinda no i punish myself enough. i mean seriously. whenever i get a A- on a test or report card, i have a nervous breakdown. and they just sit there and laugh at me. how bogus is THAT?!

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😈

  293. omg. that is HILARIOUS. if i got an A- in math, my parents would probably give me a medal. i suck at math. ttly failed last year. doing better this year though cuz i’m in the less-advanced math.

    yeah! woooo for me!!!!
    and that graduation one i posted is part of a longer thing i wrote….perhaps i will start posting more of it.

    *moment of silence for los muertos*


    and my favorite english teacher was my 7th grade one. he was absolutely WONDERFUL, like besides his job as a teacher, he was a freelance jounalist. he didn’t preach about his political views to us or anything, but he really inspired everyone, you know? unlike other teachers i’d had before him (and after him), he encouraged us to develop our own style of writing, rather than just follow his outline.

    luckily, i haven’t had any outstandingly horrible english teachers!

  295. maybe i will. begging is tempting and makes me happy.
    it’s really long and still in-progress though.
    maybe i could send it to Lizzy-wa somehow and she could like post a chapter or a page or something every day or week or something.
    that’d be a cool way to get more people on the site.
    hmmm…..lemmme see it *switches windows*
    yeah, like right now it’s 1139 words long and the characters are just getting introduced and stuff. in fact, i think i’ll go write now.
    wat do u think, Co-Prez? or all of you, Crowd?

    most of my english teachers = stupid/annoying/creativity stifling.

  296. if i got an a- in maths, my parents would have a heart attack, cause i’m so bad at it. can’t believe u got grounded for that vicky-la.

  297. Wow. I’ve really got to start posting.

    But I gotta go 4 now!! TYL!


  298. i should really go to bed. i’m gonna have to wake up at 2:15 tomorrow morning, my time. that’s only five hours and ten minutes away! ok yeah gonna sleep now……

    byes! πŸ˜€

  299. correction: five hours and NINE minutes away!

  300. whooo!! fourth (is it suppost to be third because it goes to 4th then 2nd.) runner up!

  301. Wow, I just can’t belive I haven’t seen this before! Midnighters are like my favourite books! Please can I join?

  302. I feel sorry for Vicky-la. That really sucks. I got an a- in science. What’s so bad about an A-? I almost failed a math test and all my mom said was “you need to correct it” (“corrections” is like redoing the problems to get the right answer and I get half credit back.)

    Lotti? Are? You? British? b/c you said maths.

  303. Or New Zealand?

    What do you call a person from New Zealand?

  304. umm….new zealander?

    once again, hey lizzy-wa come moderate so my comments from yesterday show up!

    but i’m with lotti—-if i got an A- in math my parents would probably like give me money or something. actually i’m not doing so bad in math this year, but i totally flunked algebra last year.
    aside from that, i’m really smart though so i bomb something they’re just like, we know you’ll get your grade back up.

    ugh, now i have to go write a 10 paragraph essay…..

  305. my name looks so nice up there at the top of the face ranks…..

  306. there are a lot of comments here!

  307. seriously. i wonder how many….they’re not numbered. i guess that everybody just goes onto the club members page to chat.

  308. well in my global procrastinating of essay-writing i started counting all these comments….got to like 180 and then got bored.
    now i go stretch a 800something word essay to 1500.

  309. my friend Madeline is so lucky! she is in Disney World right now!

  310. this is from kind of a while ago, but my friend was born on december 12, 1991. anything super-darkling magnet about it other than the 12-12 thing? i’m too lazy to do the math. it’s like, 10:45, so i’m kinda tired. ok, well, 1+9+9+1 is 20, not too darkling. but i think 1991 might be a multiple of 13. i don’t remember though, it might not be. i know that 1992, the year i was born, is a multiple of 12, so that sucks. whatever, i’m rambling randomly. he, alliteration. someone spell check that. blah, so tired. should go. bye!!!!!

  311. yeah, i be from new zealand, although actually i was born in south africa. it rains a lot more in new zealand, and it is very, very cold. we also don’t get extras until december

  312. and yeah, we be new zealanders, or kiwis. where are you from???

  313. boringville, usa. new jersey, hell under the thin guise of suburbia.
    but i’m only like fourty-five minutes away from new york city, which rocks. πŸ™‚

    new zealand sounds cool. i want to go there some day. long flight tho.
    i like the cold and the rain
    it’s snowing right now!!!!!!

    late book release stink. we gotta wait for all UK and australian authors though, and some books they just never release here.

    ha. i’ve been to europe (let me count) umm…three times (sort of, if u count iceland + ireland) but i’ve never been to Disney World or Land. or Florida at all.

    beware the darkling friend with the dangerous birthday!

  314. i was born in florida and ive been to disney world 3 times
    in fact my friend madeline is in disney world right now

  315. that’s why i mentioned disney cuz i saw you said that. my family goes on wierd vacations. we go to maine instead of florida.

  316. South Africa? man, that’s so cool. Me from boring USA. 3 hours away from Charleston, SC, but that’s pretty much it. And semi-close to Atlanta. but that’s it.

  317. Yay! New members!! You new dudes are always welcome. (Okay, soo, I wouldn’t know, but Lizzy-Wa ALWAYS adds new pplz!)


  318. South Africa?!?! One word…SWEET!! I totally wished that I lived somewhere other than the USA…I know this place too well. So, do you like speak a different language anything? I wish I could speak a differnt language too. Well, I CAN speak french, but I think that’s all…oh, wait. I speak english too!! Haha, How can I forget that?


  319. Lotti, did you say KIWIS?!? Like the bird?? My friend is totally in love those!! He carries around a fake one in his pocket, and when you squeeze it, it squeaks. It’s sooo cool.


  320. Well, it’s my bath time!! YAY!! Bubbles!!


  321. i take french yet all i can say (after two and a half years) is ungrammatical things about vampire snowmen and chinese food.
    i pay attention very selectively.

  322. hehe, squeaky

  323. wait – did you say vampire snowmen??!! :0

  324. oh and yeah, i speak afrikaans, and we r learning french at skool too. wish i could say ungrammatical things about vampire snowmen though….

  325. WOOOOOOOOOOO! vampire snowmen and chinese food. my too favrite subjects. hehe.

    man. have i missed a lot or what? ive had so much homework lately. the good news is on saturday i went ot a birthday party and we drove around in a limo for TO AND A /2 HOURS!!!!! we went to mcdonalds. but we coodnt fit threw the drive-threw so we had to walk in. heheh. it was fawesome.

    im gonna start saying that now. maths. hehe. tickles. when i graduate college *snore* i will move to Aussieland! thats what i call it anyways. thats one of my life long goals. not really. but still….hey…that wood be so fool if when Scott FINALLY rites CHASING MIDNIGHT with fawesome DARKLING WEREWOLVES, he cood like, invite us over for lunch or sompthin in his Aussie house. all of the members. now THAT wood be foolio. whatta ya think?…

    hehe. bubbles. hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  326. OMG, plz plz plz can I join? I really, really love Midnighters

  327. No wait, I AM on here. Yays! So, are you really from South Africa, Lotti-wa? That’s really, really cool.

  328. yea, i guess it is pretty fawesome πŸ™‚

  329. i would luv to visit scott’s house! πŸ˜‰

  330. OMG, so would I. That would be really, really cool. I SO agree with you, Lotti-wa and Lizzy-wa.

  331. yes. vampire. snowmen. with horrible grammer. and chinese food. as in
    “l’homme de neige vampire mange le nourittures chinoise.”

  332. or
    “l’homme de neige est soif pour sang.”

  333. happy thanksgiving peoples!!! :mrgreen:

  334. Happy thanksgiving!!!!!

    I will be gone. And I won’t be back til Friday. But i will still be here early tomorrow.

  335. Wait-I thought that Lotti was from New Zeland. Is New Zeland around Africa? Wow, I really need to take a geometry class.


  336. Haha, I make myself laugh. I meant geogrophy, not gemotry. hahahaha


  337. Okay, so Lotti, I have a question for you. Do you see Kiwis in Africa? (The bird Kiwi)

    And yes, the bubbles were wicked awseome. You are all jealous.


  338. It’s my bday on friday. Can I be on the top of the list for my bday?? Plzzzz?


  339. no, they really aren’t close. she said she was BORN in africa but LIVEs in new zealand.

    my face rank!

    i will always be here. because i am lame.

  340. Not to brag, actually I’m sorta ashamed, but I know where practically every country in the world is. like…South Africa always makes me think of Lesotho cuz Lesotho so landlocked by South Africa…sad. And ask me the capital of any US state. I challenge you (and I won’t cheat).

  341. yeah, we see kiwis, but in NEW ZEALAND, NOT SOUTH AFRICA!!!!!

  342. and they are not close together at all

  343. Swaziland is landlocked by South Africa too. I think. I’ts still really, really cool that you were actually born there, Lotti-wa. I come from Australia (Gold Coast).

  344. fawesome. my cousin, genna mathews, lives there. πŸ˜‰

  345. OMG, Really? Genna’s your cousin, Lotti-wa? Because I totally know her! She goes to St. Stephen’s, right? Long dark-brown hair, tall-ish, brown eyes?

  346. yup, that be her. small world! πŸ˜‰

  347. Yeah, small world!

  348. Swaziland is landlocked. By South Africa and Mozambique. So yeah you are right!

    That is so cool about Lotti’s cousin. It is a small world. But nobody lives here lives close to me, I promise you. Unless someone lives in the southern US. In which case I would be wrong.

  349. that is scary small world. i’m in the greater new york area, somewhere around Hell On Earth. and my school is full of people who r cousins.

    i failed state capitals but am great at non-US geography.

    i did a report on Lesotho once.

  350. woah. spooky-making stuff on here. i tell ya. hehe. people who actally no other people who no other people on here. who wooda thot? hehe.

    nobody lives over here. im way up in some town in washington that i cant remember the name of at the moment. serious blockage. ok thats gonna haunt me until i remember. but anyways, nobody lives here. and it rains all the time. ever read twilight? well, wherever i live, its a lot like forks. *sigh*. but it snows! hehe. love snow. never sled. or make snowballs. or snow angels. just lay there in it looking up at the sky in a teshirt and jeans, with my mouth open eating it. yepyepyep. thats what i do. and i ROCK at making snowmans. hehe. i won a award once. until a dog came up and peed on it…

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  351. hey Allie-wa. love the wikipedia link. i think im gonna add it…

    and by the way, West Virginia.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  352. hehe. Thanks! I saw that you joined. Fawesome!

    And what is it with pee?? Kids peeing in bottles and dogs peeing on snowmen…sooo weird. I’ve never made a snowman. It snowed once last year here – and it barely stuck (we only missed a half day of school). I was 6 the last time we had a big snow, and when I was 9 we had a giant ice storm. But that’s pretty much my only experience w/ winter weather. Oh, and a couple years ago at Christmas I went to Tennessee and on the way home it started snowing and we stopped to walk in it at an overlook in the mountains.

  353. wow! all this talk about africa makes me feel like im in 7th grade social studies again (because of my teacher, mr zimmerman, i now know where almost all asian countries are and half of the african countries)

  354. too much pee!

  355. hello…Allie-wa. i said West Virginia. you said name a state. so…name the capital. without cheating.

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  356. Ahh!!! I’m sorry!! I didn’t notice…I think it is Lexington. or Charleston. I always get them confused.

  357. Yeah, it is Charleston. I just checked (after posting the above comment). So I was 1/2 right!

  358. wow. it really doesn’t snow a lot where u r, does it, allie-wa?
    snows all the time here. always have at least one snow day a year. it snowed for sorta the first time on monday.

  359. i wish it would snow here. i’ve only lived here for about 2 and 1/2 years, but everyone says it hasn’t snowed in about five years. that stinks because i moved here from a place where it snows every year. i love snow!

  360. i have a state for Allie-wa. OKLAHOMA (i chose this state on purpose)

  361. Wow, I have never felt sooo stupid! I totally don’t know how I didn’t catch that New Zeland And South Africa Arn’t close?!?!? Owell…I just need to start at a globe for a day…or ten.


  362. It’s my bday tomorrow!!!


  363. it doesn’t snow in auckland. it just rains… 😦

  364. it snows in some places in new zealand. just not the north island. and never in auckland.

  365. it just rains and rains. it’s pouring with rain right now. 😦

    ok, enough depressing rain talk now.

  366. let’s be happy! πŸ™‚

  367. Amy-la. thats about the easiest one ever. im not even a capital wiz and i no that one:

    OKLAHOMA CITY!!!!! πŸ˜€


    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜†

  368. It’s my birtrhday today. And for once, it’s sunny on my birthday!! YAY!


  369. Rain IS depressing. Sometimes, I put on my coat and lay in the grass and watch it fall. I don’t know why, but I think it feels cool, having the clouds cry all over you.


  370. i love rain! it is not depressing! seriously, i’m happier when it’s raining. it creeps people out sometimes. i go out in the rain all the time. except sometimes i don’t bother with a coat and i annoy my mom. but rain is so much awesome….all lightningy and thundery and grey and stormy and the best weather ever.

    happy (possibly belated) birthday, Kadie-wa!

    auckland. how fawesome is that? you lucky fool! i would give up snow if i could live in rainy new zealand!

  371. ooooh…i just love seeing my nice title there at the top of the face ranks…

  372. hehe. it wont be there for long Co-Prez-la… MUAHAHAHAHAHA! 😈 MUAHAHAHAHAHA! *cough cough spaz attack cough*. sorry.

    i LOVE the rain. except the parentals dont let me go dancing in it. dont no why. there just bogusly cursed with paranoia. *really humungus sigh*.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ™‚

  373. i do like rain, it just gets a bit much here. like waaaay too much.;)

  374. well i comment almost constantly, so who knows. plus the contest got my name mentioned eighty million times.

    it doesn’t rain enough here. makes me sad. it rained yesterday though.

  375. Omg i am finaly bak from colordado and i have inernet again!!!!!!!


    When i was @ my cosins house i made them play a midnighters version of barbies and pollys

    (which i did not choose to play! they choose 4 me)

    coolio right?

    i think that deservis a bump in face rank?

  376. Okhlahoma City. Duh. I need a challenging one.

  377. Not beleated…Still my bday. Thanks!


  378. well you never know with odd internet timezones. plus, i don’t bother to know if today is the 23 or 24 or whatever. i’m not a “dates” person. never know the day of the week either.

    lol midnighters barbies.

  379. hehe, we used to play Harry Potter barbies, but there weren’t enough girls, so barbie was harry. (i was a disturbed child)

  380. OMG, that is so cool, Lotti-wa! Harry Potter Barbies! That’s crack up! Hey Allie-wa, here’s a state for you: Illinos. I know it’s probably not very hard, but I want to know what the capital is. By the way, Lotti-wa, are we in like the same time zone or something? Because I always seem to by posting around the same times as you!

  381. yeah, i guess we are…i never really noticed. isn’t australia three hours behind or something?

  382. Yeah, maybe it is!

  383. Wow, so there are three different countries posting on here? SWEET!!

    Kadie-Wa Officially 14

  384. Wow, that was a big time difference between our posts. Hmm…strange.


    Does anyone play the PC nancy drew mysterie games?

  385. Hey, Lizzy-Wa, I think that we should all have our own little picture thing, so it will be easier for you to count how many posts we have. Just an idea though.


  386. Huh, I seem to be posting in ‘3’s. Strange.


  387. Illinois…interesting choice…Springfield! 100% sure it is Springfield.

    Any more?

  388. hmmm…i think u need a wordpress account for a picture, Kadie-wa.

    i dunno, both austalia and new zealand are, like, a whole day ahead of me here so i dunno. europe is five hours later. california is three hours earlier. that’s all i know.

    *choking with laughter* cross…dress…harry…potter…barbie!

  389. yeah. you need a account for a picture.

    i feel like eating mexican food…

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  390. in case nobody noticed…i just updated the face ranks…

    im on the top again…and it looks so nice up there…

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  391. omg randomness, i AM eating mexican food. in ur face! i get mexican food!

    aww…..i’m second again. are u really sure that’s right? i can’t believe it. ah well, maybe i’m a sore loser.


    is it cumlitaive, for the face ranks, or just in the last week or something? cuz what if somebody used to be on all the time but left, their face rank would still be higher than somebody who joined last week and comments every day.

  393. yay!!!! i be fith now!!!!! wahooooo!!!!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  394. awww, i can never get the smileys right… πŸ˜‰

  395. Crap. I’m still just 4th.

    I love Mexican food. It is my favorite type of food. I feel so fat right now cause I just ate lots of pizza. Cause I’m like that. I haven’t eaten anything else all day. I haven’t eaten three meals in one day in forever. I am not fat, but when I eat alot at once you can srsly see the difference. I’m not kidding. Im the only person I know that that happens to.

    I did flash tattoos on my face and arms last week, and took some pictures w/ a crappy disposable camera. I just got them back today. They really suck.

  396. I seem to be on the list twice.

  397. I am fifteenth and eighteenth???

  398. lol It’s ’cause you count as two people, of course. You’re just that important. πŸ˜›

  399. i ate a lot of mexican food yesterday. and then midnight pumpkin pie.

    i never eat breakfast.

    i luv digital camera for exactly that reason.

  400. OMG!!! i’ve missed so frickin much…like seriously, 7 days in atlantis and about 1000 comments pop up! but yeah, i’m back! who missed me? lol :mrgreen:
    but the airline (darn US air!) lost my dad’s suitcase, and this was all happening at 11:45 at night so i was about to pass out right there. but they delivered it at noon so i guess it’s not TOO bad.

    and just to throw in my two cents: MEXICAN FOOD ROCKS! of course, i guess the whole latin food concept is in my blood, but it still rocks. i’m like addicted to quesadillas (since they’re easy to make–i’m cooking impaired)!

  401. but i’m still pissed b/c i was supposed to have internet access 24/7 while i was there, but for some crappy reason there’s no wifi at atlantis, and you have to hookup to a lamp (???) in your room to get a connection, but despite the 10 zillion cords that my dad brought, he’d forgotten the one cord that would fit.

    so when i got back i had 26 emails from my friends, wondering where the heck i was since i promised to give them “atlantis updates” (and i check my email religiously)

    i always eat breakfast. apple cinnamon/frosted cheerios FOREVER! (i alternate. one day frosted, next day apple cinnamon. i’m OCD.)

  402. hehe i heart my monster size comments. well, monster-size compared to everyone else!

  403. mexican food is just awesome. quesadillas especially.

    hmmm…there are times where i’m gone for an hour and have 20 new email messages.

    ooooh….vacation from hell, i sympathize. luckily i’ve never gotten any luggage lost. i mean, we never go anywhere with internet access, but i deal. mainly cuz i’m usually in europe or something. i don’t get really tired til later though. 11:45 pm, that’s like what time i go to bed on a normal night, like a school day. last night i was up until 1:45. and now i’m ttly awake. i’m only tired when i go to bed at like 10. cuz i’m wierd like that.

  404. U never go on vacation. at all. I have never been outside the US, and never been outside my state for more than 2 days at a time. That’s sad.

    I haven’t gotten any new emails since last week. I’m so sad.

  405. that stinks. i love leaving the country. or at least going on cross-country road trips to ohio or maine or something. i’d go insane if i never left this place.

    i haven’t gotten any emails in…several hours.

  406. Omg i am soo borded

    Omg geuss what i made???????????

    a chasing midnighter werewolves tattoo

    it has a wolf ans then it says chasing midnight werewolves

  407. lol I put U instead of I. My mistake. But ppl hopefully know what I meant.

  408. I’m bored. and lonely.

  409. i got it. hey, check out my megalong awesome post on the results page!
    nice. u know our club’s hardcore when we got temporary tattoos.
    i wanna get a tattoo…

  410. yep

  411. yea, our club IS hardcore, cuz it’s about midnighters! I do wanna get a tattoo. like the cutters. but temporary, cuz i might not want it on my face when i’m like, seventy..

  412. tattoo regret is strong. i am, however, the type who would get it anyway (though not on the face, too painful) and screw regret. i don’t look ahead like that. as shown by the fact i’m sitting here toweling off purple hair.

  413. hehe. i wish the parentals wood let me die my hair purple…*sigh*. theyr still debating weather they shood even let me streak it blue! ohmygosh! they are forever cursed with paranoia! UUUUUHHHHGGGGG!

    i used to get about 47 emails everyday. then when everybody realized that i never check it, i got like, 17 emails everyday. now, cause of some wierd thing on wordpress, everytime someone comments on any of the three blogs that i run (including this one), i get an email. its so annoying! one day i got 167 emails just from this site! hehe. i guess that shood be a good sign. but still. so…much…sifting…hehe.

    by the way. sorry about that Hayley-wa. flookness…

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  414. i wanna dye my hair, cuz it’s a really annoying shade halfway between blond and brown. my friend said black would suit me cuz i’m so pale (i spend a lot of time inside), but i don’t wanna look like a total goth or something. purple sounds good, but lame school rules forbid!

  415. Don’t mention it, Lizzy-wa! OMG, Serafina Zane-la, you have purple hair! That’s really really cool!

  416. Oh no, Lotti-wa! Same time zones strike again!

  417. school rules forbidding purple hair. i would DIE. but really, what can they do? i’d just be like, okay. wait three weeks for it to wash out.

    and there’s nothing wrong with being goth…*looks down at black longsleeved hooded sweatshirt, four necklaces and black skate sneakers*

    yeah, it’s not all purple this time…just streaks in the front and some of the rest. all dark purple. i think i’m doing wierd tiger-leapord pink next time though.

  418. when it washes out though, my hair’s like white-blond. it’s brown naturally though.

    whoa, that’s a lot of emails. and a lot of comments.
    my youtube thing does that, emails you every time someone comments.

  419. my face rank went down one…

  420. i have naturally dark brown hair. but it gets some natural highlights in the summer. but i guess there’s like ten million natural colors on my head. some days i’ll brush my hair and see black strands on the brush, or blond, and sometimes even red! but i guess it looks dark brown overall, from what i’ve been told.

  421. and in case you haven’t noticed by all of the “natural”s, my hair isn’t dyed (or bleached, for that matter). mi madre forbids it. there aren’t any school rules condemning it though.

    some days i like my hair the way it is, and some days i just want to run to the drugstore (literally, RUN. i live right down the street from it. small town.), buy some blue hair dye, and streak my hair. i guess the thought of the length of time that i’d be grounded for freaks me out too much.

    or i’m just a scaredy-cat. 😳

    but either way, it would like mess up my color-coordination that i do when i pick out my clothes (*cough* OCD *cough*)

  422. LUCKY!! I’ve always wanted blue streeks. I have black hair. It would look sooo fawesome.


  423. really Kadie-wa? goodness! nobody on here looks the way i think they do! its very confuzzling…

    you all no what i look like…but in the summer, my hairs like, haf read. its so fool! its not red now tho. unless you look at it in just the rite lite. but thats it…

    i so wanna die my hair! im ether gonna put dark teal, dark purple, or neon blue streaks…i hate my hair. all frizzy and poofy and unmanagable. its so uncooperative…

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ’‘

  424. really lizzy-wa? it doesn’t look that way in the pic (frizzy/poofy/unmanageable)…i can see how the red would come out though. my hair is crazily curly, and if i ever choose to wear it down it takes about 10 pounds of de-frizzer before it looks okay. so i usually only do it for dances. and you’re lucky if your parents let you do that! i wish my mom–let alone my dad!–would allow me to color my hair, but the most i’d ever do would be streaks, blue if i was feeling bold enough, but probably just lowlights. fake highlights are so…*pictures all of the skanks at school, shudders*…yeah. i can’t think of a word. i just don’t like highlights. πŸ˜€

  425. oooh…i wish i had black hair.
    my friend had blue streaks in her hair—it was naturally blond and then she died it black and blue, and now it’s black and blond.
    i wanna dye it green next, maybe.

  426. my parents don’t really care. just isn’t a big deal to them. she doesn’t want me to dye it black though. not sure why. makes me want to dye it black.

    my hair isn’t curly at all.

    the purple is fun, but getting old. i really want to go blue or dark green.

    my school skanks = full of artificially straightened hair highlighted blonde. also, ugg boots. ugg boots scare me.

  427. OH. MY. GOD. i’m overreacting her, but at thank god there’s another person out there who dislikes uggs. but the skanks at my school (it depends on which one though) are sometimes too cheap to buy the real ones, so they jut have the oversized boots that are like covered in fur. they’re even weirder than the original ugg boots.

    so the formula for my school’s skank?
    eternally straightened hair + completely fake blonde highlights + micro-miniskirt (leggings optional) + deathly low-cut top + a tank underneath (if you’re lucky) + ginormous hoop earrings + a big fat pile of fully visible makeout sessions under the bleachers (why, how creative!) with their druggie boyfriend

    and there ya go! just put it in the microwave on high for exactly 69 seconds

    ok i’ll stop bringing irrelevant–sometimes innappropriate– topics to the blog…ruin all my fun!

  428. wow. can you say TYPOS? sorry. that’s what happens when i go on a rant. :mrgreen:

  429. UUUUHHHHGGG! i REALLY dont like those ugg boots! so…wierd. and the whole…leggings under the mini jean skirt thing is really not attractive…

    id rather stick with converse and black jeans thank you very much! i dont like light blue…donno why…

    i dont have my ears pierced yet…dont think i ever will…dont like the idea of stabbing myself with a not-that-sharp needle. makes me shiver. *shivers*. i think i’ll just stick with paper clips for now…hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  430. i heart my hair. It’s silky and it’s wavy, so I can curl it, or straighten it. It’s fawesome.

    My mom just doesn’t want me to get any sort of highlights.

    Oh, and I guess my hair isn’t black…okay, yes it is, but I’m French. It’s sooo weird, like it’s black, and idk…it’s weird…


    But blue streeks would be fawesome, or red…but red…nvm long story.

  431. OH LIZZY-WA!!

    I am needle phobic, (I know that there’s a real word out there somewhere for it) When ever I see a shot (even on a commericial or something) I feel like I’m going to barf. But, when I got my ears peirced, I never felt anythng like that. It hurt for litterally a second, and then it passed. Now, I have lovely ears!!

    i really want to get the top of my ear peirced. Idk why, but I think it looks cool. Know what I mean?



    So, in band, we get bored easily. So, my guy friend sticks a pencil up his nose, and it falls out. So I stick one up mine, and it stays. Weird. Extremely weird and random.


  433. wow, kadie-wa. i never imagined that you have black hair. i imagined that u had blonde hair. mostly because there’s a girl in my school with blonde hair who’s name is kadie, and the spelling with the d is rare. wow, i’m tired. one comment and i’m out!! cya peeps!!

  434. hehe, school skanks πŸ˜‰

    i hate skanky people, they all bitches. my frends and me are the wierdos. that’s also why i don’t wanna dye my hair black – i only ever wear black. and converse. and a lot of silver and black necklaces and bracelets *cough, cough*


  435. i heart silver and black. i hate pink, i just really really do.

  436. Kadie-wa…you stuck. a pencil. up. your nose…ok….hehe. now ive just gotta go try it. wait-eraser side in, or riting side?

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜†

  437. not writing side!!!! too pointy!!! πŸ˜‰

  438. i be commenting insanely now, cuz i will. not. let. my. face. rank. slip.

  439. i hate pink too. even though my hair was pink for a while. like black though. loooove black.

    lotti—like your style. pretty much mine too. *looks down* black sweatshirt. black thermal. dark army green jeans. black skate sneakers. black choker. two other necklaces.

    hate ugg boots. they creepeth me out.

    pencils up your nose? umm….okay…

    taylor, you made me crack up in the middle of class. that is hilarious. pretty much the same in my school, making out under bleachers optional. here’s my version.
    low-cut pink abercrombie shirt + lacy tank top + denim miniskirt + grey leggings + ugg boots + straightened hair + jersey

  440. don’t forget bitchy attitude.

  441. Ereasor side. yeah, pointy side would hurt REALLY bad. Ouch.

    Yeah, I gots black hair. I like it, but it really makes me stand out, because in our school, they are mostly blonds. So, if we have a grade wide picture, you can tell where I am, bc there are like 15-20 people with black hair in my grade. That’s why I want highlights. I wanna stand out!

    I don’t like Pink either. I have a couple of stuff in my closet that is pink, but I never wear it out, because I can’t stand people seeing me in pink.


  442. Missed out on so much.

    And now my mom will probably be reading all my comments here.

    This sucks.

    I never see anyone wearing ugg boots.

    this majorly sucks.

    omg I hate this.

    I’m *obviously* going to fail school b/c of being on internet.

    I don’t care if my mom reads this.


    I. want. so. scream.


    thank you very much.

    You may now resume your conversation.

    Excuse me while I stick pencils up my nose sharpened side up.

    Or not.

  443. i apologize for causing you to crap up in the middle of class, serafina.
    but what do you mean by jersey? like a football jersey? confusion!

    pencils up noses? how childish! wait a minute… *vaguely remembers doing the same in 7th grade on a dare…* i mean, how mature!

  444. ok it only posted half of my comment…that was freaky…but whatevs.

    LIZZY-WA!!! i don’t have my ears pierced either…i kinda want to sometimes, and then i remember that you actually have to get it, like, PIERCED THROUGH, with a, like, NEEDLE.
    and then i take it back.

    personally, i’m big on blue. blue is my thing. like when i go back-to-school shopping i’ll come back with like 90% blue things (not counting jeans). i have a friend whose favorite color is pink. she’s almost as peppy as me (but not quite… :mrgreen: ) and haha i heart converse…i have WAAAYYY too many pairs of those. the ones i wore today were blue with grey cartoon sheep (yes, sheep) on them, and one of the sheep is black (get it? hi-larious, huh?)

  445. as in new jersey. like, suburbia hell. and it’s okay. nobody noticed.

    yo, am i the only one who missed that sticking-things-up-my-nose phase? like, all my friends have change-up-thier nose stories. and i NEVER stuck a pencil up my nose.

    whoa, Alie-wa, what’s up? you sound very…angry. and long and double-spaced. i’m on the internet all the time and i’m barely failing school at all! dude, i’m like probably almost the only girl in my school who didn’t have ugg boots on…like, today for instance. *looks fondly at good old checkerboard Vans*

    and omg, how could i have forgotten big puffy coats with fur collars, and raccoon eye makeup, and so many other essential bitchy ingredients…..

  446. Taylor-wa. did you say “i apologize for causing your to CRAP up”? hehe. funnyness. dont no if you did that on purpose or what…hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜†

  447. oh i no! i hate that makeup. theres this one cliqe, and they all have mini dresser things with like, the makeup holders and jewelry things and mirror, in there LOCKER. can you believe that?!

    and yeah. Allie-wa. whatsup? howd your mom find out anyways?

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜•

  448. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! i totally didn’t mean to write that…it was supposed to be crack up sorry. haha.

    and allie-wa, talk to us! i’m worried that your mom has like, tied you up in a closet and left you there!

    i think that every school has their share of raccoons. there’s one girl who REALLY overdoes it though…guess who she hangs out with? lol. but lizzy-wa, believe me, if they keep doing that once they get in high school, they will be made fun of SO MUCH for it.

  449. but now i must really do homework.

    *begins scheming the plan of global studies teacher’s demise*

  450. hehe. closet. duct tape. rabid fanmom. hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  451. that’s where we’ll all be, once she gets ahold of us.

  452. *cough cough*

  453. ahh! i run from the broom closet! noooooo!

    yeah. raccoons scare me.

    last night i was planning my world history teacher’s demise, but i finished the homework and tonight i have less homework, but i’m just choosing not to do any of it
    because what else is lunch for?

  454. i’m trying this thing where i don’t care about anything. cuz really, emotions suck, and they make you care about doing homework when you could be on the computer, writing your nearly finished book, or commenting on this blog. which i’m doing rite now instead of my homework

  455. my mum is yelling at me insanely now 😦

  456. Bummer, Lotti-wa. Raccoons and bitches…interesting how well they go together!
    πŸ™‚ Look, I can do smileys now! Thanks to Lotti-wa and Serafina Zane-la, you guys rule!

  457. i love it when random people say that….well actually, there was probably a reason but i forgot it.

    emotions do suck. apathy is so much less effort-requiring. school doesn’t require caring—novels in progress, on the other hand, totally do.
    in fact, it’s a great example. i’m working on the english essay i have to hand in in an hour right now. now THAT’S procrastinating.

  458. i’m very big on procrastinating. it’s not that i don’t care, i guess it’s b/c i KNOW that i’m not gonna go to school with it unfinished, so i just put it off. like, for my studio art class we have to draw ten sketches per quater (10 weeks per quarter). but the teacher assigns what they’re of, so it suck b/c so has you draw like the oddest things, like to “capture the personality of a shoe.” seriously. i have no idea what i’m gonna do for that one.

    but anyways, last quarter our sketchs were due on a monday, and i only had three done the weekend before the day that they were due. so, i was up till three on monday morning finishing them, since i’m a perfectionist (anyone else would’ve been done by like 11, the latest) and it will someday be the death of me.

    i got a 97 total grade on them though (10 points each sketch), so i guess i must work well under pressure or something. cool

    but personally, i’ve tried the whole “not-caring” bit, and it doesn’t work for me.

  459. i have to email my wishlist to my grandma and so far all i have on it are CDs, gift cards, and itunes music cards.
    apparently, i have no life. πŸ˜₯

  460. oh yeah: i’m already getting the box set of the uglies trilogy, so i can’t put that on there. but i would if i could but i can’t so i won’t.

  461. Haha, okay so here’s what I learned today.

    Well, when I have my cellphone on my desk, the internet like…chirps. Very annoying. So, today, I sat on it. I don’t know why, but I sat on it. And then, my friend called. The phone was on vibrate. It was really weird…

    Oh…and today my friend came up to me and looked at me and said “If you’re up here, then who’s running Hell?” And I didn’t get it. It took me until 6th hour to understand it.
    And then I slapped her.

    Hmmm…let me see. I think that’s all the interresting stuff that happened to me today. Sorry guys, no pencil up the nose today. Darn.


  462. darn! i love those stories! although i guess the whole cell-phone-under-butt thing kinda makes up for it…

    oh, and i told that whole joke that someone reworded (the politician one) to my art class today and the only person that got it was my ex, so for a second i was like “wait, why did i dump him again?” and then i remembered “oh yeah, because he’s an (insert curse word here).”

    hehe. sometimes it’s fun to hate people. 😈

  463. hey guys, im back. i know you all missed me very much, right?Just kidding. I was grounded as lizzy has told you already. well, im still grounded, but im on my cousins computer, so my dad is not gonna find out. but yeah. unless my cousin tells my dad. that would be very bad. but im not going to be grounded for much longer. and thanks lizzy, for not lowering my face rank. kay bye :mrgreen:

  464. I know how you feel, Vicky-la. sort of.

    I FINALLY have time to explain WHY I was acting so WEIRD yesterday.

    So…I’ve been procrastinating (not like I haven’t been doing that since 5th grade…) and my mom seemed to noticed and she thought that it was because I was on the internet all afternoon (srsly…it’s not. I wouldn’t do my homework in the afternoon even if I didn’t have internet.) So she decides to see what I am doing on the internet. And she realises that I am actually typing stuff on a blog (except she says “forum”.) So she puts this page – this very page – in her favorites, somehow w/o me noticing. And she read my posts…don’t ask how she knew it was me ’cause my real name isn’t Allie (hehe…the truth is it’s a name I used in an alternate email account a couple months ago and I accidentally gave 1 of my friends the one w/ my name as allie. So now everyone calls me that in email, and when I’m on places like this it’s the name I use.) Back to the point…she told me I couldn’t get on here anymore during the weekdays, meaning Sunday thru Thursday. So…yeah. This REALLY sucks.

    Oh, and I saw peoples wearing ugg boots today. ugg boots are…well, uggly.

    That’s all.

  465. hehe. ugg. uggly. hehe. very creative.

    man Allie-wa. or, whatever your name is. i wood die if my mom did that. considering i manage three blogs. i mean. how cood you guys ever survive without me for SIX WHOLE DAYS EVERY SINGLE WEEK?!??!?!!? i mean, i wood never be able to face not hearing the sound of my brilliant words for six days. i dont no how you guys wood. hehe. sorry. back to reality.

    hey Taylor-wa. you just said like, everything i do. i procrastinate on here. then dont do my homework. then get sent to bed. then ether pretend to go to the bathroom and lock my self in or sit under my covers with a flashlite finishing it. thats me all rite. and i always get a A! once i got a A- tho. *sigh*. hehe.

    ya no. im kinda a little worried. i mean. i dont think Allie-was (or whatever her name is)s mom is like, some proffesional stocker or anything. but i mean. she cood totally get together with all of our moms and like, put together some stalker mom (hehe. soccer mom. stalker mom. hehe.) gang or sompthin. hhhmmmm…then ship us all to Australia!!! hey Allie-was mom (if that is your real name), can you please make sure our moms ship us to Scotts house. instead of some random place in Australia. that wood be great! thanx!

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜†

  466. Creative? me? really? Why thank you, Lizzy-wa! *not much has changed but they live underwater. And ur great great great granddaughter is doin fine…*

    lol randomness. I just decided to listen to Jonas Brothers…for some variety…and cause my friends wanted me to listen to that song and decide who is hotter. so lame.

    And, man, I have a giant math project due Friday. That I’ve had since…mid-October.

    Procrastinate is 13 letters.

  467. SHE’S ALIVE!!!!! HUZZAH!

    omg i was like sooooo worried that like you’d (allie-wa) never comment anymore and drop off the face of the earth. then i be sad. and we’d all band together and meet in an alley (b/c ALLEY is like ALLIE! or whoever you REALLY are haha…) and somehow find the broom closet in which you mom was keeping you in from sunday-thursday.

    and i would NEVER survive a full SIX DAYS without you, lizzy-wa! lol. bhut yeah. procrastination is my middle name!

  468. hehe. uggly. and, um, *cough*JOE!*cough*

    and that’d be kinda funny if she did find all of our moms and create a cult or something…if they do, then I SECOND THE SHIPPING TO SCOTT’S AUSTRALIA HOME IDEA!
    8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
    see, that’s the cult! ^^

  469. congradulations, you aren’t dead! no duct tape here!

    i always procrastinate on homework. it’s not as if lunch time is for eathing, after all.

    i would die with no internet 6 days a week. and it’d be stupid, cuz my mom’s on the internet all the time too.
    wow, allie isn’t ur real name. my mom’s sort of like that. i know she googles serafina zane to see what comes up. no clue how she even got a hold of that name. but if someone suddenly starts posting as amie crosswhite, that’s me flying under the radar. and *also* not my real name.

    hating people is fun. though i don’t have an exes to hate.
    all the guys i used to like moved away. coincidence? yes, actually. i’m really not a stalker. one of them was scared by our seedy school district and the other one went to rehab or something in vermont.
    or virginia. no one knows….

  470. god, if my mum read my posts i’d be grounded for life. she’s got this “thing” about apathy. she’ll be saying do your homework, and i’ll say i don’t really care about my homework, and she’ll be all why are you acting so strangely? are you being influenced by those girls at skool? oh no, i knew we shouldn’t have sent you there, blah blah blah… *the girls at skool is actually ONE of my friends who isn’t even emo or whatever, but my mum thinks she is, and every time i mention her, like i’ll say she went to the fall out boy concert, she’ll go i don’t think she’s the sort of person you should be hanging around with (!)*

  471. my frend actually did go to the fob concert, and she saw her teacher there. it must have been very disturbing

  472. feel free to ignore my insane rampage

  473. i am officially bored, so i am commenting to make my face rank go up. i am trying to think of something happy now. ummmm… skool finishes in two weeks…extras will come out here soon…ummmm…that’s about it.

  474. commenting again

  475. wow….going to a fall out boy concert does not make you emo. seriously. they’re, like, practically mainstream.
    i saw them once, but i’m probably emo for other reasons (the hair, the clothes, and the fact i own both a t-shirt and a button with the slogan “emo” on them. long story.)

    wait, does that mean you’ll be off for summer soon? aaah!!! you new zealanders and your reversed seasons! we just had our first snowstorm.

    and apathy is so much fun!

  476. cough cough

  477. It’s getting cold here so ppl are starting to wear ugg boots. But my definition of “cold” is 50 degrees…so don’t trust me when I say cold. hehe.

    I have to do my science project. not. But I do have to get ready for an orchestra concert I have tonight…I’m looking forward to it (not!) ‘Cause I’m the youngest viola player in the honors class! And the viola player behind me has down syndrome (Or something. He looks like it.) and he doesn’t play well at all. He souds like a really crappy singer…an alto.

    So yeah.

  478. yo, don’t diss the altos! lol jk…but yeah i guess it would be a bad thing if a viola sounds like someone singing alto…weird.

    we have our chorus/band concert on monday…also looking forward to it (NOT!). hehe 😈

  479. no guy that i’ve ever liked has ever moved away, but at our school we get more new kids coming in than old kids going out. like seriously, just today we got a new girl. her name is caitlin and she wears a puffy brown coat with the fur-lined hood thing, so i predict that she will join the skanks.
    yeah…i only have one ex, so it’s not like i’ve been out w/ ten guys or anything. people don’t really date that much in my class. personally, i’d rather just like guys and not have a boyfriend b/c boyfriends require WAAAAYYY too much attention, and i’m too lazy to go through that again. seriously. you jr high and elem schoolers remember that.

  480. ok well this is just random but i was just thinking about it again…up here in new york like 90s bands, and bands that have been around since the 90s, are like making a comeback or something. like now it’s cool to like those bands, so when i wore my goo goo dolls concert tee yesterday one of the populars (although she isn’t a bitch, just a bubblehead) was like “OMG! did you, go to their, like, concert this summer? i LOVE that old song called, like, let love in!” and i was like “yeah, i did…” and then walked away.

    and since i’m guessing that none of you guys are as obsessed with GGD as i am, then i’ll tell you that let love in came out in 2006. πŸ˜€ :mrgreen: πŸ˜€ :mrgreen: πŸ˜€

  481. hhhhmmmm…ive never had a boyfriend. but i told everyone i had a boyfriend. named Steve. for no reason. first i told them. then nobody believed me. then i said we were engaged. and a couple people started to believe me. then i said we postponed the wedding cause we were to young. and more people believed me. then i said he was cheating on me with a japanese hippy named Raynebowe. and like, forty people believed me. then i said we broke up and like, everybody believed me. all that happened within a matter of 26 days. yepyepyep. hehe.

    oh. and for the record. I TURN 13 IN 5872 seconds!!!!! i rule!!!! WOOOOOO!

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  482. man! four minutes after midnite! i cant get it rite! oh well. i was close.

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  483. happy lucky birthday soon, Co-Prez.

    yeah…social life is pathetic….moving on.

    that’s hilarious. lizzy and steve.

    wow allie-wa… didn’t get above 40 degrees here today and it was considered warm. it’s prbly like 28 ish now.

    that’s like when this girl in my art class was like, this is the LONGEST SONG EVER! and it’s like, maybe four minutes instead of three (stupid pop crap music too) and i’m just like dude. half an hour Inna Gadda Da Vida. 15 minute Whipping Post. 3 hour long Dark Star. this is not long.
    they do that “old song” thing too. when it’s from, like, july.

    apparently ugg (emphasis on the ugly) sandal-clog things are big here. and scary.

  484. lol they believed you?!?!?! Crazy. Not the boyfriend par – but the engagement/Japanese hippie…

    i say “like”, like, alot. But I’m not a skank (no no no). I’m not a prep, either. Pretty much everyone at my school says “like” alot.

    You know what I really can’t stand? When people? Like? talk? In questions? Even when they’re not? like? asking one? You know? It’s just like…really? annoying?

  485. me too. i say like all the time.
    don’t know anyone who does the question thing though.

  486. wow, it gets up to 40 degrees there? (that WAS a question, so it doesn’t, like, count) because over here it be like 20 degrees and everyone be aah, my bones are melting! too hot!

  487. i would die if i ever went over to the us of a. πŸ˜‰

    completely off the subject, we had to do this thing in class where we hav to plan a trip around the world with a budget of $50,000, and everyone was like, oh i’ll go to rome, and paris and madrid *boring!*. my frend and i did an eco tour where we went to antarctica to save the penguins, brazil to save the rainforests, south africa to go on safari (she’s from sout africa too) and japan to protest against whaling. my teacher said “you’ll need really good travel insurance in case you get arrested”

  488. we are both kinda eco warriors, except i guess i’m more hardcore. she’ll go “save the planet” and i’ll go “protest against global warming before we all die a horrible death”

  489. lol eco warriors. yeah, be careful about getting arrested in a foreign country. messy buisness, that.

    and it gets up to 40 degrees because it’s still actually fall. not even winter yet. it’s supposed to be colder today, high of 30, which means it won’t get above 20, most likely. or, because i’m wearing a long sleeved shirt and sweatshirt, it will miraculously hit 80.
    what’s the hottest it gets around there?
    what’s sad is that where i am is probably pretty much the coldest of the other US people on here, because they’re all in like Texas or stuff like that. good old new york area, how i love you.
    actually i do, because i get to go to New York City all the time.
    whoa, this is random, but i guess some of you (USians included) have never been there. whoa. now that, i can’t imagine.
    the city is sooooo awesome…..and very cold.

  490. well it was FREEZING where i am, like north of NYC. like not near-canada north, but north. and it’s not in the ghetto either. my school’s very like sheltered, i guess you could say. like, we have our druggies and drinkers, but they don’t represent an overwhelming percentage or anything like that. my school sucks sometimes, but it’s not altogether horrible. it’s like the richest in the area, but nearly all of the students are just middle-class, so idk how it got that way. the other district schools dislike us for that reason.

  491. my school’s full of rich white kid stoners, but it’s not bad. like, a couple of kids OD’d in the last couple years, but there’s no like gangs and stuff. school still sucks though. it’s cold today. supposed to be snowy and sleety on sunday.
    i heart nj!

  492. and that’s some pretty hardcore world-defending you’ve got going on…i’ve never had to do a project like that, where you have a certain budget and you have to plan out a trip. i haven’t had to do the whole-fake-stock-market investing thing either. or the pretend-you’re-married-how-are-you-going-to-survive? one.

    the chorus Wicked trip is next week! thank god they settled with those stagehands or else i was gonna be pissed…

  493. oh yeah…my art teacher thinks we’ll get a snow day on monday, and so do a bunch of others (including the evil global one, she probably wants one so she doesn’t have to see us). so i’m totally wearing my pajamas inside out and backwards sunday night.

    and rich white kid stoners? intriguing! lol jk. but that’s weird, the small # of rich kids are all super preppy in their ralph lauren.

  494. i know people who inhale glue, and it seems to make them very high. i don’t think it would work on me cuz every time i walk past them with their glue, all i get is a headache

  495. Dang. like half my school is black. like 1/4 is white. And of course that leaves 1/4 “other”, mainly Asian (I have a Korean friend who is moving back to Korea in January.)

    I did the stock market thing in 5th grade. Except I think it may be a little different for the 5th graders…

  496. haha, that’s kinda weird. i guess they never quite got over eating the paste in kindergarten…
    in my school no one inhales glue or anything, they just smoke pot and ciggarettes across the street from the school.

    yeah, i know, could they be any more OBVIOUS????? πŸ˜•

    like 90% of my school is white, if not more. then there’s a few minorities thrown in; asian, african american, and this year we have an exchange student from Ecuador!

  497. i’m gonna go out on a limb and say that 99% of my school is white. it’s PATHETIC. we have, like, one black kid per grade, three asian kids, two hispanic kids and no jewish kids (which stinks—no vacations on thier holidays)
    and my school is FULL of preppy white kids. wouldn’t be caught dead in Ralph Lauren though. all abercrombie and hollister and american eagle and ect.

    i don’t know anybody who huffs glue, but all the girls in my school are obsessed with Wite-Out and don’t seem to realize it’s because of the toxic fumes.
    i saw a guy (who was a an idiot, and probably fume-stoned out of his mind at the time) pour a whole bottle of Wite-Out onto his notebook cover, and then trace fingers through it for the rest of class.
    i had a friend who used to sniff Sharpies during math class though. like, he brought Sharpie Minis (i love those things…) and would spend all class smelling them.
    he got really disappointed when he found out they had the non-toxic seal on them.
    oh, how i miss you, my troubled friend.

    i found an empty bottle of vodka in the street near the school yesterday.
    at my school, they at least go around the corner to smoke. mostly drinking though. though kids were suspended for smoking on school property. and at band camp (trend emerging—band kids are stoners. disturbing part of trend—i am friends with lots of band kids)

    we did the stock-market thing, but the teacher was a flake and forgot about it. it was amusing though, because we started on that day where that was that big drop, like the largest single-day crash in years and years.
    did the trip-planning thing too, but teacher was also a flake who didn’t make us present us and just allowed us to put in hundreds for ourselves in his gradebook.
    didn’t do the married one, or the “carry around a fake baby” one though.

    i hope i get off school monday too! though i still have to go to the dentist…

  498. I changed my email address so this comment might need moderation.

    The math teacher on my team was wearing an Abercrombie shirt today (not my teacher, I’m cross-teamed for math) And I don’t mean Abercrombie and Fitch. ABERCROMBIE! You know, the Abercrombie and Fitch for kids? I almost burst out laughing.

    I have an American Eagle jacket/sweatshirt or whatever you want to call it. And lots of Aeropostale clothes. And rainbow sandals…I might get Sperrys this winter…

    But it’s not preppy stuff. I promise you…I don’t look like a prep or a skank wearing stuff like that. My jacket/sweatshirts are almost 2 sizes too big, my jeans are loose, and my rainbows are tan, not the ever-popular dark brown.

    MORE people wearing ugg boots today. It is such a coincidence that people started wearing them like the day after I said I never see anyone wearing them…

    or maybe I just wasn’t looking.

    My science teacher is really, really weird. So are the rest of my teachers. What they do when kids are talking:

    Social Studies – CAN I TALK? THANKS.
    Science – she doesn’t say anything, really. just giggles uncontrollably.
    orchestra – STOP TALKING! BEN! NELSON! THAT MEANS YOU. hehe. names of the guys that always mess around in class…I mean like throwing a football around in the back of the room while the violins are playing a part of their music.

    Does anyone else have to watch Channel One?

  499. ok…I didn’t want to make that comment too long but I obviously failed. miserably.

    Stoners at my school smoke at the Subway (the restaurant) RIGHT NEXT TO MY SCHOOL!!! That’s even more obvious than across the street. And there are cops just around the corner, too. so sad.

    There were kids at my school arrested for storing drugs in their lockers. It was found during the weekly dog-sniffing-outing. You don’t even want to know what happens at the high school…

    My brothers have friends (the geeks!) that get drunk before first block. And my brother had a friend in 6th grade with a drinking problem. SIXTH GRADE!!

  500. MONSTER COMMENT! like my emails… πŸ˜€

    haha, we have some jewish kids (like me!), but not enough so that we get vacations off. which stinks. i’m like, “hello? WHAT ABOUT HANUKKAH??? WHAT ABOUT ROSH HASHANAH?”

    and well there’s one super-rich kid that’s always wearing ralph lauren this, and ralph lauren that, but yeah a lot of them combine abercrombie and stuff like that along with it.

    but personally i don’t mind american eagle. it isn’t too unreasonable when it comes to prices, so i have a lot stuff from there. i like hoard gift cards for it, so i like never have to pay for anything. and they have a lot of sales and the whole all-access pass thing that gives you 40% off stuff and i heart mine.

  501. and at my school the stoners are like wannabe stoners…like they get high all the time and everything, but they aren’t like band kids as well or anything. they don’t even take any electives period.

    and since i live right up the road from the school, i always find cigarette butts and beer bottles, especially in the summer when all of their tourist friends come to visit.

    i’m actually not friends w/ a lot of band kids. like i have two really good friends that are in band, but one of them wants to quit. i was in band last year, and so were 2 of my other good friends, but we each quit this year. and the 2 good friends that are still in band are in chorus, too.

    i have a lot of chorus friends, and like i just realized this now: a lot of the chorus kids like smoke and get bad grades, but none of them are actual stoners. weird. but i don’t do/get either of those.


    this one can be deleted.

  503. i was in band last year, but i quit because no way am i marching.
    actually, if i had to wear hats as humiliating as thiers, i think i’d be stoned most of the time too. jk. but they’re so…shiny. and fluffy.

    i don’t mind those stores (well, actually i do) and some of my friends dress like that. but a lot of popular people happen to to.
    and me…black sweatshirt, tye-dye Yellow Submarine shirt, green cargo pants. none of it matches, and none of it screams brand names.
    i’m good.

  504. I made 2 large comments with my special ~*~*Chasing Midnight*~*~ email but they are awaiting moderation. So my very *poetic* ramblings cannot yet be seen.

    I don’t wear clothes from Abercrombie (mom won’t let me…is that a surprise?) Hollister…ditto. Aeropostale rocks (has anyone heard of it?). American Eagle is ok.

    Has anyone heard of vera bradley?

  505. we don’t have a marching band…wow i never would’ve joined band in the first place if we had to wear those big fat hats! actually, i think band would lose about half of its members: ALL OF THE GIRLS. lol. we just have to wear white tops and black bottoms for concerts and that’s it.

    and haha…yellow submarine…i like that song…i remember we played it in band once in elem school. well it wasn’t at one of the concerts or anything, but my teacher would print out sheet music for the randomest songs and just leave it out for anyone who wanted to learn it. but she didn’t even help you since it was voluntary. i did it anyway.

  506. whoops…didn’t refresh. darn it. well, time for more rambling!
    yeah, allie-wa, that’s not too much of a surprise…lol jk but that’s kinda funny.
    my parents would let me wear clothes from abercrombie (i think??), but i don’t b/c it’s like super-amazingly-overpriced, and i’d have to pay for it myself. i went in there once a couple years ago just to see what it was like and it was around fifty-some $$$ for a polo. a short sleeved polo, at that.
    same thing with hollister, except they’re not as crazy as abercrombie (but it’s a close match, since they’re owned by the same company and all). when i checked out that store i found a $60 pair of jeans and scooted out of there…
    yeah, like all of the populars shop at those places.

    i know of aeropostale, they have like ten million polos. i remember like a day before a concerti needed a white shirt b/c my other one had a stain so i went there and got a white polo for like 10 bucks. it was like fawesome. i like their jewelry. it’s prettiful. AE’s is like all boring silver chains with some charm at the end.

    and YES I’VE HEARD OF VERA BRADLEY THOSE BAGS ARE AWESOME. they’re like really pretty but you don’t have to like blow your month’s allowance (or you summer job savings…) to get a decent-sized one. i almost bought one once but i’m too much of a miser for it. there’s one that i really want, but i can’t find it in stores anywhere and i don’t like buying offline. things always look different.

  507. im going to a b-day party on saturday. its gonna be so much fun! madeline and rosa are gonna be there! (you know, the two other people in “A Random Day In Gym” featured on my blog, which stinks because im now in health until christmas)

  508. abrocrobie is too expensive, hollister rocks, aeropostale stinks, american eagle is too preepy

  509. Yesterday, in art, I got an allergic reaction to Oil pastels (who would have thunk that?) And I had to go home early. It stunk.


  510. wow…allergic to oil pastels. that’s…random.

    ha. i think it’s funny that your parents don’t let you shop at abercrombie….my parents would tie me up and demand to know what i had done with thier daughter if it tried to go to abercrombie.
    yeah, aeropostale’s not so bad….still epically not my thing though.
    plus, thier stuff is ultra-expensive, and like really cheaply made, like thin t-shirts and stuff. and it’s just that much because it says ABERCROMBIE in huge letters. bogus.

    and taylor NOT THE SONG! i don’t even like the song that much. the t-shirt was from the movie, which was even fawesomer. because it had Hey Bulldog in it. i can practically recite that movie, i’ve seen it so many times.
    it was also the first DVD my family bought.

    i hate gym.

    yeah, that’s how band was for us in elementry and middle school.
    and r u kidding? the guys quit even faster, plus there weren’t that many girls in band to start out with.

    and in my further not-branding, i’ve got on fleecy skull-and-crossbone printed pajamas and a huge dark purple-red DRACULA—THE VAMPIRE BAT THAT FEEDS ON HUMAN BLOOD shirt i got from a dollar store that has a picture of Bela Lugosi biting the chick’s neck, and some spiderwebs and bats.
    so very un-abercrombie, so very awesome.

  511. i remember oil pastels! we haven’t had to use them yet this year. thank god. i can never get them to work right.

    and that stinks…but like what kind of reaction was it? like did your fingers swell or something like that? i know i ask too many questions, but “allergic reaction” is just such a broad statement…

  512. lol serafina zane i have a thing about the beatles. i’m kinda obsessed b/c of my dad. i’ve heard of the movie but never seen it.

    gym isn’t that much fun for me anymore…like when i still enjoyed basketball in 7th grade i could get through it, but then i got sick of it and there’s nothing in it that i like anymore. my school’s track is at the elem school for whatever reason, so we can’t do track and field in gym class in the spring. my least favorite part is softball though…like i don’t care how straight you pitch, I’M NOT GONNA HIT IT! i have horrible bat-ball coordination. actually, let me rephrase that: i my bat-ball coordination is nonexistent!

    oh wait, there is one part of gym that i like: DODGEBALL. i am awesome at dodgeball. my school also does capture the flag and other group games every once in awhile, and those aren’t too bad.
    has anyone ever played birdie on a perch?

  513. I have never heard of that game. Sounds…special. We had to play a game called Pickleball in gym this year. It’s like, really weird.

    My article on Wikipedia was deleted…I think I’ gonna cry. 😦 lol

    Does anyone else have to take the SAT this year? Or do the Duke TIP program or whatever it is? Cause I had to sit in a classroom at the high school for 5 hours today testing…

    it sucked. And I left pretty much half the anwsers blank.

  514. I looked like a raccoon. My eyes puffed up, and they itched, and people thought that I had been crying for three weeks. I looked so bad. I wanted to bag my head. But hey, at least I don’t have to do that project anymore!

    Oh,and I went to sleep thinking the swelling would go away-but it didn’t. I woke up and they were worse! I had to go to my indoor soccer game like that. I looked sooo…scary.

    I don’t take SAT’s for another 4 years. YAY!


  515. Oh, and hey Allie-Wa…GOOD LUCK!!!


  516. happy birthday lizzy!!!!

  517. hehe. i just got ungrounded. oh yeah. what now. just kidding.i was watching TV for about 4 hours, before i decided to go on the computer. yep.

  518. how come,like no one is commenting.hmmmm

  519. allie-wa…that stinks. but i’m sure you did fine, it just seems bad b/c it just happened. and if worse comes to worse, you can always retake it! people average i think 10 points more per section when they retake it or something like that. i read that somewhere…

    wait–WHOA, you’re in 11th grade! that’s crazy! well not crazy, but like i forgot that you were older than me. yeah.

    but i took the SAT last year. it was some weird thing. at first i didn’t think it was the real SAT and when i found out that it was i was like “omg that’s gonna take all day.” and it did. but my scores were surprisingly not that bad, but i’m definitely gonna have to do better when i take it in 11th. so look at it this way: if a then-8th grader can do “not that bad” then you’ll probably get like a 700-something!

    what’s the Duke TIP program?

  520. and lizzy-wa: are you going to update the face ranks tomorrow? i can’t remember what day you update it…but w/e.

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  521. No! I’m not older than you! I’m younger! I’m only in 7th grade!

    *Looks timidly up at towering high-schoolers*

    I actually liked my essay, even if it was short, but the rest was pretty bad. I can’t wait to get my scores.

  522. Oh crap, please don’t say I hit “refresh” instead of “Submit Comment”.

    Not again. 😦

    well, now I have to retype it. crap.

  523. hahaha! I didn’t hit “refresh” instead of “Submit comment”! Stupid page-data-overload crap that causes annoying lag that makes me think I messed up. Oh well, at least my comment posted…even if it took 2 whole minutes. w/e.

    Lizzy-wa, where are you? I posted a comment the other day w/ a different email address and it must be moderated. Actually it might have been two.

    Hmmm…I have a strange desire to be back in science on Thursday…searching *special* things.

  524. As in…searching things inappropriate for school in a class set of encyclopedias. Instead of doing my project. I learned lots. About subjects no one ever teaches.

  525. look who’s being vague and intriguing, allie-wa.

    allergic reactions suck. i woke up in the middle of the night once and my face was all wierd, covered in what looked sorta like mosquito bites, freaked me out. my mom was convinced it was because of hair dye (i’d dyed it like a week before) which i don’t believe though it made her crazy paranoid. i choose to believe it was related to the large amount of fried seafood i had that day consumed. it was gone by morning.
    but you probably don’t want to know.

    i have hated gym since around third grade. i also hate playing any and all baseball-derived sports.

    i hate it when comments disappear.

  526. wow, miss one day and there are so many new comments…
    we don’t have any hispanic kids i don’t think and the black kids are all pacific islanders, there are a few of those. tons of asian kids, and a lot of preppy bitches. i love pissing off the preppy bitches…

  527. i hate gym, only we call it p.e. over here. i am lousy and unco… 😦

  528. i am a bookworm. this relly bitchy girl started calling me an emook, which is a cross between an emo and a book, and i tried to explain to her rationally that i’m not emo or a book, but she got the whole school calling me that for a day, and word travels so fast now even my guitar teacher calls me that. so i put a massive spider in her desk. think you guys would have heard her screaming over in america *hehe*

  529. that is like THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING I’VE HEARD ALL WEEK. like seriously, “emook?” what the heck!? like it’s funny, but only in the sense that someone not in first grade would call someone a book. like, what?

    and it’s pretty easy to piss off the preppy people:
    just glance at one of their boyfriends* for a second too long and…well, bye!
    *note the plural “boyfriends”

    and come to think of it, i did hear something awhile ago, but i just passed it off as the wind…lol

  530. EMOOK?!?!?!?!?!that is really lame. seriously, emook. emook sounds like it is some kind of species of squid. no offense, but yeah.

  531. that. is. awesome.
    you are my hero, Lotti. Spider. IN. DESK. *laughing*
    but seriously. emook? that is retarted (with no offense to the mentally challenged, who could probably come up with better insults)
    emook reminds me of emu.
    so that’s what that distant shrieking was.

    i piss off popular girls…mainly by existing. but like, we were in CCD last week, and it was so bogus bitch-fest. like, Why Some People Shouldn’t Be Accepted, Because They Aren’t Normal. such as, people who read at lunch (not me but most of my friends), people who die thier hair wierd colors (me and some of my friends), and people who wear “halloween costumes” all year long. halloween costumes, define as unnaturally color died hair and fishnet stockings (refferring very bitchily and specifically to one of my friends)
    and i was like, arguing with them, and they’re all, seriously, why are you being so suspicious? we’re not always talking about you.
    and i’m like *chokes* umm, maybe you’re not talking about me, but you are talking about MY FRIENDS? and maybe i stick up for them even when they AREN’T AROUND?
    then they got all huffy and whispered about how i was some kind of “hippie” and i just told them to get more creative insults.

  532. omg, that is stupid. ppl aren’t like that in my school (mainly). As in, no one is that mean. They all went to the other school in my district. The preppy rich-kid one.

    COME ON!!!! There was a really, really, really, really, really, popular girl who has pink streaks in her hair. No one calls her weird. Just b/c you have hair that is an unnatural colors doesn’t mean you are weird. That is like, so bogus. They are bubbleheads. Too bad darklings don’t exist. people like that deserve to be ‘cut from the herd’. I would really like to have a saber-tooth tiger to keep around to ‘clean up’ the population.

    and wait, um…They called you a hippie?

  533. hmm…I am infinitely bored, so i will write haiku and limericks.

    I am very bored
    I am very very bored
    I am very bored

    There once was a geek – my dad
    I don’t think he knows the meaning of “fad”
    He thinks everyone hate him
    I can’t really blame him
    omg he makes me mad

    This music is bad
    Five notes played infinitely
    I hate this music

    omg I’m bored
    I’m so bored it’s not funny
    I will fall asleep

    wow this is so fun
    Very fun – it really rocks!
    Absolutely NOT

  534. yeah. hippie is apparently an insult and it apparently in thier world applies to me. i do not see the logic. like, it just gets kind of hilarious when people literally call you a “goth hippie” like, oxymoron much?

    i know, like dude, people are shallow conformists.
    and most of the preppy people did go off to expensive catholic schools, but i still have to see some of them in stuff like CCD. i duck the others by having honors classes.


  535. sometimes i wonder if like popular people all have parents that were popular. like if there’s some gene that can get passed down through the years, like having blue eyes or red hair.

    or if it’s just something about the way that they were brought up, like if they were too spoiled or something.

    yeah. that’s what i think about when i’m bored.

    and my mom’s friend just called…her son just started college this year, and to avoid being kicked out your average has to stay above a 1.7 GPA. he has a 1.6. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! that is hilarious to me, b/c when he came to visit over the summer all he did was act like mr. smarty pants college guy, and ingored me when i corrected his grammar/word usage, and now he’s failing. this is very entertaining to me.

    no, i don’t correct everyone’s grammar/word usage, just the people who get too bitchy for my liking. and i don’t usually correct my own, so excuse my typos.

    what’s “CCD?”

  536. CCD is hellish religious education. not sure what it stands for. my parents have decided i *have* to get confirmed (i’m marginally catholic), not because they care, but because thier parents would freak out, being all grandparenty and old-fashionied. sadly, most of the people in the program (and most of the ones running it) are idiots.
    it’s entertaining to argue psychologically with the teachers though. like, he’s reading off a piece of paper telling us what we should believe, and i’m all, “how do you know we have free will?” and he’s like, “because god gave us the ability to choose whatever we like, because jesus is awesome.” and i’m just like, “prove we have free will. you can’t. because it’s impossible. you’re making statements with absolutely no way to back them up. how do you know that everything isn’t preordained? how do you know that whatever you *chose* to do isn’t what you were meant to do the whole time?” and he’s just like “ummm…believe what i say. moving on.”

    1.6 GPA. that is reeeeaaally bad.

  537. You don’t believe in free will? wow. My mom would call you a heathen. Then go rush you to the nearest church for prayer.

    1.6 GPA?!?! omg that is terrible.

  538. i was kidding. like, i don’t know if i believe in free will or not, but it’s fun to mock the teacher. he’s a voulenteer. really he’s just a foot doctor who goes to Hard Rock Cafes around the world.
    and i’m headed to church right now. that good enough?
    i shall atone for my slight questioning of church opinions.
    plz don’t duct-tape me.

  539. yeah i know it’s bad. but he has until like the end of this quarter to bring it up, so he better get his ass off the couch and try. my mom’s frind said that he think’s he’s too good for it and everything. he doesn’t even have a job, b/c he thinks he’s too good to be like a cashier at walmart or something like that. i’m like, when you’re in college you take what you can get!

    “because jesus is awesome.” lol. that’s just kinda funny to me in a way. we don’t have religious education in my school. like the thing is, nearly all of the students are catholic, but then there’s like 3 kids representing every single religion ever created. seriously. there’s a guy that i know of who’s wicken, there’s some atheists, presbyterians, methodists…
    and i just found out that there’s a girl in my grade that’s buddhist!

  540. oh yeah, and mormons too! yeah one of my chorus buddies is mormon. NO, her dad doesn’t have more than one wife, and NO, they don’t have ten kids, they have three. and there’s some more religions that i can’t remember right now. but yeah, point made.

    allie-wa, i think that you will go down in history as duct-tape girl. no offense, but you’re absense sparked a lot of fantasies. well, not really fantasies, b/c we didn’t really want you to be duct-taped in a closet somehwere, but a nightmarish fantasy of sorts.

  541. lol. I’m duct-tape girl! now THAT’S an inside joke.

    lol. I knew you were kidding Serafina. That’s why I was joking about you being a heathen…

    There were at least 4 Hindu girls (I was in single-gender classes. My mom wanted my to…I hated it.) in my class last year. And one in my ELA class this year. And there are two people in some of my classes that are Muslim. And there are a couple Catholics I know. And I knew a girl in 4th and 5th grade who was Buddhist. And my brother knew a Mormon girl. And my other brother told my mom he was talking to some girls but then found out they were Satanists. But most of my friends go to presbyterian/baptist/Lutheran churches.. And a few are Athiest, I think. And actually there was a boy in 5th grade studying witchcraft…but I don’t know if he was actually studying to become a witch or whatever you call a guy witch.

    Ooh…scary story. There was a guy and his [boy]friend that lived up the road from me a couple years back who was wicken. And they started bothering my brothers. Then my brothers read quotes from the Bible, and one of them shouted, “Stop you’ll melt me!” I’m not kidding. And one time my brother walked up to them and one of them started chasing him w/ a hatchet.

    But there was something worse than that that was going on, but I’m not going into detail…let’s just say that was one of the worst times of my life.

  542. oops I didn’t mean to capitalize satanists…they don’t realy deserve it.

  543. “stop you’ll melt me!”??? okay you guys make me laugh SO HARD.

    and i won’t press about it, but you just madde me really curious.

    he wanted to be a warlock!?!?

  544. yeah. They were crazy. And gay.

  545. just saying. it’s Wiccan, not Wicken.

    CHASED WITH A HATCHET? READ PASSAGES OF THE BIBLE? STOP, YOU’LL MELT ME? what is UP with your family, allie-wa? that’s like, super duct-tape-crazy. i mean, there’s nobody like that around here. i think they gravitate towards crazy religious people.

    and here’s the thing allie-wa, i was ACTUALLY going to church. like, i had to go to CCD. which is just a huge bitch-fest from these annoying girls about how Some People Don’t Deserve to be Accepted. *scoffs* today, they decided i would be in a circus when i grew up. and it’s not related to school—it’s at my church and my parents like pay for it and stuff. i go to public school.

    my school = so undiverse. i have an atheist friend, and i know like two muslims, and there’s one jehovah’s witness around. aside from that, like 2 half-jewish (as in, still do christmas) kids and a lot of catholics.

    and wicca really isn’t about like witchcraft and worshipping satan and all that, it’s just about nature and elemental and stuff.

    so much prejudice. so many miles of duct tape to be unwound.
    so many idiots around. (none of you, just world in general)
    ah well. i go write/shower/eat/go sleep now.

  546. oops. I knew that. srsly, i did. I just forgot. But you obviously understood what I meant so does it rly matter anyway?

    um…what do you mean by prejudice?

    I seem to have a very interesting life compared to most people here. Has anyone else been escorted home by police at midnight? Has anyone else had to get Rabies vaccination? Has anyone else’s school ever had a bomb threat? Has anyone else encountered a salker on Wikipedia, and had to block them (well, I didn’t, but…they were still blocked anyway.)? I’m not trying to brag; I hated all that stuff.

  547. then they spelled it wrong it the yearbook. like they took a quote from her, and she mentioned that and OK THEY SHOULD REALLY HIRE ME AS EDITOR.
    alas, i’m too young for that.

    i go to public school as well.

    allie-wa, you do have a rather exciting life.
    although we get sex offender notices about twice a month here, and since i walk home i have to keep pepper spray in my backpack.

    the school doesn’t know about that though. πŸ˜‰

  548. hehe. pepper spray. pepper spray is AWESOME.

  549. okay, i know you guys are all talking about something else, but i just have to say this. MY MOM AND DAD ARE SO PARANOID! I’m like twelve years old and they wont let me wear makeup, sleep over at my friends house, or let me go to the dances that we have at our school. uuugh. they said no makeup until im 14. i cant sleep over at my friends houses until im 15 or 16! and i can’t go to dances until i get into hish school. how messed up is that!UUUUGHHHH!!! okay, im done.

  550. my mum and dad are also very paranoid. but not about stuff like that, they actually WANT me to go to skool dances and sleepovers and wear make up as long as it’s not black eyeliner (which i am addicted to) and “for god’s sakes, put those freaky books down and go shoppibg with your friends like a normal person”. they’re really disappointed about the way i turned out. seriously, they couldn’t even care less about my really high writing and science scores and my music, but they fully care about weather i’m out shopping or not. now THAT is paranoid…

  551. and i KNOW emook is retarded. that’s why i got the spider πŸ˜‰

  552. OMG, I am terrified of spiders! How on earth did you manage to catch it, pick it up and put it in her desk without freaking out???!!!

  553. i’m not that bothered about spiders to be honest. they just don’t scare me…

  554. Wow, I am in total awe of you, Lotti-wa!

  555. always with the compliments…

  556. Like I have said before, you crack me up, Lotti-wa!

  557. awww, i’d blush, but i can’t do them smileys… πŸ˜‰

    got to go, see ya Hayley-wa!

  558. well just for your future reference, lotti, it’s this : oops : without the spaces. 😳 yeah i’m addicted to the smileys.


    and for you new zealander, it’s summer vacation! or is that not till the end of december? whatever. it seems weird, and kinda hard to comprehend lol. πŸ˜•

  559. and that stinks, vicky-la! well, my parents didn’t let me wear any makeup in 7th grade, the in 8th i was allowed to wear just eyeshadow and lip gloss, and then this year (9th) i get to wear anything i want.
    i don’t like eyeshadow that much, i didn’t really use it in 8th, but i especially hate lip gloss. like, i don’t care if it says “no sticky feeling,” IT LIES!

    i’m permitted to go to school dances and sleepovers, luckily. like, i went to sleepovers when i was in preschool! literally!
    my school’s dances are fun. they’re way too expensive ($6) compared to other schools ($2 or free), but i always bring friends from other schools and they let them in anyway. πŸ˜‰

    my parents are a lot like lotti’s, and yet somehow also the opposite. like i guess it depends on their mood…somedays they’ll be like “don’t you have something planned with your friends? why are you here?” and i’ll say, “ummm, that’s tomorrow, parentals.” and then others they’ll say “why are you on the computer? you still have homework!” and i’ll say “ok! ok, i’ll go do it…” and then bring my homework to the computer.

  560. Whoa…paranoid parents. My parents don’t care what I do…they want me to have friends and stuff, just not to get in trouble. I could wear makeup if I wanted to, but I don’t. I went to a sleepover in Kindergarten. yeah. Bad experience…one of the girls ran down the wall in her underwear when the doorbell rang to see who it was. Just one of many bad things about that night…

    I have a really long story to tell. I’ve just been waiting to tell this to someone…


    In science today we had a substitute teacher so we did pages in our workbook. And since it’s not graded i didn’t really care whether I got anything right or not. I just put down random answers that sounded like they could fit. But going over the answers the substitute we had went down the row of tables (actually it’s a square…leave it to my science teacher to think of an arrangement like THAT.) So when she got to me, I was just like umm….trying to think of something to say, but then she realized ppl were talking and she took about 45 whole seconds to say “Excuse me – why are you talking?” And while she says that, I look in the textbook for the answer, and when she looks back at me I give it to her and she’s like “very good” and moves on.

    Then this tall black guy just sorta mumbles “She looked in the textbook.” I think I’m the only person that heard him, and I just smile at him all sweetly. But then this annoying rich preppy girl with an annoying southern accent says (Hereby know as TEH GIRL) “[real name edited out] why are you smiling like that?” and I just look at her and roll my eyes, and whisper back. “I’m not.” And I don’t know why I said that, but srsly, i wasn’t even smiling anymore. And she just says “yes you are.” I just roll my eyes and look away, and continue ignoring her when she starts whispering my name avidly, trying to get my attention. Then the idiot guy (hereby known as TEH GUY) next to me says “TEH GIRL wants you.” And I say “No.” Then she’s FINALLY quiet. But then i hear her whispering to the guy next to her (who was obviously not paying any attention) that I like TEH GUY. I say. “ew.”. he is really gross – his hair is greasy and filled w/ dirt b/c he never washes it.

    And then TEH GIRL tries to get my attention again, whispering my name over and over and over and over. And I keep ignoring her. Then the teacher calls on me again, and I actually knew this answer, and TEH GIRL says “dork”. I actually laugh when she said that, and looked at her for the first time since she asked me that retarded “why are you smiling” question. She looked really pissed. This other prep, who obviously hates TEH GIRL says something to me like “You know you made TEH GIRL really pissed”, then she continues to mock TEH GIRL’s annoying whining (like she had been doing since the beginning of class) The other prep girl is actually pretty cool. I was friends w/ her in 5th grade.

    Funny thing is, the only reason I know how to not be bothered by things like what TEH GIRL was doing is b/c of my brother. He argues w/ me all the time. And I actually learn from him. As Kanye says, “That that don’t kill me can only make me stronger”, despite what a certain mindcaster I believe once said…

    I REALLY know how to make a prep mad. How to not be bothered by their crap. how to stay sane around them, and how to avoid them after something like that…

  561. my parents don’t really care about me wearing makeup, but i just sort of don’t.

    i started going to sleepovers in like fourth grade.

    pissing off preps is fun. that is what i do when i’m bored.

    luckily, my parents don’t care about me being social, much. they forced me to formal last year, but don’t care most of the time. probably because they were a lot like me when they were kids—parents who take you to Grateful Dead concerts before you could talk usually don’t encourage trips to the mall.

  562. *still not seeing graduation-mo-ness*

    i think we’re talking about paranoid parents.

  563. what the? i posted a reply to lizzy-wa’s comment that i saw, but mine showed up before hers.

    i be afraid.

  564. and again!
    why is Lizzy-wa in the future?!

  565. this stinks. i have NO IDEA what you guys are talking about cause theres like one hundred comments that i really dont want to read in my not-spare time. *sigh*.

    posting Graduation now…well, part of it.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  566. i wonder if lizzy-wa is still in the future. i’ll try and find out.

  567. apparently not.

  568. 😳

  569. yes!!! it worked!!! now how do you do the evil one?

  570. I don’t know!!! I only just learnt how to do the normal ones!!! I want to know how to do mr sunglasses…

  571. you go : twisted : but without the spaces, so it would be 😈

  572. i dont know the sunglasses. maybe it is 8) which is 8 ) incase it worked

  573. the green one, which i love, is : mrgreen : so it would be :mrgreen:

    the mad one is : mad : so it is 😑

    the blushing one is : oops : so it looks like 😳

  574. woo! I have a big math project due tomorrow! fun!

  575. where IS everyone? has duct-tape gotten you?

  576. :mrgreen:

  577. wow they work! thanks guys!

  578. what about the one that cries? is it : cry πŸ˜• i’ll check

  579. yes! (the random one that just popped up is : ?)

  580. Hey there, Lotti-wa! I love these totally cool smileys!
    8) (Mr Sunglasses is my favourite)

  581. i know, they be fawesome… i like mr insane and mr sob

  582. i found a new one 😯

  583. Lolz, that’s funny. Got to go, bye Lotti-wa!

  584. the duct tape epidemic has spread to australia 😯
    take cover

  585. Crap…I’m grounded this whole week.

  586. so…much…duct…tape.

  587. I think so.

    A solitary figure stood on the cliff, facing the sunset. Her long, golden hair clung to her face, wet with sea spray. She searched the horizon for any sign of an approaching ship that would tell of the others’ arrival…

    haha. That’s you.

  588. niiiice. except it’s more like this.

    headphones blaring arctic monkeys, a solitary figure walked through the deserted suburban streets in the light snow, purple/red/gold/brown/blond hair whipping in the below-freezing wind as she wondered where the hell everyone had gone.

  589. lol that’s good too…
    I actually sorta based mine off Anne of Green Gables…

    I think it was the 5th book where she goes to the coast w/ the lighthouse and Leslie the golden-haired girl, and-and…

    well I doubt anyone has read those books anyway but w/e.

  590. i read part of one of the first two or something or part of those.

    lol, that reminded me of jacky faber for some reason. those books are pretty good too. they’re all piraticalish. belly of the bloodhound stunk, but the most recent one was good.

  591. what are you guys talking about? and allie-wa, you think that grounded for a week is bad? i got grounded for a whole month. curse those parents. uugh. do i sound grumpy? well. maybe thats because my stupid little stinky brother just told me that i look ugly. *shakes head in disappointment* uuugh.

  592. oh, i forgot to add this at the end of m comment, 😑

  593. i am now addicted to animated smileys…

  594. πŸ˜†

  595. i heard of a new one, i wanna see if it works… :mrblue:

  596. :blue:

  597. damn he doesn’t work

  598. I’m here for you, Lotti-wa! πŸ˜†
    The duct tape will not get me down!

  599. that be so touching…*sniff* :sob:

  600. why don’t the smileys work on my awful computer ❗

  601. Um, ok. πŸ˜•
    I agree with you though…Where have all the people gone???

  602. calling…all…midnighters…rabid…fangrrls…

  603. i’m here! i have heeded the rabid call.
    i’m sorry, i was off drawing fanart for City of Bones which i also rabidly fangrrl over. but now i once again have access to the internet so i am happy.
    stupid school lasting stupid six hours.

  604. I havne’t been on here for like three days!!

    today, we got a class assinment…it’s really hard. We have to describe the sunset/rise to a blind person. Blind people can’t see colors.

    I thought that it’d be super hard…but it’s real easy.


    When are we going to have another contest? My feet stink. Ta Ta!

  605. Oooh…that actually sounds fun. you would have to describe it in sounds, feelings, tastes and stuff. we did that at my creative writing class at the fine arts camp I was talking about the other day on scott’s blog.

    Your school is only six hours Serafina? Mine over 7 hours. let’s see…8:15-3:30. Last year I think it was longer.

    “Where have all the people gone?”
    “Where have all the Teletubbies gone?” lol that’s just what I thought of when I read that. thanks to little-sisterness. Actually…un-thanks.

    Woo! I’m in rambling mood! Remember that math test I said I would fail? Well i actually studied using my mom’s college Algebra book and I got a 97 on it!!! It was happy-making.

    omg I just realized today that one of my friends has the same bday as my brother (both their bdays are today).

  606. actually, i didn’t actually count.
    getting out at 3:30! harsh!
    in middle school we started at 8:15, but we got out at 2:50!
    wow, my school really IS crappy. i mean, you can get way lower grades without failing and the day is way shorter. not that i’m complaining about either of THOSE. now with 50% more drug testing!
    right now, school starts at 7:53 and ends at 2:52. i don’t think that’s seven hours. too lazy to count.

    i got a really low—read: 64—on my math quiz.
    oh god, you aren’t one of those people who always say oh my god, i’m going to fail and then always gets an A, r u?
    because they annoy me.

    that is a…really wierd assignment.
    “the sunset smelled like cat vomit”

  607. Serafina you srsly just made me lol w/ the cat vomit thing.

    No, I’m not one of *those* people. I’m more like one of those people that fail when they think they’ll get an A and get an A when they think they’ll fail. I just really thought I was going to fail this time but then I studied using my mom’s textbook, which I discovered was super easy to understand…but I still guessed on like 6 but only missed 1. I’m a very good guesser, apparently.

  608. 7:53-2:52 is 7 hours, btw. Actually, it’s 6 hours and 59 minutes. which is 25140 seconds. I think. Is that too small? No…it’s right. I need to learn base 60 math.

    I don’t mind math all that much. I just don’t like graphs, which is what my test was on. which is why i thought i would fail. Algebra sucks.

  609. close enough. still too long to be in school.

    i hate math, and it hates me.
    also, i hates slope, graphs, proofs, and yeah, algebra in general.

    and that was “the cat vomit thing”‘s intention.

    was i the only one who took the Drug and Alcohol Redundancy survey today?

  610. maths! too much maths! 😑

  611. drawing faces sucks. at least, trying to draw my OWN. wow, it’s like 1:30 here…i should probably go to sleep, since i’m a-going to CT tomorrow. yeah. i don’t have school. some teacher-related thingie.

    and i think i just may be one of those people. at least that’s what my friends tell me. like in (stupidevilidiotic) global studies we had an 80-minute (double period–periods are 40 minutes where i am) essay test and like i seriously was like “OMG this is gonna get like a 60!” and then she handed them back and i got a 96. well, a 48/50, which she told us to multiply by 2.
    but i just do it so that i can be pleasantly surprised when i get a good grade. i have yet to be unpleasantly unsurprised, and i’m hoping it won’t happen!

  612. my school day is from 8:05 to 2:30 so that’s…wow! only 6 hours and 25 minutes! foolio!

    we had the junior honor society bowling night from 9:30-11:30 tonight–well, now it’s last night, but w/e. it’s school-wide, but we get the money (hehe). i had to sell tickets w/ one of my friends at the door, but it was fun. i suck PHENOMENALLY BADLY at bowling (unless it’s wii bowling, in which case i get all strikes), but like you get to pick your lanes and all w/ friends, so me and the 3 friends that went had our own lane.

    this is all completely random stuff, but w/e. when you’re as sleep-deprived as i am rambling sounds pretty nice.

  613. and the rambling continues…
    wednesday was the chorus trip to NYC for wicked, which is only the best broadway play EVER. of course, it’s the only one i’ve seen…but we got to go to a mall afterwards and me and the four of my friends that went just went into like every store. we even went into build-a-bear, b/c one person is like, OBSESSED w/ build-a-bear. didn’t get anything though. in borders we were just browsing and i was like “they better have extras” but they DIDN’T! all they had was one uglies boxed set! i was disappointed…

    this is another totally random thing, but like it was the funniest thing ever on the sleep-deprived ride home from the city: yeah, one of my friends apparently has Elmo’s song as his ringback tone. i got bored and wanted to call people so i picked a random number and it ended up being that of one of my guy friends that went. his phone started ringing and apparently he really likes sesame street, b/c he also has elmo’s song as his ringtone, so i was like “what?!?!?!”
    and, um, yeah, he’s also the build-a-bear-infatuated one.

    this is the song, nana nana, elmo’s song…nana nana, nana nana, elmo’s song…
    or something like that.

  614. ok, sleeping now, i promise

  615. eeewwww…elmo.

    sleep deprivation is fun. i’m ALWAYS sleep deprived. i find it fun to write then. wierd things happen.

    any math is too much math.
    awww…i’ve got school today. i want off!
    it’s even SNOWING! pretty heavy too.

    bowling! were you attacked by vampires?

    ok, back to normal self now

  617. Slope is easy. I don’t like point-slope form. I wasn’t paying attention in class the day we learned it. Probably…actually I never pay attention in class. Except for the past few days cause we changed seats and I hate some of the people I sit with.

    Dang…my blocks are 90 minutes each!!! (I didn’t say periods for obvious reasons)

    Sleep deprivation? fun? Serafina, you must be really sick…please rush to the nearest emergency room.

  618. wow, how did you know i’m currently running a 100 degree fever (i came home after walking a mile in a heavy snowstorm with a light coat and no gloves and told my my “i’m hot.”) and also my head is POUNDING?

    but sleep deprivation is still fun. you get the best ideas, and don’t have to pay as much attention to stuff.

    well calling classes periods is ingrained for me, so i continue. they’re 43 minutes in our school. might switch to block scheduling next year though.

    ha ha it’s snowing! and actually accumlating, which rocks. of course it waits til friday though, so no school off.
    and Lotti, isn’t it summer by you anyway????
    even here, we’ve only had one white christmas in my lifetime, and one other where there was snow on the ground but no new accumleation.

  619. I’ve never had a white Christmas.

    so sad.

  620. it may be summer. it doesn’t mean it’s stopped raining.

  621. ok, uhh, you really need to go to hyyp://

  622. we usually have snow every winter. its usually really fun, but then we miss school and we have to make it up in the summer!

  623. this may sound completely random, but i agree with you serafina zane. high school musical sux

  624. that’s just in response to your comment on scott-la’s blog.

  625. yeah like I said…High School Musical ruined 5th grade for me. I’m serious. a) because it sucked and b) because everyone else loved it. luckily no one over 13 likes High School Musical. And everyone I know is over 13…or about to be, anyway. So High School Musical 2 isn’t that big a deal…in fact, the only thing I’ve heard about either of the movies is “omg that movie sucks!”

    which is what I said 2 years ago.

  626. I feel so special cause I know Scott-la actually read the comments on his blog yesterday.

    that’s hot! lol

  627. high school musical is horrible. and here’s the scaries part—I WAS IN SEVENTH GRADE WHEN IT CAME OUT AND EVERYONE STILL LOVED IT!
    we’re talking 12/13 year olds here. who were already waaaaaay too old to be into it. it scared me.
    we actually watched it in english class. i put headphones in the entire time.
    it was the school play in 8th grade too. me and my friend went because we’re friends with all the theatre people. we sat in the cynical corner chilling with our friend the midget who was running the lights, and a bunch of guys were there too, except they all climbed up to the heater and windowsill somehow. still not sure why they were there…..

    and i know it doesn’t stop raining in summer, i was referring to it snowing on christmas.
    it always snows around here.
    i’m getting a christmas tree today! woo!

    people actually reading comments is fun.

  628. oh i no! that movie is HORRIBLE!!!!! and the second one was even MORE HORRIBLE!!!!! it kills me sometimes. my little brother and sister love it. and they listen to the soundtrack and watch the movie like everyday! i no every word to every song! sometimes i go to scool with them stuck in my head and i start humming them! its AGONY! UUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGG!!!!

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😦

  629. I have terrible memories of gym last year. They played the soundtrack to High School Musical every day…well, every A day, at least, I don’t know what they played on B days…I was in strings. A/B schedule.

    *It feels so WRONG…*

  630. we had to do this thing at skool, like starburst performers where the teachers chose us to be part of this drama group, and me and my frend got chosen cuase we’re *supposedly* good singers. we had to do this awful torturous cheap imatation of hsm and so we decided to be cheerleaders, only we were just mocking them the whole time, and the real cheerleaders were glaring at us, which only made us mock them more. even the principal said we were good!

  631. you guys actually have to listen to high school musical during gym. woah. i dont really mind high school musical, but it is kinda cheesy. but i’d rather watch high school musical than have to do school work. and i dont know why people think that zac efron is “hot” he is so UGLY!

  632. zac efffing efron is a FREAK

  633. zac efron is sooooo f*cking ugly. First glance, I thought “he looks like a monkey”. But now I think, he doesn’t look like a monkey, but he is still ugly.

  634. Zac Effron, aside from spelling his name the gayest way possible (no, wait, that’s my school’s superintendant—Larrie. a guy. named Larrie.)
    he has the blandest appearence. and (to steal a Maureen Johnson observation) his eyes suck out your soul if you stare at them too much.
    like, he’s just scary. not hot.
    then again, i have wierd taste in guys. which is like, 80% dependent on hair style. Zac Effron has lame hair.

    luckily, i have never been subjected to the second HSM.

    yeah for totally mocking cheerleaders! woo!

    in my gym class, we listen to one of the teacher’s wierd crap CDs. like, lame rap mix tapes of stupid hits that suck completely and were not meant to have kickball played to them. or my favorite, vauge and crappy techno remixes of (on the same disc) Smells Like Teen Spirit and the theme from Pirates of the Carribean. and more random pirate music.

    Teddy Picker seems to have firmly rooted itself in my head. all through math class, covered entire notebook with the lyrics while tapping it. as usual disturbed kid next to me. then listened to it multiple times. it was fun. i loves that song to death. i want it as a ringtone.

  635. “and when did the list replace the twist and turn
    and the fist replace the kissed-on concern
    if you’re bothered, i don’t want your prayer
    save it for the morning after.
    so he had to grab it and it wasn’t as it seemed.
    the kids all dream of making it, whatever that means
    another variation on a theme
    present in the music magazines
    do you reckon that he’d do it for a joke?
    do you reckon that they make em take an oath?
    that says that we are *beat, beat* defenders
    of any Poseurs or Proffesional *beat, beat* pretenders
    (loser who types from memory and out of order)

  636. omg I just have to profess my deep and utter hatred of Smells Like Teen Spirit.


    Okay. all better now.

  637. wow…1306 comments now. I think. Including this one. On this page alone.

    No wonder my browser’s been having problems loading this page…

  638. why do you hate it?
    i mean, it’s a pretty awesome song.
    like, i dunno. wierd.
    reminds me to put it on my mp3 player tonight.

  639. ha. we’ve beaten the extras spoiler page, at least.

  640. yea, i never thought anyone could do that…

  641. DId anyone see the new potter pupper pals?


  642. wow, you guys really hate high school musical. hehe.

  643. GOOD??????????? ok, I like alot of the music you listen to (well the stuff I know you listen to) but NIRVANA SUCKS. I’m almost glad that guy killed himself. ok not really but you get the point.


    It doesn’t even make sense. I mean come on “I feel stupid and contagious”? someone had just a little too much crack/mary jane/whatever drugs he was doing at the time. But that’s not why I hate it.

    It just sucks. No musical value. at all. It’s absolute cacophony/disonance(sp?).

    Who repeats the same word 64 times in their song? That’s just sorta….repititious(sp?), don’t you think? Well, obviously not.

    And my crazy ELA teacher made us do a worksheet about it, and listen to it. It was NOT fun. at all.

    But go ahead, listen to it all you want. I don’t care. I listen to Avril Lavigne. Who you say sucks (which she does). And you listen to Nirvana. who I say sucks (b/c they do).

  644. whoa allie-wa. don’t freak out on me here.

    nirvana’s not my favorite band, but they’re okay when you’re in the mood for that.

    and no lyric critizing! like 80% of all lyrics stink.
    and because you went and mentioned it…”hey, hey you you i don’t like your boyfriend”? bad AND plagarised.
    and talk about repetitious…that’s the ONLY LINE IN THE SONG.

    beware of crazy language teachers. they ruin everything.
    my (8th grade!) english teacher made us analyze the Spongebob song as an example of poetry.

    and who said cacophony and disonance were bad? i love noise!
    and i learned how to play Smells Like Teen Spirit on guitar, acoustic, it really isn’t like that. all nirvana songs are actually pretty peppy and mellow when you get down to it.

    you know what’s hilarious? the bass player from Nirvana. u see interviews with him, and he’s SO OLD. like, completely bald. like, if he went up to you and said “hey, did u know i was the bass player from Nirvana?” you’d go. “yeah right. you teach high school English, right?”
    unlike the drummer. who is David Grohl and looks much less old. i blame/thank Foo Fighters. The Pretender was a good song…i wish i had it.

    i did a report on Teddy Picker today. i gloss over the fact it has the f word in it.

  645. Guess what? Avril Lavigne doesn’t write her own songs…I don’t think she wrote that one, at least. She just sings them.

    Well, most of them.

    Yeah. If you want to really play hard songs on bass/guitar, learn to play songs by Mettalica(sp?), System of a down (maybe), John Cena (just kidding!), Buckethead (don’t ask), Dream Theatre, and…and, well, I would have to ask my brothers for more. cause pretty much all they do all day is play guitar and listen to really loud disonant bands.

    Speaking of disonance…know what song’s on right now? Move along. By REJECTS. As you can tell, I hate them too. But I actually like listening to their “move along” song b/c it sounds like they’re saying “Mow the lawn”. lol.

    But I like Kelly Clarkson lyrics (some of them)…this song is a good example. It sounds like a real poem (unlike Spongebob.)


    Are you there?
    Are you watching me?
    As I lie here on this floor
    They say you feel what I do
    They say you’re here every moment
    Will you stay?
    Stay β€˜till the darkness leaves
    Stay here with me
    I know you’re busy, I know I’m just one
    But you might be the only one who sees me
    The only one to save me

    Why is it so hard?
    Why can’t you just take me?
    I don’t have much to go
    Before I fade completely

    Can you feel how cold I am?
    Do you cry as I do?
    Are you lonely up there all by yourself?
    Like I have felt all my life
    The only one to save mine

    How are you so strong?
    What’s it like to feel so free?
    Your heart is really something
    Your love, a complete mystery to me

    Are you there watching me?
    As I lie here on this floor
    Do you cry, do you cry with me?
    Cry with me tonight

    Are you there?
    Are you watching me?

    (The part below is only in the CD)

    You’re not worth it babe,
    The trouble you bring,
    The noise you keep,
    and you don’t even care,

    I’m so sick of you,
    Life’s wasted I’m through fakin’,
    You don’t turn me on,
    You don’t do anything at all,

    I can’t stand the sight of your face,
    I don’t even wanna hear your name,
    [Irvine lyrics on

    Don’t know what I saw,
    But I ain’t seeing it now
    Woke up this morning, bitterness in my mouth.

    Guess I fell too fast,
    Guess I learned my lesson,
    So much for true love,
    I’ll take the chivas instead.

    I’ll take the chivas instead,
    Oh yeah,

    You’re too high maintenance babe,
    All the time you spend,
    Tryin’ to fit in,
    and no one even cares,

    It’s so ridiculous, babe,
    Watching you turn as I run
    It’s like I’m not even there,

    Don’t you try to hold my hand,
    You should keep your eyes on your new girlfriend

    Don’t know what I saw,
    But I ain’t seeing it now,
    Woke up this morning, bitterness in my mouth.
    Guess I fell too fast,
    Guess I learned my lesson

    So much for true love,
    I’ll take the chivas instead.,
    I’ll take the chivas instead,
    Oh your bad,
    It wasn’t even good,
    Trust me

    I must’ve been so, so, so, so, so, lonely,
    You are crap
    You should keep your eyes on your new little brat

    It’s hard not to look,
    I know,
    I’m amazing,
    I love you, chivas.

  646. wow…u trying to beat my long post record?

    pretty cool lyrics though.

    and that’s even worse, because a big part of avril’s thing was that she wrote her own lyrics and that somehow made her less fake then all those other people.

    i remember that song, it was actually okay.

    i’m listening to Pandora, looking for Franz Ferdinand. where are they? where? right now it’s Brendan Benson, who’s cool because he’s a Raconteur.

  647. i like linkin park

  648. they’re okay.

    i’m trying to avoid having to present my Teddy Picker report right now.

  649. You mean the one you put the f word in?

    I called a guy an @s$ today. Actually, I wrote on his paper “donkey” under where another girl had put “Female dog”. we were joking thought. mainly.

    I think Avril wrote the songs on her first and second albums, for the for most part, but the latest album is so totally different. I think she has a team of writers like a politian (sp?).

    Global Warming is a Liberal myth? Did you know that? They even made the temperature 83 degrees today just to show how real it is, b/c everyone knows they can control the weather.

  650. yeah, totally. it’s warm because Al Gore used his weather machine.

    yeah, the one that is about the song that has the f word in it.

    artists who change suck.


  651. my fav lyrics are The Great Escape lyrics. they rock. and they totally go with UGLIES. its pretty fool.

    hey…how do you no there are that many comments on here? you didnt seriously count them did you? hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  652. whoa. your rite. there are like…1333 comments on here. when you push “submit”, at the bottom where it says stuff when its doing stuff, it says “comment #1333” or whatever…very foolio. THAT shows dedication. hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  653. huh…lemme see if it does that on mine.

  654. no, it totally doesn’t.

  655. or it does for a split-second and i can’t see.
    stupid fast internet connection.

  656. hhhmmm…it does it on mine. its true. im gonna try again an make sure my eyes werent fooling me…i need glasses.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜•

  657. yep. its totally there.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😈

  658. FAWESOMENESS!!!!! i posted at EXACTLY MIDNIGHT!!!!! on the 13th!!!!! so spooky-making.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  659. Yeah. i looked at the address box.

    btw, I have Midnighters fanfic. That I really want to be posted here! please? Sometime after Serafina’s, maybe?

  660. oh! so today. i was expecting the luckiest second of my life. why?

    today. at exactly 6:43:13 this morning, i was 13 years, 13 days, 13 hours, 13 minutes, and 13 seconds old. exactly.

    well, i was expecting sompthin like…ya no. some guy wood walk in during a jazz band song and think i was the most smallest and most talented bassist in the whole wide world. and then…ya no…sign me up for a recording contract. or, just give me twenty million dollars on the spot just for being so great. or at least compliment my fawesome duct tape crash bracelets. (that were conveniently cannibalized from my previously useless duct tape handcuffs. curtesy of Allie-wa’s mom.”

    thats when the supposed-to-be-luckiest moment of my life happened. well, according to my band rooms probably-messed-up clock. so. rite when the second hand hit that magical number, i looked at the door, waiting for about half a jiffy. when sompthing shiny caught my eye. thinking it was like, the golden ticket to Willie Wonkas chocolate factory, i wrenched my eyes from the door. guess what it was?

    a penny.

    a penny.

    thats it. a penny. i picked it up and looked at the year.


    somewhat lucky rite? i mean. considering its the shiniest penny ive ever gotten. and the fact that its not 2008 yet…

    i waited for the rest for the rest of the day for sompthing even luckier than that to happen.

    nothing. and on top of that. when i got home, i checked my pocket to add the penny to my bookshelf.

    it was gone.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜₯

  661. hehe. it was gone. dun dun DUN! oh and lizzy, i read logan/neville’s story that you wrote. it was AWESOME. altho i kinda like mine better.

  662. a string of thirteens is always comforting

  663. wow…so very many thirteens.
    and lucky postage! and time! and penny! from the FUTURE!
    so very awesome!

    and yeah, lizzy-wa—i’d like to read Allie-wa’s fanfic! i luvs fanfic!

  664. ok…i’ll try to find her email. hey Allie-wa. i’ll put my name in the subject box. so dont delete my email thinking im some kinda stalker bound to ship you to Aussieland. and Scott! hehe.

    -Co-Prez OTU! πŸ˜€

  665. wow. i just read all the comments from the week that i was trapped in Allie-was closet and i realized that i missed out on a lot! hhhhmmmmm….

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜•

  666. hey Kim-la. i just added you to the member list. hope thats ok with you.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  667. YES! i commented at exactly midnight again!!!!!

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  668. hehe. twice in a row. hehe.

    check out Co-Prez-las new chapter…its fawesome. why cant i be fawesome?

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😈

  669. ha. yeah. Go missing and be wary of the duct-tape comments.

    ok, I’ll go check my email to see if you sent me anything…

  670. duct tape comments are fawesome

  671. you could be fawesome too, if you set your mind to it.

    lucky fools with good timing!

  672. i try to be fawesome. and lots of people say i AM fawesome. but seriously. how can i compare to THAT?! it sounds exactly like Scott rote it!

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😦

  673. well, it really is awkward when people keep praising me so much. πŸ˜‰ jk, i loves praise! especially when i’m getting compared to the uber-fawesome scott-la!

  674. yes. great honors indeed.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  675. why dont i great honors?!

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😑

  676. ha. I think it’s kinda funny that your name links to the HQ on the HQ, Serafina.

    I think you were maybe using a different computer or somethin. cause it usually links to your livejournal.

  677. hehe. well, i guess it wood bring you back to the homepage. so that cood do you some good. some.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  678. i dunno, cuz you’re not that great. πŸ˜‰ jk, lizzy-wa, you’re fawesome.
    i do feel all prideyful when ppl tell me my midnighters stuff is as good as scott-la’s though.

    yeah, that’s my default link at the school computer, i think. i think the home + laptop are to the HQ.
    and isn’t it the same when scott-la posts on westerblog? goes to scottwesterfeld. com
    i’m like a human homepage link.
    or you could just all go read my livejournal and comment.
    whichever one you like.

  679. actally. doesnt it go to the about Scott page?

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜•

  680. yeah. is his link – is Westerblog.

  681. I won’t get to see my fanfic posted til tomorrow!!! got to get off…crazy parents yealling at me get off.

  682. i wish my name wood go to my blog, but i is pretty useless when it comes to technology

  683. i don’t know, i’m just saying that. one or the other.

    awww…well, knowing lizzy it probably won’t get posted til tommorrow anyway. πŸ˜‰

    u have a blog lotti? ooooh…
    you just type the web address or cut-and-paste it into the “website” thing, and then it links to your name.

  684. oh yeah! well. nice to no how im thot of around here Co-Prez! im gonna go post it rite now! …but i have to turn on the slowest computer in the house first…

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😦

  685. ha! i JUST posted it. and it rocks if i mite say so myself.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  686. i will try… as soon as i post something worth seeing. because right now it sucks

  687. http//

  688. so did it work?

  689. what “website” thing?

  690. i have oficially deleted all lame previous comments and pages, and added betta ones

  691. hehe. it didnt work Lotti-la.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😦

  692. I’m kinda scared. I had a dream about this page last night…

    also about chatting in gmail.

  693. DARN! i have to find out a way for you to see it! it has a page called ‘10,000 tridecalogisms!’ and i am starting something called ‘the new special circumstances’

  694. Lotti: follow my instructions.

    1. See the address box at the top of the screen? The one where you type in the name of the page you want to go to? highlight the website address, right click, and click “copy” In the box that comes up. This one is ok.
    2. Go to this page or where ever you want to put it.
    3. See the box under where it says “Mail (will not be published)(required)”? Right click and click “paste” in the box that comes up. That gives the address of the link.

    ok. πŸ™‚ Hope this helps.

  695. oh, i saw your blog Lotti-wa. very fawesome. i was at my grandma’s so i couldn’t look too long or comment. saw pretty tridecalogisms.

    yeah, to simplify what Allie-wa said, right under where you put your name and email? there’s a box that says “website”. just copy and paste the adress for your blog into there.

  696. i think i got it this time…

  697. yays it be working. now you have to comment…

  698. i totally did comment.

  699. So are you like not ever updating face ranks again? I don’t care, really. Just wondering.

  700. wow… i havent been on in a long time but i love the new look of the blog!

  701. fawesomeness Lotti-la. i suggested some more tridecalogisms for you.

    yeah Amy-la. i’ll TRY to update tomorrow. TRY. and i’ll post the rest of Allie-wa tomorrow. but i want the new new look to settle in…unless we dont like it. im not really sure about the orange…and boringness of it all. rather plain. and the fawesome little smiley face dude in the corner is vamooshed!

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😯

  702. awwwwwwwwww, may he rip. 😦

  703. No wait! He’s not vamooshed! He’s in the bottom middle! hahahah! Reincarnated!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  704. hi little smiley dude.

    would love more posting…and updates…

    yeah, i think i liked the old new one better. but with different colors….i likes grey and blue but don’t know how you could change it. you should use that awesome banner i sent you.

  705. where is he? i can’t find him at the bottom…nooooo! come back! πŸ˜₯

    well, just b/c i was going back a bit and found the stuff on zac efron:
    me gusta HSM, pero NO me gusta zac.

    i think that’s simple enough to understand. yeah. like, i’m weird. i’ll like guys that my friends are like “he’s not super hot though…” and i’m like. “i don’t care.” yeah i have a thing for guys in bands. lol i know it’s like so lame, but whatever. like my ex playeed about ten different instruments, and the guy i like now plays bass, sings (extra brownie points with me, the chorus freak), and is addicted to guitar hero I/II/III/WHO CARES.
    personally, i suck at guitar hero, i got like 50% correct on cherry pie, the absolute easiest song, on the absolute easiest level.

  706. more stuff:

    ~lotti: i lurvs the blog! it’s pretty fool. it gets The Nod (ooh, so yesterday reference).

    ~i like the colors of this layout, but my mind needs more lines! like right now the comments are confusing me so much b/c i just read from one to the next without realizing it because there’s no line separating them!

  707. extra note to lotti i forgot to put in the last comment: WHOA! lol, i like nelly furtado too! along w/ the goo goo dolls, hellogoodbye, the fray, and fall out boy

  708. hhhhmmmm…he has vamooshed yet again…

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😐

  709. lol, the Nod.

    RIP mister smiley.

    and yeah….i likes musical guys too. and, unfortunately, stoners.
    there’s a small gene pool in my school.
    i don’t play guitar hero though—i like, actually play guitar.

  710. well, im just commenting, to you know, boost my face rank, cause i have nothing to say…

  711. hhhmmm…i wanna learn how to play guitar.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😦

  712. yeah, i actually asked the guy to teach me some bass stuff, and he said ok (i had a rare moment of boldness lol)…but i can’t play guitar. my uncle can though!

    i have a very musical family. like, my cousin was on letterman a couple weeks ago as the drummer for the musical act…he’s going on tour w/ the girl too! i was like so excited when i saw it…i’m gonna post the link to the youtube ivdeo. give me a sec…

  713. found it! i saved the link in my bookmarks:

    i forgot how to link websites in comments darn it. oh well.

  714. it didn’t show up…that’s weird. again, here’s the url in-case-anyone-actually-cares…

  715. thanks taylor-wa!

  716. i saw the cousin guy! he seems pretty good…

    hehe. atkins. atkins diet. hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  717. cool. my dad plays guitar like, awesomely. in the family, that’s about it.

    hmmm…i have nothing to say. and yet so much.

  718. how very deep, serafina.
    and coo, lizzy-wa! yeah, i like couldn’t believe it when i found out, we still have the episode saved on our DVR. lol obsessive, i know.
    this is kinda random, but his nose is like, so big. i always make fun of him for it, so when they shot him in the video at like a profile-anglie-thingie i laughed.

    randomness, is like, so much fun.

  719. oops 😳
    that should’ve been “cool.” lo that’s a weird typo…

    and i just remembered: MY WINTER BREAK OFFICIALLY BEGAN AT 2:30 P.M. EST TODAY!!!!!
    i got gifts from my homeroom teacher (a big box of those nestle turtles—caramel-filled—and the guiness book of world records ’07), my friends (a brownie cookie and 4 now-and-later candy canes; two lindt truffles, a candy cane, and a marshmallow shaped like a penguin), and i gave some to my friends, my superbly fawesome spanish teacher (b/c she now appreciates my fexcellent math skills and changed my—and everyone else’s—1st quarter grade), and lastly, THE NINE KINDS OF EVIL GLOBAL STUDIES TEACHER!!! yeah, i found out from a 10th grade friend (who had her last year) that she loves peanut M&Ms…so, i went to rite-aid and got a couple bags of them, shoved them in a used christmas gift bag, and stuck them on her desk this morning when she was out of the room.
    no, i’m not trying to raise my grade, my new spanish average fixed that, but i felt bad for her, since we just found out that she’s pregnant…

    and she didn’t plan on it.

  720. not that many of my friends bought gifts this year, but one other friend did, but she ordered them off the internet (i have no idea what they are) last weekend, and they didn’t arrive in time! so yeah, she said that we have to all get together so she can hand them out.

  721. ha. i made awesome gifts for my friends, didn’t get none back though. awwww…that sounds pathetic. nah, i just made cool buttons for everyone, took like ten minutes so whatever. spreading the awesome in the world.

    i am profound. or am i?

  722. didn’t get any teachers presents because i hate them all.

  723. My teachers don’t deserve presents. They suck.

    lol. There’s this substitute I had in Science last week and she had glasses that were like so crooked. For those of you who watched American Idol last season, she reminded me of the “big bird” pyscho person from the auditions. With drooked glasses. and evil. like, evil, seriously. She would yell at someone for asking an innocent question like “Do we have to write in complete sentences?” I hate her. I’ve had her 5 times now. 😑

  724. :sob:

  725. oops, thatshould have been πŸ˜₯

    hehe, we had a substitute last year called mrs anderson-johns, but evryone called her mrs angerson-johns cuz she was so horrible, but she took us for sport, and she made us do relays.
    almost the whole class walked very slowly instead of running

  726. cool! the link to mi primo en letterman es un top click!

    random spanish mixed in there…haha that’s just pretty faweseome to me.

    that’s a weird name for the person who posted it though…i would think that the show would have it’s own account, but i don’t feel like checking lol

  727. you know what sucks?? having strep on christmas!!!!!! i have strep now and it sucks!!!!!!!

    in other news i think i got my new computer!!!!!!! my laptop!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!


  728. oh shoot this just occurred to me: NO, i did not purposely click on the link a million times, i didn’t even realize there WAS a “top clicks” thingie until i scrolled down and was like “ooh, youtube video link! i wonder what it’s of…hey! it’s that girl my cousin’s on tour with (even if he’s just the drummer)!”

    yeah, but i did click on it once to test it when i put it up.

    i’m just that spastic that i have to announce that i didn’t purposely bumbp up my cousin.

  729. I have a cold. A bad cold. it sucks. My throat burns like hell and my eyes are watering so much that it completely washed away my makeup. My head is made out of lead.

    uuuhhhhh. Hope I get better by Christmas. Getting a new iPod…lol. Selling my 4GB silver nano and I’m getting an 8GB BLACK nano. it’s so cool. i keep looking at it. cause my mom sucks at hiding presents πŸ˜›

  730. i had a fawesome i-pod nano, but then it short-circuited, and my parents won’t get me a new one. shame dat

  731. ugh, i’m sick too. i think i’ve got whooping cough πŸ˜‰
    jk, i know that’s not funny. there’s been a big scare around my town cuz a couple kids at school got it.
    i do have this really bad cough/headache/slight sore throat though.

    heh, my blog is da top click now!!! that might be me though, because sometimes i click my own name because i don’t have my own blog bookmarked.

    a lot of substitute teachers suck.

    i’ve got a Sansa quasi-but-not-but-better-than-iPod. i couldn’t live without it. i’m getting new heaphones for X-mas.

  732. humph. im just normal sick. sneezy, cough. of course, it cood be allergies. im allergic to everything and it appears that i have a cold year round, tho its usally just allergies. thats why i hate spring. i have to carry around tissue and medicine everywhere. it stinks.

    i am still in the process of making presents. all my friends are making each other presents. but were all procrastinators and none of us are giving presents till after break. yeah.

    hhhmmm…why is there no 3rd top clicks thingy? its just blank…

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜•

  733. it ate my comment! seriously, i wrote one of my famous extra-large (like pizza, lol) comments, hit “submit,” and now it’s gone!

    grrrrr……aw, man well i don’t feel like retyping it so i guess you’ll have to live without knowing about the legendary math substitute and about how my friend’s ipod is short circuiting since she bought it refurbished and when she charges it overnight she only gets an hour of music out of it.

    well, actually, you won’t have to! b/c i basically paraphrased it all right there. i should try doing that more often.

  734. why are you all sick? it’s summer!

  735. oh wait, it’s only summer here.. sorry i am SUCH a bubblehead sometimes

  736. hmmm…that’s odd. i don’t see no third top-click either.
    lol, my blog is still the top!

    yeah lotti…i’m staring out my window at snow RIGHT NOW. fairly sure it isn’t summer. actually, the first day of winter was, like, yesterday.

    i’m still in the process of making presents for my family, which is kinda bad cuz christmas is in like two days. (side note–YEAAA!!!!CHRISTMAS!!!)

    comment-eating sucks. paraphasing does not.

  737. Umm…winter? Since when was there a “winter”. Can you describe this “winter” to me? I have no idea what it is.

    In SC, all we have is really hot & humid, hot & humid, and rainy. No cold.

  738. lol, have i mentioned how lucky i am? i get FOUR seasons! and they’re actually different.
    winter’s that one where it’s always under thirty degrees and icy and freezing and snowy.
    summer’s that one where it’s over eighty and droughty or humid and sunny and hot.
    spring’s that sorta warm allergy one.
    fall’s that one with all the colorful leaves falling down where it gets sort of cold.

  739. in nz, summer is when you carry your jumper around with you instead of wearing it

  740. well just because it’s over 80 degrees doesn’t mean i’m not walking around wearing long black pants and long sleeves and long sleeved black sweatshirts. it just means that people give me wierder looks for it.

    just because there’re four seasons doesn’t mean i subscribe to them.

  741. hello.

  742. Lizzy-was distinction of the four seasons:
    winter-rain, rain, more rain, cold enough to be forced to wear not-at-all-attractive coat to the bus, then rip off when out of paranoia-cursed parentals site, but not cold enough to snow more than four days, slip on ice, laughed at, go to scool with wet and very sore butt
    spring-rain, more rain, buckets of rain, my ultimate torture: non-stop sneezing, tissue wasting, and medicine-taking, yet usually-over-paranoid parentals dont care when i start dying of no oxygen (so much sneezing i have no time to breath)
    summer-rain, rain, rain, rain, partly cloudy, rain, sunshine, more sunshine, forced to excersize, camping, sunburn, wild waves, sunburn, freckles, redish hair, more sunburn, partly cloudy, rain, rain, rain.
    fall-rain, rain, rain, scool, no sleep, everything is red, rain, rain, forced to rake leaves, jump in pile of leaves, get grounded for jumping in leaves, forced to rerake leaves, regrounded for rejumping in new pile of leaves

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  743. I heard that the # of suicides of kids in Washington is higher because it’s so rainy and cloudy and depressing all the time. Don’t know if it’s true, tho.

    I wear blue jeans all summer. But umm…I have a reason for it. πŸ˜›

  744. what’s the reason, allie-wa?

    i get four seasons…it’s wonderful. i know you all will think i’m odd but I LURVS SUMMER!!!!!

    lol w/e. but yeah, seasons are great.

    and yay! new layout! i can tell the comments apart now! whoo!!!

  745. eh, i love rain. sadly, we don’t get enough around here. actually, it’s raining right now. sadly, washing all our snow away. 😦
    i love the rain though. love it irrationally.

    yeah, like how in Iceland and Sweden and Norway and stuff there’s more suicides in the seasons where it’s dark all the time.

  746. i hate the rain. but i love snow. i was hoping for snow on christmas, but it doesnt look like we are getting any. so sad, so sad. and plus im sick, like scratchy throat, runny nose, and sneezing and all that stuff. uuughh. i am so miserable…….but not depressed. im am sooo tired, i think im gonna go take a nap. *yawn* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  747. i wear black all summer too. but calf-length jeans – i am not THAT oblivious to the heat

  748. I can’t believe I’m still sick.

    ugh. I hope I’m better tomorrow. Who wants a sick ChristmasΒΏ

    Merry Christmas!! And Happy new Year!!! β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯

  749. ugh, i’m sort of sick too. but not too bad, and i think i’m getting better.

    well, i do own a couple pairs of black capris to mix it up.

    signing off the HQ til post-holiday. \
    merry christmas to all those who celebrate it,
    hannukah was weeks ago so yeah,
    no idea what kwanzaa is,
    happy belated winter solstice to all you classical holiday folks out there,
    merry random week of vacation to anyone who doesn’t celebrate any of those,
    and happy new years to all,
    unless you’re one of those people who doesn’t believe in the passage of time.
    or i could say happy holidays, but where’s the fun in that?

  750. wow!!! i haven’t been here in so long!!!!! i like the new layout lizzy-wa!!! man, i haven’t been to scott’s blog or this one in probably a month!!! and they both got new layouts while i was being lazy!!!! sweet!!!! well, anyway, i come back, and then have to go almost instantly. bye!!! merry christmas and happy new year to all!!!!!

  751. i dont want to be a rabid fangrrl anymore… can i change???

  752. im still sick. and christmas is tomorrow. i am very tired. that is all i have to say, so bye. *cough* * sneeze* *more coughing*

  753. I’m sorry, Vicky-la. That sucks. 😦

    I’m not better, but I’m not as sick. All I have now is a cough.

  754. yeah *cough* it does suck *cough. but im hoping i ‘ll get better by tomorrow. *sneeze* or not.

  755. wow… this is like way awesome! I just thought it was gonna be a cool story, but this entire website is pretty hard core fawesome!
    I so wanna be a rabid fangrrl! Youd odn’t even know how much I wanna be a rabid fangrrl.
    Talk to you people later in Scott-la’s blogie ;]

  756. i am speechless. and i don’t even know why. i just can’t think of anything to say!!!

  757. me either.

  758. So, I guess there’s a long awkward silence.

    *Crickets chirping*

  759. Hi guys! I finally had a chance to come over here from the midnighter spoiler zone, and was wondering if you would add me Lizzy-wa.

    I hope everyone had a great holiday.

  760. chirp! chirp! chirp!

    merry belated christmas to all of you peeps besides me! lol.

    i’m not sick, but i felt it yesterday…i had like a migraine headache and i thought i was gonna throw up but three doses of tynenol and 30 hours later, i’m good. yeah. i like, woke up, ate breakfast, got a headache, and laid in bed all day yesterday and today. but i got to have ice cream. but it still hurt, so w/e.

  761. It feels so good to be able to breathe again.

    But my cough won’t go away. argh.

  762. wow, everyone is sick. i’m feeling better luckily and not coughing as much.
    rather hung over from pulling a The Sweet Far Thing all-nighter though.

  763. i am so glad it’s not winter here, or i would be sick too

  764. lucky fool living in new zealand and having summer

  765. We don’t ever really get winter here, but I’m sick anyway. We usually only get down to like 35 degrees, and that’s at night. Usually during winter the temps somewhere between 50 to 70 degrees. What I wouldn’t do for one real winter. I know what you’re thinking: You crazy person, why the heck would you want snow? The truth is I would like it to snow just once. When you live in a desert though, that doesn’t happen. I’ve only seen snow three times in my life, and I know some people who never have.

  766. hey how do we move up in face rank??

  767. luckier fools in australia, who get WARM summer AND scott-la

  768. I have to agree with you lotti. I want to live in Australia!

  769. wow. lots of new PEEPS. i’ll try to add them all…hey Monkey16-la. are you monkeylover or not? cuz if you arent shood i add you? and you move up by commenting or getting your name mentioned…i think i’ll update them rite now…

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ’‘

  770. i see no updatedness…

  771. it gets winter and cold here, but it just stinks because half my house has NO HEAT!
    and then it’s summer and it’s worse because all of my house has NO A/C
    really, when it’s not raining, the weather sucks. *scowls at happy sun outside*

  772. hey, i just realized it tells you the number of comments up at the top. only 771? i thought we’d cracked a thousand by now.

  773. Yeah. That’s the wierdest thing about the people living in the north: they have no a/c. without a/c here, where i live, you would die. literally. Of heat exhaustion. Being w/o heating isn’t as bad tho.

  774. up here, being without heat is pretty bad. especially when it’s like five degrees out. that doesn’t happen much though, it’s probably been around 30 degrees for most of the last month.

    and being without A/C sucks here too. in the summer, it’s 70/80 all through june july and august. on adverage. gets up into the ninteys and we’ve had hundred-degree days. so it’s not that we don’t NEED a/c, just that MY HOUSE doesn’t have it. all my friends do.

  775. here it pretty much hits 100 every day during the summer. 80 degrees is like the overnight low. I’m not kidding. Right now um, let’s see, 65 degrees maybe?

  776. for all who wants to read——
    i have updatd my blog
    and finished my 1st chapter (1113 words)
    and is (my opinion) farly good
    my werewolf coms in at the end of the chapter
    and it is very exciting
    i hope you like
    please go and read and comment

    p.s. i am horrid at spelling so it might have some very bad spelling.

    WoRd πŸ˜‰

  777. how do we get on to your blog?

  778. and it’s like, i’m gonna say 30 ish here.

    she linked to it on the most recent HQ post.

  779. It’s been soooo long since I last posted. The last time I posted was when I sprained my thumb using my french horn. Hehe, me soooo special!!

  780. ok…so im not gonna update…yesterday i guess? when i was halfway done counting my dad came downstairs and TURNED THE COMPUTER OFF! im really mad. then he made me go to bed and wake up early in the morning so we cood go to the tri cities. like, a 4.5 hour drive!!! at least i finished PEEPS. and im halfway threw SO YESTERDAY. but i cant update the ranks til i get back on Sunday. *sigh*. my DADS laptop, not mine, cuz i dont have one, is beeping that its about to die sometime in the near future. gotta go.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😦

  781. that be so unfool! very sad-making 😦

  782. What horrid luck! Excuse me, I feel like using words no one uses.

    So, um…ah…I hate commenting without anything to say so I have to find something to say.

    Found something! ok, look at this:
    Hank Ballard and the Midnighters? pitiful.

    Best Westerblog post in the world! I read this like a couple months ago, I fell in love with it. Read it if you haven’t already! It’s fawesome.

    Wow. I found some meaning for this comment. Good day to you.


  783. oooooh, that stinks Co-Prez. stay strong. stay strong.

    your thumb better yet Kadie-wa?

  784. That does stink Lizzy-wa.

    I hope your thumb’s doing better Kadie-wa. I have friend who plays the french horn, and I think she did the same thing once.

    Oh, and I’m with Allie-wa on needing the A/C. We hit a hundred every day during the summer. Most days it’s actually more like 110 to 120. With a low in the 90’s. 90 is actually cool for us during the summer.

  785. I guess you live in southwest usa then? assuming you live in the United States.

    But over there, there’s like no humidity. Here, it’s like 100% relative humidity all day ,every day.

  786. wow, it must suck living in hot places. i personally couldn’t stand living in a place that didn’t get snow in the winter!! i love snow!!! it gets you days off from school!!! i don’t know the temp outside right now, tho i’d say maybe 20 – 25-ish. my house has terrible heat though. every night in the winter when i go to bed, i can barely feel my toes. that part isn’t fun. but then in the summer, it gets pretty hot. usually 70 – 85. sometimes goes up to 90. and then we don’t have good air conditioning either, so my house pretty much sucks. but i like winter here, it’s prettyful!! wow, after 10 already?? it doesn’t feel like it to me!!! enough of my long post. time to burn a cd. bye people!!!!

  787. i have a random sock tan cuz i hate my school shoes, so i always wore my other shoes and now i look like one of those bratz dolls, when you put the pale feet on the tanned doll. everyone says i’m far too pale anyway

  788. Yep, southwest. We don’t have humidity most of the time, except for monsoon season (July-late august), which is one thing I’m happy about. I’ve visited the east during the humid summer season. It is miserable. I do wish we got snow though. And humidity would be ok, because that would mean rain. Which I would enjoy. We’ve gone for 135 days or so without rain. Now that’s miserable. And when you go out to the car and burn yourself on the seat belt, well that’s not fun either. I would spend my summer in the pool, but it gets so hot that that ends up being like taking a bath it’s so warm. Enough about me complaining about our hot summers though. It’s cool right now, and I’m not going to think about what it’s going to be like in a few months.

  789. so broed i am 9th in face rank i need to comment more

  790. OK i need to be hghter on the face rank thing so bad

    oh well

  791. don’t knock paleness. it has it’s place in the world.

    i hate warm places. i like the cold!!!!!!

    it’s supposed to SNOW today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  792. Lucky. Wish it would snow here.

    It stormed -STORMED! – last night. I heard the thunder in my dreams. It’s actually pretty cool when I hear thunder in my dreams. Usually it takes the form of a truck, or an old, rusty-hinged door opening. Then I wake up.

    Once I saw really wierd lightning. But I’m not going to get into that right now. πŸ˜›

  793. Yeah, I love cold places too. I’m planning on moving to the east coast as soon as possible (though soon as possible isn’t very soon). Or at least somewhere where they get rain and snow. I hate the heat.

  794. i was born in the middle of wnter, so unsurprisingly, i love the cold. seriously, i love snow, rain, hail, storms, lightning.

  795. I love rain. I wish we had more of it. When it just gets cloudy I get excited. Though it only rains one out of every fifteen times it gets cloudy. Not that it gets cloudy that often.

  796. ohmigod i love lightning. irrationally. it makes me happy. as does rain. and thunderstorms.

    it’s raining right now actually. not supposed to start snowing til after midnight. hope it does. 1-3 inches. i waaaaannnt snow!!!!!!

  797. check out this fawesomeness! click on my name to see!

  798. i want to join pppppppppplllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    look at my site (u said u would neway just a frequent little reminder.

  799. Haha, lol, yes my thumb is fully healed.

    Happy New Year everyone!!

  800. good to hear it!

  801. what the hell? i keep posting things and then they disappear a little while later. not the HQ!!!!

  802. That’s bad…maybe it’s like…

    Darn. Now I’m thinking of the Westerverse thing. But we could no way have blown up the server yet…it took years for that to happen to Scott’s blog.

  803. thats weird. dissapearing comments??? hummmmmm. maybe its lizzy-wa messing w/ ur head. i think messin w/ peoples heads is fun! πŸ˜€ so maybe lizzy-wa thinks so too. thats fairly unlikely though. i doubt thats the real reason just brain storming

  804. or maybe the website’s haunted!!!!!!!!

  805. hmmmm…

  806. i will be away for a few days. i am going to visit my friend who lives on a farm in the middle of nowhere, so bye

  807. hehe. im not messing with heads! altho that does sound fun….i just got back and had to moderate like 18 comments!

    what happened to Kadie-was thumb?

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜•

  808. Lizzy-Wa, I got it stuck In my french horn during my concert, and I dislocated and sprained it. But It’s all better now…three weeks later! Lol

    Aw, I don’t want Lotti-wa to leave!!

    *tear tear*

    Scary hauntings……..

  809. wierd, Allie-wa’s linky post just showed up. maybe the links required moderation.
    yeah, i’ve heard of that band.

    no Lotti!!!!! how will we survive without you lucky fool who lives in new zealand!!!!!!!

  810. oh! poor Kadie-wa! hehe. my sister (in fifth grad) is starting to play the french horn. hehe. i told her about your incident and she said that it woodnt happen to her and that it only happened to you because you were stupid. hehe. i’ll go defend you now…

    -Co-Prez OUT! 8)

  811. have fun Lotti-la!

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  812. its hard being in the middle of no where. i go to camp in the moddle of no where. its fun, but were not allowed 2 have technology. oh good news typin more midnighter-y-ness. almost done it will b up soon. click my name to read. mayb.

  813. yay my link works now i think its cause im not logged in on wordpress. im also tagular. and on scotts im courtney-la. so. u can click my name there 2 :-9

  814. yay i finished another section.! u can read it now click my name

  815. woah. i was gone for one week and there is already a whole bunch of new people on this site. awesome

  816. My linky post? About Ballard and the Midnighters? and the fawesome blog post? I didn’t even know that one required moderation. lol.

  817. hi. just felt i had to comment something.

  818. aww, sweet of you Kadie-wa

  819. Bored. My sister is having a lame sleepover. Whispering in the kitchen.

    So bored. Not even my weird, usually entertaining thoughts can entertain me. This is boring. I feel dead.

    Is this what normal people feel like when they aren’t watching tv, on the phone, texting, iming, playing video games, or listening to music? Cause it really sucks.

    Maximum Ride is fawesome. I crack up whenever the dog talks. I laughed, like, majorly (hmm…apparently majorly isn’t a word. stupid spell checker.) when it started talking.

    oops – spoilers. It’s your own fault if you haven’t read it. Go read it!

  820. that’s how i feel when i am not on teh computer. dead.

  821. Yeah, that’s pretty much how I feel when I’m not writing or on the computer, (which I have to be on the computer to write so it’s pretty much the same thing,) dead.

  822. when i’m stuck somewhere without computer, i start going crazy with story and revision ideas, so i’m just annoyed, not dead.

    Max Ride is indeed fawesome. my friend in real life just started reading it, actually.

  823. Wow. I forgot how much life sucks. With school and everything.

    Maximum Ride is my savior…I would go crazy this weekend without it. Grounded. because i was mad at my mom. and soda flung out of my can last night and some of it landed in my mom’s hair. She thought I did it on purpose (Which I DID NOT. I PROMISE. Not like SHE believed me).

    stupidness. I hate school. Besides the whole 8-hours-of-crap-that-would-be-better-spent-writing-slash-sleeping-ness, I can’t get on the computer on schooldays. Which also means I can’t write, even when I get home, because all my stories are in my email where my stupid sister can’t read them. more crap. So guess what? Life sucks. I feel like screaming.

    Sorry for ranting/venting, whichever you want to call it. More like venting, I think. But I really really really need to b) do something worthwhile (you know, more productive than standing out at recess in 20 degree weather. When did it get so cold?) or b) die, since frostbite and hypothermia often do that to you.

    I’d rather do a.

    And I’m probably grounded forever now. literally – I bet my mom says I can’t ever get on here/Westerblog again. She says that because the books are “dark” they will “attract” “dark people”. Which is crap, of course. Like everything else. And the soda-in-the-hair-thing will give her the perfect chance to do that.

    I wish everyone weren’t such motherfucking dickhead-ed imbecile-ly assholes. then life would be sooo much easier.

    ooh. didn’t know I knew so many head-spinning words.

    Again, sorry for venting. I should really get my own blog to put stuff like this. Then I could say it (err…type it), and – bonus – I wouldn’t get in trouble because no one would ever read it! Just another of the millions of blogs out there.

  824. *even more sympathy*
    ouch……i will share a story of how i also accidently poured an entire bottle of water on my mom while arguing (i swear it really was accidental, i gestured with it but there wasn’t a cap on) and it was absolutely horrible for everyone.

    isolation from writing does indeed suck. i have taken to carrying around a notebook and even sinking to writing with pen and paper so i don’t go psycho.

    i hope you still get on here and westerblog and stuff.
    and even if you don’t, i hope it gets better.
    because the world is not only dark people. it is also stupid, closeminded people.
    life kind of sucks.
    but not always…..

  825. but finding solace in awesome books (like Max Ride) definitly helps. without writing and reading, i’d be like, commited somewhere by now, probably.

  826. *sympatheticness towards allie-wa*
    let your anger out, allie-wa. it’s what we’re here for

  827. is Maximum Ride like a book or something

  828. Maximum Ride is a series of books about genetically engineered kids with wings and they are full of hilarity and awesome and some plot holes but mostly awesome. they are addictive and have much flying and also awesome.

  829. sounds like teh extras…or teh sly girls

  830. Lots of sympathy for Allie-wa. Hope you can still go on the westerblog. I hope things get better.

    Yeah I also have horrible stories of fights my mother and I have had, though right now I’m not going to go into detail.

    Not being able to write definitely sucks. I resort to carrying around a pad of paper and pen during the school year, because if I don’t then I never get any writing in. (except on Friday and Saturday nights when I attempt to stay awake unti 3:00 a.m. just so I can get some work done) I actually ended up printing off a copy of the first eleven chapters of my manuscript (seventy pages) so I could get some re-writing done at some point. (of course my teachers don’t apprectiate the non-paying-attentionness when I’m editing, but I try my best to get some writing done when I can. Those seven hours at school can’t all be wasted, right?)

  831. i can’t write very fast, and i always get writers cramp, so i just type out my stories. that’s why i love my computer so much, and if anything happened to it, i’d die because i am currently working on my best story ever!

  832. ha ha, i edit in school too and write in my notebook of life.

    i always feel like that. i’m writing this uber-awesome story right now, ironically for English class, but it is still awesome.

    ha. only stay up til 3 am on Friday and Saturday? i do that on Thursday, and Wensday, and Monday and Tuesday and Sunday! because sleep deprivation is fun and school is for sleeping, wihle night-time is for writing………..
    managed to stictch together a ten page fragment on my story last night…around 1.

  833. Yeah, I always get writer’s cramp too, and my manuscript stays with me at all times when it’s being taken off of my desk. If I lost those hours of work in re-writing or any part of it I would probably die too. So my most important manuscript (the one I have printed out) is saved in about six different places that I regularly update, just in case something happens.

  834. yeah, backing up is good.
    my friend’s story got deleted recently. it was only a short story, and she had most of it printed out, but STILL. she lost some of it. totally sucks.
    *goes to find flashdrive*

    yes, this is me on school-project quasi deadline. apparently, i am not very good under pressure. i am surfing wikipedia for ghost towns in Iowa. not writing.

  835. UUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! havent been on here in SO long!!!!! i serisously need to drop part of my life. or get a computer in my room at least. yeah. that wood help a lot. cuz then when the parentals that are forever cursed with paranoia send me to bed at ten, i can come on here instead of reading til midnight. see? that wood definately help a lot.

    just updated the ranks by the way. Serafina-la, if you try to rub your top rank in my face, i will ship you to Australia.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  836. i is third!!

  837. hmmmmm *sees above post*

    srsly. i would hardly get on the internet at all without my laptop *strokes laptop* oh how i love thee……
    my parentals yell at me with the ten o’clock thing too, but i still never go to bed b4 1 a.m. because of laptop and reading and other computer. honestly, all they do at 10 o’clock (or more often 11) is kick me out of the downstairs half of the house. then i just waste two to three more hours upstairs. and sleep through school the next day

  838. if you’re tally-wa, i’m aya-la. and lizzy-wa is nana love!

  839. yes. im sixth. AWESOME! out of 24 people. oh yeah. woah. we have 24 members in the club. last time i checked we only had 17. COOL


  841. WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  842. *ON





  846. wow.

    by the way, 24 is a really bad number for chasing midnight werewolves. or good, depending on how you look at it

  847. that is actually really unlucky……must…recruit….more….members.
    *still silently gloating over face rank*

  848. who wants to be a reputation bomber?


  849. she still deserves a better face rank than in the two hundreds

  850. ha ha, ur really bored lotti, ain’t you?
    i am an egotasticical reputation bomber
    sera zane
    sera zane
    sera zane
    sera zane
    sera zane
    sera zane
    sera zane
    sera zane
    sera zane
    sera zane
    sera zane
    sera zane
    sera zane
    sera zane
    sera zane

  851. hehe. nice.


    hehe. Nana Love is foolio. but id rather be Aya-la. hhhhmmmm…

    hey Tagular-wa. so, if your Courtney-wa, that means your that gurl that has sompthin against pie rite? hehe. im eating pie rite now. mmmmmmmmm…..chocolate silk…….

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  852. shoot! 12:01. how bogus is that?!

    -Co-Prez OUT! 8)

  853. First day of a new semester. So tired. Can’t think. Been running around trying to find and get to classes on time all day. So so tiring.

    The good thing about this semester is that I get to take creative writing. So fawesome! Even better the teacher asked us each what our favorite books are, so I got to start talking about midnighters/scott. That was fun. So so fun.

    Oh, and it rained today. It just had to rain today. I mean we had a whole winter break for it to rain, and it decides to rain the first day back. Not that I have anything against rain. (I love it.) But we all got soaked at lunch, and when you have to run across your campus to the portables in five minutes, it is not very fun.

    I would reputation bomb right now, but i’m way too tired. Maybe another day.

  854. hmmm….my creative writing class ends in a couple weeks, which is sad, because i goof off on the computer the whole time.

    Co-Prez, u’re the only one i know who’s commented at midnight. you do it all the time.

    i like rain… was like, wierdly warm today, like 68 degrees which is freaky when it was 15/-2 with windchill just yesterday.

  855. hehe, yes i am bored.


  856. there’s a really wierd thing that bugs me. you know when someone dies, and people say “gone before their time”. people don’t have expiry dates

  857. also, results from the opinion poll are now posted on the new special circumstances.

  858. oooh…..*goes to check poll*

  859. we now have thirteen members too

  860. i think the duct-tape has gotten Allie-wa

  861. ooh, that’s lucky.

    and i think she’s okay, i saw her on the wiki like yesterday or something. says she’s grounded til febuary or sumsuch.

  862. ohhhh

  863. idk y every one was doing this but it looks like it will take uo some time


  864. idk y every one was doing this but it looks like it will take uo some time



  865. wow that took uo a lot of space he he he

    mabye that will improve my face rank?????????????????????????????

    hope soooo

    he he he

    WoRd πŸ˜‰

  866. ego-kicker!!!!!!

  867. oh well. cant hurt


  868. wow that was long.

    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
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    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina sane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina zane
    serafina sane

    hmmm….maybe we should stop doing this.

  869. yea, we might blow up the server or something

  870. yeah. or just be really obnoxious. which is annoying.

  871. i htought that lizzy said that we couldnt do that. ya know, the chanting your name thing. oh well. im bored soooooo…


    Im getting bored
    Di you guys actually type out your name multiple times. all i did was type my name, highlight, click copy, press enter, and clicked paste. saves energy. like body energy, not energy energy. its pretty easy. but boring. bye!

  872. i did. creative writing class is boring.

  873. i copied one, then pasted it, then i copied them both and pasted it, then i copied all four and pasted it… and so on and so forth… and so on and so forth… so it kept doubling. i did that with the ‘shay-la’ thing too

  874. hehe i want to reputation bomb

  875. well that was fun, not really. it did occupy my bordom though

  876. i typed them all out untill i got tired and then i copied and pasted that 1 time and i hit submit commn=ent………………

    So bored………………
    check it out


    Word πŸ˜‰

  877. ugh, reputation bombing takes 4EVER to scroll through.

    because every day is steampunk day…except when it’s Not Steampunk Day, which is most days.

  878. yea, it does… specially sophie-la’s… πŸ˜‰

  879. woah. whats with all the self promotion?!?!?! *cough* Sophie-la *cough*.

    hehe. sorry Sophie-la but i have to delete your self promoting comment. it is taking my computer to long to load. sorry. again. kindof. but not really.

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  880. ok. so. im not THAT evil. i just coodnt delete it. but i did have to shorten it to a size that only took my computer 13 (lucky!) seconds to load instead of 12 (not lucky!) minutes.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ’‘

  881. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! 12:12 and 12:24! im officially cursed!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

    oh. and Lotti-la. you are SO 11:59.

    but at least your not CURSED!!!!

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜₯

  882. oooooh, now that’s bad luck.
    okay, the little typy line thing is doing a wierd and alarming flickering thing now. what’s that about clogging self-promotion comments?

  883. but u also posted at 12:26! and 26 is double thirteen!
    and i posted at 12:31, and 31 is 13 backwards.

  884. more Graduation posted on my LJ, click mai name!

  885. *snorts* i have that tshirt off wearable extras… the mindcaster one that says you are so 11:59 so i guess i really am then

  886. i have that shirt too. it’s fawwwwweeeesome.

  887. hehehe. thatz funny. im soooooooooo bored and did i move down in face rank????? gosh i cant remember. i want 2 move up 2, 13 goodbye haley-wa mwahahahahahahahahahaha
    i think i did move down 1 omg now thats gonna b drivin me crazy. hey how do i get u to post my fan fic lizzy-wa??? cuz if its ask nicely, then, please will u put my fan fic up please? πŸ™‚

  888. i want one of scotts wearable extras, i want that one that lottie has and the new special circumstances one and the team zane one. gosh hands r shakin to type a a it will give it away if i tell u wat my efforts are 4 GOSH I NEED 2 GO RITE

  889. phew i moved back up

  890. idroped down NOT FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH WELLL


    Mrs. Suzie πŸ˜‰

  891. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! My face rank went down one!!

  892. But I understand why.

    I’m sooo busy.

    Owell, I come on when I can.

  893. What’s up with the name bombs. Is that what they’re called??? Yeah…..

    I feel so left out. Someone clue me in!!


  894. Reputation Bombing, like in Extras.
    have u read Extras? cuz then it makes more sense.
    short story, ever1 was just bored and typing thier names over and over to raise thier face ranks.

  895. hehe.

    i’ll post yours soon Tagular-wa. and then i’ll post some of Sophie-las maybe…

    but first i have to post more of Allie-was. i promised. shoot. theres sompthing i wanna post first tho. i’ll post yours tomorrow Allie-wa i swear!

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😐

  896. Serafina want fic……Lizzy-wa should post some fic……

  897. yeah. im gonna post Tagular-was and Sophie-las and Allie-was. didnt you hear me?

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜•

  898. i know…serafina wants it now, however……

  899. yay!!!!!

  900. i dislike my computer w/ a passion. i said i was gonna post some pic on my blog, but my computer wont cooperate

  901. hey its not 9:08 its 4:o8 ohh thats not a very good #

  902. gosh im bored
    k bored of reputation bombing too

  903. yay!!!

  904. wow, this page has 903 (well, 4 now) comments!

  905. Gosh Serafina Zane did you count all of them cuz I don’t see any numbers?Maybe its just my own stupidity cuz I just woke up like 20 minutes ago.
    See Ya!

  906. it says it up at the top, under the names. “# comments”
    i don’t have the patience to count that far.

  907. Oh, that makes so much more sense, cuz if I started counting that I would so fall asleep.

  908. Wow, it’s been forever since I’ve been on. Ok, not that long, but like a week or so.

    Anyway, I finally finished re-writing the first chapter of my Midnighters fanfic. Click on my name to go read it. Oh, and if you want to you can post it Lizzie-wa.

    I hope you guys like it.

  909. oooh, Serafina sense fic. Serafina go read fic.

  910. hehe. ok. i think next i’ll just do a post with like…three peoples fic.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ’‘

  911. i need to write more midnighterness. i been twilighting 4 like 13 chapters now so…
    i wrote more, big break in midnighterness but i still have to type it.

  912. i think ill do that now, instead of my sci crap thats due fri.

  913. procrastinate homework! type fic!

  914. darn serafina got 913. i typed sum check it on my fan lib. my user names courtney-wa.

  915. 2 more characters. i think i stopped typin in the middle of a chapter. i think it got added ill go check

  916. darn i have to finish its not up

  917. ha! i win life!

    hmm…i have irrational laziness when it comes to fanlib.

  918. there its up

  919. As in, you don’t read anything there, or you have an account but you never post anything there?

    My member rank there is like 73. That’s pretty cool considering it jumped from 96. The price of inactivity *sigh*

    Not to be fame-obsessed or anything…

  920. ok

  921. me is like so bored………

    Word πŸ˜‰

  922. as in, i like, don’t read anything there. not sure why.

    of course you aren’t…allie-sensei.

  923. allie-sama

  924. right!

  925. ok, me wants the link to tagular’s fanfic. i think i’ve read everyone else’s but yours. yeah.
    i haven’t been on in like a YEAR (hyperbole, but still).

    i’m currently watching the monte carlo hotel in vegas burn down on the news…interesting. they had to evacuate people from three surrounding hotels as well…more interesting. i hope the building collapses…that’d be the most interesting.
    random. moving on.

    MIDTERMS DONE! who else here has to take them? i was FREAKING out and they ended up being easy. i wish someone warned me or else i wouldn’t have actually studied for once.

  926. SHOOT the firefighters put out the fire…oh well.

  927. i hoope no one died i can’t really hear through my headphones…then i’d feel bad about calling it interesting…*rapid googling* OH WAIT the screen says that there’s “no major injuries” k no longer anxious…urge to comment subsiding…


  928. k hey, im actually tagular, but on sum stuff it verys so just lettin u no. heres the link, click my name! well, the break in the story, just in case u want to no, is the dicovery of the most recenty introduced character. ne way hes got major storyness, huge hunk right there, not tellin u y, but… well u get the point. u can view all my fics by clickin my name at the top of the fan fic the link takes u to, so, some have developed a lot more than wat r on my blog, dont use it much nemore, o well

  929. yay now my link is too my fan lib page, so click.

  930. i had to take quarterlies, but thank GOD they’re over now too.

    cool. burning hotel. it’s cool because no one’s “majorly injured”.

  931. wow there’re quarterlies? as in, every quarter? that sucks…we have midterms and finals/regents exams, and i thought that was bad!

    just changed name-link…nothing entirely new though πŸ˜‰

  932. wow i is lucky, i dont have ne of those yet, i just have normal tests!!!! yay me! :-9

  933. yeah, they kind of suck. but, in a way, they’re easier cuz it’s not as much material.

    but….you don’t get a half day or more time to finish them. you go to that period, take it, and keep going. and other teachers can give quizzes and homework and projects during it.

  934. I already took my midterms, though you can’t exactly call them that. It’s more like having two finals a year because we’re on block scheduling (Where you have one set of classes half of the year, and another set of classes the second half of the year, only four classes a day though. Each 90 minutes long) , so I had my midterms/finals right before winter break. Glad that’s over until the end of the year.
    Are any of you guys also on block scheduling? Just wondering if my school district is insane by attempting to fit an entire year’s worth of honors geometry into on semester or if that’s normal for other states.

  935. ha. Allie-sama.

    I now have a member rank of 61 on Fanlib! But I’m NOT trying to increase that by reviewing obsessively…I’m NOT on Fanlib right now…and I’m NOT here either!

  936. my school wants to do block scheduling next year, and they switched to block scheduling in the middle school the year after i left.
    i don’t know if they would do that finals + splitting thing though, i think they just wanted to give longer periods.
    and, you know, cut out art and music classes. how bogus is that? stupid school district.

    of course you aren’t, allie-sama. of course not.

  937. hi!!!! hey hey im on block squeduling *its suckinsh u sit there 4 80 min. at a time
    ps i think allie-wa says hi im unsure a little blond today

  938. Can i be a midnighterette?

    Or something… Cheers

    Alisha-La xx

  939. hmmm. is it allie-chan-sensei-sama now?

  940. lol, because allie isn’t long enough. allie-wa-chan-sensei-sama.

    long classes SUCK.

  941. hmm. yeah i know what you mean

  942. allie-chan-sensei-sama-wa-la???

  943. yes!

  944. sigh. theres no more left to add to it…

  945. my school has about 100 thousand million billion electives and I LOVE IT. i only thought there were like 20 or something like that till i had to go to a high school orientation last summer and they handed out this huge packet describing all the elective courses.

    my school doesn’t really have block scheduling, i don’t think…i don’t really know how to explain it. each class is 40 minutes long, we have A, B, C, and D days, but no, they haven’t tried to fit a year’s worth of honors geometry into one semester.

  946. the policy on midterms in my school is that you have them the first time in 9th grade (well, duh, but w/e), but you only have to come to school to take your midterms, that’s it. if you don’t have a midterm till 12:30, then you don’t have to come to school until then. or if you have one midterm at 8:05, you can go home after you finish it. like, there were 4 days of testing, and there were midterms scheduled from 8:05-10:05, from 10:15-12:15, and from 12:30-2:30. but NO ONE ever needs the full two hours, and they let you leave after an hour has passed. i had one midterm a day expect for wednesday, when i had spanish and global studies, but they weren’t one after another–one at 8:05, one at 12:30. so a bunch of us kinda hung around the school acting sketchy in the time between till some teachers made us either go to the library, go to the cafeteria, or leave.
    we chose library, since the cafeteria was filled to the brim with 7th graders. no offense to the 7th graders on here, since you are all a lot more fool than any 7th grader where i am. just because you’re on this website classifies you as the foolest 7th graders.
    k odd-ish rant/rave over

  947. ya ii am the foolist 7th grader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he he h ehe h

    Sick is not fun 😦

  948. My new name. πŸ™‚

    I am soooooooooooooooo happy to be back on here. Really, I’ve been grounded since Jan. 5!! I haven’t been on here in over a week!

    The postcard that you wrote with the stupid little note something wasn’t quite right about it. I wanna see u cry like I did a thousand times now ur losin me ur losin me…

    stupid Avril Lavigne lyrics lol. Listening to that song…might skip it…w/e it’s almost over anyway.

  949. see, with quarterlies you have to take the trest, and keep going to classes all day. so it’s lame, like a regular day of school, but 20% of your grade depends on it.

  950. My exams are like that. We take it during the class it’s a test about,. Then we go on to the rest of our classes for the day. We had 2 exams each day for like 3 days.

  951. We have half days on midterm days. You go to your first and second hour class on one day and take those tests, and then you go to your third/fourh hour class and your fifth hour class the next day and take those tests. We get out at 10:20 those days. (We start at 7:20).

  952. All this talk about tests is making me dizzy. not really. but it’s still a little confusing.

    I am effectively failing math. I got 77 on my last test and 36 (!) on my last quiz – and it’s a new semester, so those are the only grades in the gradebook. *sigh* And I got a 94 on my social studies test! I’ve a had a 100 average all year, and now a 94? I was sooo mad. The test was really confusing. i hate imperialism and all its confusing ways.

    And in language arts we had this reading hw to do, and i didn’t turn it in so I have a 0 for that grade! and, once again, it’s a new nsemester, so that’s the only grade in the gradebook! fun!

  953. that sux, Allie-wa.

    i got the reverse situation—-i got a 100 on a math quiz so that’s my adverage! woo! i had a fever when i took it!

    Yes, snowed! It never snows here. It hasn’t for over fourteen years (aka my entire life). I’m so happy. There was this huge storm and it snowed! I’m so so happy.

    Ok, so it only snowed for like 10 minutes, and none of it stayed on the ground, but still it was actually ice crystals falling from the sky. I couldn’t believe it. I actually didn’t realize what it was at first. (I’ve only seen snow about five times in my life. A whole lot more then a lot of people I know.) Anyway, it snowed! I’m so happy! And it’s cold. The high’s only 57 degrees or something like that. There’s an actual freeze warning for tonight. It’s so fawesome! We actually had to keep our jackets on at lunch it was so cold! It hasn’t been this cold since like two/three years ago, and it’s never, ever snowed! It’s so so fawesome!

  955. wow…57 degrees? COLD!? come to NY, then we’ll talk about cold!
    i got a 2 hour delay today, along with like every other school in my area. it was nice to sleep in, but the schedule was completely screwed up…they changed all of our periods around so that we wouldn’t be having lunch at like 1:30, so i was like REALLY confuzzled all day. like, we had 4th period as our 8th class of the day, etc. and every class was only 20 minutes long, too, which kinda sucked since i had to perform a 60-minute science lab experiment in lightning speed. but it kinda rocked, too, b/c we didn’t have to cram as much knowledge into our heads as usual.

    i’m assuming that’s good news for you serafina! didn’t you say you strongly disliked math…?
    and allie-wa, at least you’ve got the whole rest of the semester to raise it!

  956. well thanks, Taylor πŸ™‚

  957. I know 57 degrees isn’t that cold, but for us it’s nice. I don’t complain about the colder weather ever (unlike a lot of people I know) because I keep thinking how our summers are going to be during monsoon season (Late June-early September), 120 degrees and very humid (or to put it in other terms, miserable). Then you’ll find me complaining. I love love love the cold (I wish I got to spend more time in snow), and it definitely wasn’t my choice to live in the land of the extreme heat.

  958. mistranslated-something-something, where on earth do you live? death valley? lol jk, jk, but wow…i have all four seasons here, but i don’t necessarily enjoy them all. it’s funny, you hate the hot, i hate the cold…i guess it all depends on environment.

    plus it proves that we all want what we can’t have, haha.

    hey, this is totally random, but did anyone know that in spanish they spell “haha” as “jaja” b/c they pronounce j’s like h’s? i read that somewhere awhile ago, and i just remembered it…so i thought i’d say it. like, i should totally be on jeopardy. i’m the queen of seemingly pointless knowledge. lol

  959. Death Valley is close enough. Um…actually it’s Arizona. The wonderful neighbor of Death Valley. (Some interesting facts: Death Valley’s highest temp ever: 137 degrees, the hottest temp I’ve ever felt around here in my life: 127. There’s only a ten degree difference!) Yes, I’m here in the wonderful state that’s known for it’s big holes in the ground (The Grand Canyon and The Meteor Crater, both are kind of impressive to look at for about a minute, but they really aren’t that great). Who ever decided that it would be fun to inhabit a desert and build the 3rd largest city in the country in it must have either been crazy or visited here during winter.

  960. it snowed a little this morning but then was all lame and melty so now it’s just sort of wet.
    but yeah. 57 degrees is WARM.

    lol “known for it’s big holes in the ground”

  961. hi people.

    I think I’ve sort of lost interest here. I got bored a little bit. so yeah.

    I’m like never on here anymore πŸ˜›

    Anyone listen to Paramore?

  962. Allie-wa: huge ginormous YES.
    er, to the paramore question, i mean.

    and it’s snowing here right now! i heart it…it’s been going for like 3 hours or something it’s CRAZY. we’ve only gotten like 3 inches so far though, so hopefully it’ll keep going!

  963. hummm… fool 7th grader. i like that. i do think im fool. neway thats mean i want snow. its been a long time since i been on here. sadly i should focas more on my midnighter fic. which i see isn’t up yet. but thats ok cuz then i would probably be forced to write more. which might make my brain like explode or something. yeah i no allie-wa, we r never here. were face rank obsessed. jk. i just really want to start a contest on fanlib. i got really mad cuz my rank like dropped even tho i was commenting like crazy. very unfool. so unfair. we had extended christmas break b/c of snow. i wish it would snow.

  964. Paramore rocks πŸ™‚ I just got their album on iTunes yesterday. fawesome.

    lol, that happens (on fanlib) I’ve been commenting, like, a lot, but my member rank is stuck at 23, darn the little bugger!

    I think they were talking about getting rid of the member ranks and instead just having different levels, like “junior member and “member, “and golden member” and so on…I think that’s a really good idea…

  965. i know a girl who is a total Paramore freak, myself, not so much, though they are very cool.

    ugh, it ttly sucks, in gym class we have music, ppl bring in thier iPods, and so far it’s all been popular girls with really crappy music. and so today i want to bring mine in, but the guys, even the ones who i’m friends with are all “no, you’ll put on lame girly music.”
    and i’m like, WTF?! i do not listen to “girly” music. i actually have *good* taste in music. i don’t listen to crappy stuff like these people do, it was a week of all Britney and the Spice Girls (no offense or anything if you like them)
    and my music is all, like, punkish and indie and not girly at all, half the stuff the guy then played was on mine anyway!!!!!!!

    hey guys, anybody gonnna enter that contest over at lotti-wa’s? cuz it’s kinda cool.

    Mission – End Page

  966. i’m currently still slaving over a global essay which is draining any and all literary skills out of me. god i don’t think my teacher’s ever given out a 50/50 for an essay…i’m gotten SO CLOSE (49) but she always finds something to deduct for…

    i just found out today that our next unit in gym is ballroom dancing. coed ballroom dancing. and we might not be able to pick our own partners. i’m gonna get stuck with someone i hate, b/c i have that kinda luck. our last sport was badminton, and i was surprised to find that i was ok at it, but then they go and give us BALLROOM DANCING.

    yeah, i hate when people make generalizations about music. like, if a song’s been out for a month it’s “old,” or just stuff like serafina said…wow i wish they’d let us play our ipods…but it’d probaly be a constant repeat of soulja boy or whatever it’s called.

  967. Taylor, you’re global teacher sounds a lot like mine, though your’s is probably not completely and totally insane. He gives us four days to memorize almost every city, every country, and every waterway in Asia. Not only that, but we have to be able to put them on a map and spell them all correctly. Plus we had a vocab test the next day in the same class with at least 35 words on the list. That was not fun at all, plus this is like weekly stuff for us. This week it’s Europe. Arrrggghhh!

  968. Have been hit by the duct-tape! have not been allowed on computer for a week!

  969. wtf, ballroom dancing? that would SUCK. especially if you don’t really know anybody in your gym class. i mean, i at least sort of know guys in my gym class, but they’re icky.

    and that’s just what it’s like, taylor. today, it was full of ppl wearing Spice Girls t-shirts because apparently there was a concert last night (second the wtf, i thought they died or something?)

    dude, i had a history essay too! just outlining it though. people HATE my history teacher, i’m just sort of eh, whatever.

    no! not lotti too!

  970. ugh. I’m so fucking bored.

    oops. I mean…
    whatever. If you don’t want to hear *another* allie-bitch-rant stop here.

    In math, I got a recess detention from my stupid teacher. I just happened to be chewing gum one day of the year, and she gives me a fucking recess detention for it. And that sucks, because I had a science and social studies test to make up at recess. So I had to make up my test and I’m not sure if I still have that recess detention to serve.

    well today pretty much sucked. my friends ditched me at lunch, so I was alone, until the ghetto people came and sat around me (totally un-acknowledging of the fact I was even there) and began shouting in their stupid ghetto accents, every other word a swear word. I don’t get the way their “society” works *rolls eyes*.

    Next block, social studies, sucked. I was so fucking tired. I wanted to sleep but no one in that class knows what silence is, so I couldn’t even sleep. That majorly sucked. Plus I had a headache, and I have to deal with this annoying-as-hell girl who thinks I’m her best friend. She’s clumsy and annoying as shit and I hate her.

    Then in language arts the girl sitting across from me was sick and she being all…whimper-y and annoying. *sighs* My pencil had broken in math, though, so I had to borrow one. And it was .9 lead. Which, in case you didn’t know, smudges like shit when you’re left-handed (your hand is on the left side of the paper, so it goes over what you’ve just written).

    And when I was looking forward to come home, we have to take my sister and brother to their cello lessons. I was sitting in a small, cramped 7-seater minivan with 7 people, 4 bookbags, and two cellos. for three hours. And I had a headache, was tired, and was sick. THREE HOURS of that. it was fucking hell. I didn’t get home until 6:30 (I get out of school at 3:30)

    So yeah. sorry for being a bitch. happy Valentine’s Day everyone.

  971. let it out allie-wa. we’re here for you!

  972. lol. Thanks lotti.

    I’m good. I feel so bad after posting something like that but…well…*walks off randomly*

  973. wait, what grade are you in. you guys still have recess?

  974. what grade are you in allie wa

  975. why wont htis stupid thing let me comment uugggh.

  976. lol, i love your bitch-rants allie-wa. VENT!
    i’m a lefty, too…it gets SO ANNOYING! especially when i’m sitting next to a right-handed person and they have like freakishly long arms (or maybe they’re just freakishly long compared to my weirdly short ones) and we constantly bump elbows, and then they get ticked off at me for it.

    serafina: well, i know all the guys in my gym class, which is partially why i don’t want too. they’re almost all exasperating/ going to bring my grade even lower than it already is, excepting a select few. but luckily the gym teachers (in a surprising change of character) decided to wait till after break to start. so we played red rover and dondgeball and other crap like that last week. hey, does anyone else have this week off? b/c it seems like no one else besides schools in my area do.
    i did hear about the spice girls “reunion” tour…i had thought the tickets cost like a million bucks or something like that, b/c no girls in my school got tickets. but maybe people are like super-rich near you, lol. but there are super-rich people near me, too, so maybe they just didn’t feel like getting tickets. or there’s no show near me. i wouldn’t know either way…

    but i am feeling very smug in saying that i have TRIUMPHED over global studies teacher, with my frist 50/50 in her class. wow, i didn’t even think that was my best essay, but i won’t argue with her…

    and that really sucks, mistranslated! yeah not typing entire name (though i think it’s cool)…yeah global teacher hasn’t tried that, but i hope she doesn’t get wind of your case b/c i’m sure she’d love to try it.

  977. well, i am in filthy rich white kid snob town, so yeah. many people went. i scorned them ALL.

    yeah, true. we’re playing badminton in my gym class. is hilarious.

    AHHHH! another person who has off! we seem to have the shortest break of anyone in my town. only a three day weekend. other people had all week, or at least monday, friday and tuesday or something. ugh i hate school so bad.

    venting iz healthy.

  978. yes it is healthy, Serafina =P But that doesn’t keep me from being remorseful.

    We had a three-day weekend this week. We had Monday off. and that’s it. I spent the day reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. FINALLY getting around to reading Harry Potter (my sister got the 4th one from her school’s library today. must go read…)

    I also got New Moon (for some reason I always want to say Blue Noon…). *sigh* too much to read…

  979. We only had three days off, though I sliced my toe open, and have been home the last day or so because I can walk on it. We have a week off at the end of March. I can’t wait, though I don’t know if I’ll last that long.

    We played badminton last year in PE, though neither me or my friends who were in my class were any good at it. There were four of us trying to hit it back and forth (not even over a net, just in a circle), and we almost went around celebrating and screaming at the top of our lungs when we finally hit it without letting it fall four times in a row. Of course part of that was probably because we kept laughing everytime we each showed our incompetence at it. We ended up having a long dicussion on how the game should be called birdie instead of badminton because with other sports they’re always named after what you play it with. Basketball is played with a basketball, volleyball is played with a volleyball, soccer is played with a soccerball, etc. We also decided hockey should be called puck. Let’s just say we weren’t a very productive group. Anything with a net and racket is just another reason for me to hate PE. The good thing is you only need one PE credit to graduate from high school here, so after I take it next semester I’ll be free! FREE!

  980. ahhh! i wish my school did that! i have to take 4 years of PE. LAME!

    also, ow! toe!

    i wish i had some books to read. lucky Allie-wa with lotsa books.

  981. humph. havent been on here in a long time…

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😦

  982. okay i have really really bad news. okay here i go. its. just. too. painful. LITERALLY painful. I BROKE A NAIL!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! just kidding! gotcha. or did I ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?muahahhahahahaha! youll never know MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa. woah. okay i think i just went through some kind of phase there. oh wait . no. i think its coming back. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!*cough cough* *hack* hairball! bad. okay im done

    okay. that was just wierd.*shakes head and walks away*

  983. if you actually break a nail, not like the end part or the tips or wahtever, it really is painful. srsly.


  984. I hate nail breakages. mostly because they always happen just after i have repainted them black. not that i’m shallow or anything… πŸ˜‰

  985. i need to paint my nails black again…..
    i hate it though, my nails have this wierd thing they do where they like, chip off in parts toward the end and are wierd and take forever to grow out.
    maybe i’m not getting enough calcium or something.

  986. Only my index fingernails grow long. the rest just kind of…stay short. It’s really weird.

    It’s also kinda strange that we’re discussing fingernails…

  987. i was just kidding about my nail story ya know. as in not seroius?

  988. i was just bored. and i was trying to” lighten the mood” everyone was so mad. so i wanted to do something funny. but that didnt work out to well did it.

  989. once my uncle’s tonail fell off when we were in florida over thanksgiving break. yeah, i can’t really remember who came up with the bright “florida for thanksgiving” idea. like, what? but i was like 10 or something and hated the saltwater anyway. one of my cousins had like some weird reaction to it, too….her legs were like burning and she got a rash.

    ok flashback over…wow i didn’t even realize i typed all that till i finished typing it lol…

    i got better at badminton this year…but my team still didn’t do that well. after every team in the class has played each other, they split you up into A and B brackets based on your win/loss record, A being the better group. we got in B bracket, and finished 4th in that group out of 7 teams. how pathetic is that? pretty pathetic, but my gym grade went up when we got our 2nd quarter averages, so i can deal.

  990. *toenail*

    sorry obsessive-compulsive proofreading disorder…

  991. hehe. i luv the *toenail* bit

  992. *loves asterisks*
    *thinks they are completely awesome*
    *wishes I could use asterisks in real life*
    *goes to watch Jeopardy!…or what’s left of it*

  993. eeeewww, toenail.
    *refrains from adding toenail story*

    *loves asteriks also, and wishes there was a regular conversation equivilent*

  994. what are you guys talking about? guess what? im sick! yeah. actually im just coughing a lot. okay since you guys are talking about toenails, i thought i would just add something.

    Once upon a time,long long ago, in a faraway land, something dreadful was happening. Nothing was happening! Oh no. everybody was gone. no, everyTHING was gone. the birds, the trees, the PEOPLE! ALL GONE! and that is how the world ended.


    umm. i dont know how that relates to toenails but. umm. i. umm. im gonna go now. bye.

  995. *wow* *everyone* *is* *sick*

  996. Aha! i have just noticed there are only 5 more comments left to get to 1000! so i will do that now…

    comment 996

  997. comment 997

  998. comment 998

  999. oooh, getting close… comment 999


  1001. yay 1,000! woo!

  1002. Yay! 1000!! More page lag!!

    seriously. Is anyone else’s computer having real problems loading this page? or is mine just being all crappy? *rolls eyes and smacks computer*

  1003. iv never cried after reading a book be4

  1004. i think thats about 2 change.
    u guessed it. i read the 3rd midnighters. i luved the books, so i zoomed thru them in 3 days. why did no 1 on scott-la’s webite/blog warn me about what happens 2 jess? i wud hav taken longer 2 read them and enjoyed her character more. oh well. 1 of the reasons i came here.i came here also 2 see if any1 wants 2 talk about the books. also 2 tell lizzi-wa that i think the uglies series needs a new book more than midnighters. i mean, the latest book out in each series sorta wrapped them both up. well, except specials sorta wraped the uglies series up. but i mean, it wud b great if there was another book(especially in uglies series) but nether series needs it, sad tho that is. i hat what happened 2 jess. and then i feel bad 4 beth. im closest in age her, and while i dont hav and older sister, and i dont get 2 see my cuz that much, if i new that happened 2 her, i wud FREAK.

  1005. im gonna read all the previous comments now so i no what ur talking aobut. also, how do i bcome a member of thechasing midnight werewolves club?

  1006. y r there no comments

  1007. it took me from 9:45 2 12:05 last night 2 read 3/4 of this page! tho i regret 2 say it, this site has waaay 2 many blogs. sorry peeps. but lizzi-wa, can u pleeeeeez erase all the blogs from october 2 january? it took me 1 hour 30 min. 2 read october. pleeeez? and how do i become a member of the club? answer me peeps!

  1008. HOLY CRAP! has no 1 seriously written any new commetns? or is it just my comp. not showing them? why isn’t my cop. showing them if thats the case? HHHHHHHEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    l8r dudes
    my smiley end
    r there any i missed?

  1009. wait!

  1010. Wait!

  1011. I haven’t had time to read alll the comments on this page so I’m not quite sure what everyone is talking about…
    But as long as we’re on the topic of Midnighters… I was thinking we should start a PETITION! Or we could all like email Scott and drive him crazy until he gives in and starts writing a fourth book !!!
    I’m not a creep…I just want a fourth book REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD!!!!


  1013. Oh and …if everyone on this site is so crazy about Midnighters…how is it that nobody comments on the Midnighters Spoiler Page (on Scott’s website) anymore???

    Sorry if I sound completely insane. Am I the only one who wants the fourth book this bad?? 😦

  1014. wat the hell? is it just my computer not loading it, or has nobody seriously commented on here for more than a week. ur scaring me. and does any no wat happened 2 lizzi-wa? shes not on scott-la’s blog OR here, and i think she got locked in a closet. i think alli-wa got tied up with duck-tape again, and the rest of u r prob grounded. thats the only reason ur not on. *takes deep breath* u diddnt all die on me. calm down.

  1015. shit. STILL nobody’s on. this sucks. im lonely. and i wanna post fanfic and bcome a club member. HELP ME!

  1016. Hm…rabid fangirl sounds cool.
    As for the Werewolves thing, someone should make that a new Midnighters series so Dess can continue kicking ass. And the other, lesser Midnighters…I guess.

  1017. this list has gotten loooooonnnnggggg…..!

  1018. Hi all of you new peoples. According to Vicky-la Lizzy-wa is having computer problems so she won’t be on for a while, or something like that. The rest of us have mostly been posting on the comment part of the latest post. The post called In Honor of MJ, and I don’t know about everyone else, but I have been way busy with homework, so I don’t get on here much. Anyway, welcome guys. Keep posting. We can always use new members, though until LIzzy-wa gets back on (I don’t know her so I don’t know when that will be) you’re names probably won’t be added to the club members list. Post anyway. We can always use more conversations and new people.

  1019. wow, this’ wierd, i come on here all the time and look for new comments, and the “recent comments” thing never shows stuff on this thread.

    yeah, whenever Lizzy-wa gets back she can add you guys, there’s no big deal to get in.


  1020. im going to say this for the last time.
    Lizzy has been really busy and she isnt going to post for a long time okay? She didnt get locked in a closet and she didnt get eaten by duct tape. its because of schoolwork and stuff. our teacher always has homework fo r us to do, so she has been really busy. she came over to my house two weeks ago and i told her to post or something, but she said no. she tought that yu guys would be mad at her and want to have a new president. so she didnt know what to do. she told me so many time at school that she was going to resign, but i told her she couldnt beacause everyone would really miss her. so you guys have to help me to convince her not to resign okay?

  1021. don’t resign, Lizzy-wa!
    we have faith in our Co-Prez, even when absent. we sit around and entertain ourselves discussing randomness. she must return and not resign!

  1022. Whoa…why are there comments from way back in the beginning of March that I’m just now seeing?


    And yes, I just said omg.

  1023. i know, it’s like they didn’t show up on the sidebar or something.

    DON’T DO IT!

  1024. hey, Lizzy-wa, look, i posted part four of Graduation! you should read it!
    and NOT RESIGN!

  1025. DON’T RESIGN!

    also, where is everyone?

  1026. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

    Lizzy-wa, if you don’t come back, I’m going to be very sad. :(:(:(:(:(:( And then I’ll hunt you down and force you to come back πŸ™‚ Just for good measure. Okay?

    Vicky-la!!!!! you have to tell Lizzy-wa not to resign!! Tell her we ALL want her to come back.

  1027. i’ll tell her as soon as i get back from vacation

  1028. DON’T RESIGN!

  1029. DON’T RESIGN!

  1030. wo. finally some1 else is on. i havent checked this since march 5th cuz no1 had been on 4 like a month. it scared me. ok, now i hav 2 check this along w/ scott-las blkog. which u access thru his fact page. thats wat most peeps use. now, y was no1 one 4 so long? it was…WIERD! and btw, when lizzi-wa gets on, some1 tell her 2 delete some of the past threads. it took me 5 1/2 HOURS 2 read this. i read REALLY quickly. theres just 2 many threads. its annoying. lizzi-wa, if u resign, i will hack ur email adress and computer, then delete all ur school work so u wont have anything 2 work on. then ull have time 2 come back here. wow. that was an absolutely brilliant idea. and u guys, i want 2 post some fanfic, but it has nothing 2 do w/ midnighters. is there a place on this website i cud? and every1, go b on scott-la’s blog 2. theres more peeps always on.

  1031. no1s been on since yesterday. but thats sonner than b4. wat the shit?! SHIT! i just lookked, and NOW my comp. shos emails b4 march 1st. im gonna read those, then b back.

  1032. k, wasnt 2 mcuh 2 read. but now i check this blog 2. any1 on?

  1033. yeah, we all started out on Scott-la’s blog, in case you haven’t noticed.
    i never go on the Facts page though.

    and if you’re not seeing anybody on, that’s probably because you’re just hanging out here—look on the most recent post (In Honor of MJ) and we’ve been talking pretty steadily.

    and i like our irrationally long thread. and it’s only got 1031 comments. that’s less than the Specials or Midnighters spoiler threads. i think even the Extras one’s got more than that now.

    if you want to post non-midnighters fanfic, this isn’t really the place. and with Lizzy-wa gone, nobody’s really able to post anything (another reason for her to NOT RESIGN). try getting a Fanlib account or something, then you could post the link in a comment here if you wanted to.

  1034. how do i get a fanlib account? and, how do i post MIDNIGHTER fanfic? im sorta working on something about beth and the secret hour. tho it hasnt been ritten. or typed. its just in my head. now, i will go read NEW fanfic!

  1035. o, twlight fans, check out stephenies website! theres a bunch of new onset interviews that r AWESOME! and while i no this is a midnighter/scott westerfeld website, u HAVE talked about twilight in the past. and if u havent, u shud b embarrased. were constantly on the subject on scott-la’s blog. in fact, it sorta transfered from a scott-la blog 2 a “talk about whatever you want blog, but dont insult twlight, cuz if u do emmi-la and danielle-la will rag on u” blog. funny wat u can do, huh?

  1036. Okay, I know I promised never to let the “T” word cross my lips..err, keyboard again, but…

    no. no. no. While I like Twilight in its *own special way*…this is a Midnighters site. I don’t like talking about Twilight here. because it’s weird. And not related to midnighters. And I really, really can’t stand all the people that say, “OMG TWILIGHT IS THE BEST BOOK EVER EDWARD IS BEST!!!” Because that’s not true. And it kinda gets on my nerves. Twilight is NOT the best book ever. And there are a lot of better guys in other books than controlling, overprotective, and fashion-challenged Edward Cullen.

    But enough on that. It’s just my opinion. It’s open for discussion to everyone else, of course. πŸ™‚ But really. IMO….

  1037. yes, and you will notice all that time you guys discussed Twilight would be times i left to hang out here and discuss Midnighters instead.

    also, claps for Allie-wa. you basically just said what i was going to say.
    this is a Midnighters site. you can’t seriously tell me there’s no place for you to talk about Twilight on the internet.

    and i dunno, i’m just about the only person on here who doesn’t have a fanlib account, but i assume it’s fairly easy.
    of course, now that Lizzy-wa’s back she can post any stuff you write that’s Midnighters, i supoose.

  1038. yeah, i do have to agree with you Allie-wa. Twilight is a good book *just because i happen to like vampires*, but IT IS NOWHERE NEAR AS GOOD AS SCOTT-LA’S BOOKS!! also, peeps are better, and more insane
    And to prove it, i have bought every single one of scott’s books that i can find (not polymorph or fine prey, sadly), and only ever gotten twilight out of the library. ONCE.
    as for better guys, what about zane-la, rex, jonathan, frizz, mozzy… even cal in a way *and david, even though zane is much better*

    okay, now i SWEAR i will never mention twilight again on this site. that was just an annoyed rampage

  1039. oh, i dont have a fanlib either. actually, i’ve never heard of it… 😳

  1040. it’s like a fanfic site, i don’t like it much but a lot of people post on it.

    by a million times.

  1041. amen

  1042. ok, if u diss twilight again, i wont rag on u. i do care that this is midnighters site. i still dont rag. cuz thats wat i dont do. ok, u guys basically rapped up chasing midnight on the 1st page, so theres much point in discussing how much we need it more. so were CONTINUING with that subject. (btw, u guys need 2 put all that 2gether and edit it and publish the put 2gether copy 2 me and ill edit it. my moms an editor, so ill b fine.)
    TWILIGHT IS NOT BETTER THAN SCOTT-LAS BOOKS. actually, all twilight books rnt. except that specials is better than them. i make that exception. cuz if u ask me my fav books in world i say:
    not twilight
    not eclipse
    in the forests of silence
    demon in my view
    shattered mirror
    i LUV them all equally. tho i wil prob. not luv breaking dawn more. and if u dont no wat that is, not shame on u! even if u dont like twilight as much as scott-las books, u still dont need 2 red them. and lotti-wa, we miss u on scott-las fact page blog. 4 those who dont no how 2 get 2 it, ask lotti-wa or lizzi-wa. i dont feel like explaining. and besides, lizzi-wa was the 1st 2 comment on that blog. and she asked about PIE! does any1 get that? cuz if u do, pleez explain. and then she steriotyped that every1 likes pie. well WRONG! i hav only ever had 2 pies, so mayb im not rite. but whatev. i had apple pie, which i actuallly LUVED and i had smores (gross!) pie, which is the 1st pie i ever had an d i h8d it. yeah. ok, yes, i cud talk about twilight somewhere else on the internet, but then id hav 2 check scott-las fact page, this blog, AND another blog. and im 2 buys 4 that. i barely manage these 2. i hav a deel. i will do my best not 2 mention twilight (no promises. in july, as it gets closer 2 countdown 4 book 4, im not gonna b able 2 restrain myself. srry.), and u guys wont rag on twilight. unless you really really want to. deel?

  1043. long comment. g2g now. l8r!

  1044. IM BACK (to here)!!!!!!!!!!! i have posted, but i still havent come to here…UNTIL NOW!!!

    and in my honored (hehe) return, i must say. i feel somewhat baddish. hehe. but not really. sorry Danielle-la. but this is a Midnighters fansite and a Midnighters fansite only. it is called CHASING !MIDNIGHT! WEREWOLVES after all. that meens its (not sadly) not a twilight *shudders* fansite. i deeply apologize if that disapoints you. but you mite be aware that the Co-Prezs of the site (Sera-la and me) dont like twilight *shudders again*. that means we dont discuss it on here in a positive way. unless the positivity *shudders* is followed by STRONGER LOVE AND POSITIVITY towards Midnighters and/or (prefferebly and) other books ritten by Scott.

    so…sorry i kinda hacked up your comment 2 comments ago. hehe. it was fun! but rong. but i just coodnt allow that kind of talk on this site. its strictly illegal. seriously. ILLEGAL!!! and…it wasnt THAT bad. i only changed exactly 109 characters. and besides, only you cood tell the difference. hehe.

    but seriously. dont. talk. about. *chokes* twilight. *gags*.

    unless its on a *tries to say The Word, but fails* fansite.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 8)

  1045. any one else notice the boldedness of certain words in last comment?


    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  1046. aww, thanks danielle. tell everyone else i miss them too… but i don’t have broadband, only dailup, and downloading the scott facts page comments is making my server go insane.
    maybe someday, when i have faster internet connection…

    lizzy-wa, its sooo great seeing the little ‘be tricky, get bubbly, stay icy and kick it’ icon on the side again! just like old times…

  1047. hehe. arent you the one that came up with that? i stole it from somebodys blog and im pretty sure it was yours.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😐

  1048. i dont know… if i did post it, then i stole it from someone elses blog… i think it was sera zanes


  1049. 2 words, lizzi-wa. ill give u 1 guess. i tell it 2 the idiot boys in my grade. no, i wont w8 4 u. DEAD MEAT! my dad works w/ computers. i will can hav him hack wordpress 4 me, and delete ur blog. and i can, and will, if u dont change my comment back. did u read the suggestion? i tri not 2 mention twilight, and u guys dont rag on it. deal? correction. i wont mention twilight. but if lizzi-wa doesnt fix my blog, and correct ALL mistake, then i do all i threatened, AND mention it all the time. and get emmi-la 2 come rag on u with me. its very easy, lizzi-wa. FIX MY BLOG. OR ELSE. btw, ur entitled 2 ur opinions, me 2 myn. now off subject of twilight! the subject is over and closed. unless lizzi-wa doesnt fix my blog. and im serious wen i say i will mention twilight in every blog. and only talk about it. but i guess im not mean enough 2 hav my dad mess up ur blog. i guess im bing nice 2day. i was thinnking about lizzi-was tridecalogism story, and 2day when i was bored in s. s., i rote on my leg! only got 6 tridecalogisms. god i suck. well whatev. if im not on 4 a few days, the duct tape did not get me! srry, had 2 say it. iv been saying it on scott-las blog, telling them its an inside joke on ur site. i told them all 2 come here. and btw, we miss ur obnoxious ways on his blog, lizzi-wa! im so nice. but seriously, all the original members except 4 emmi-la and lanie-wa-la-sensie left. im actually 3rd whos bin on longest. and i didnt come on till comment 359! messed up! luv ya! and if u mess up this blog, im serious when i say i will hack this blog and ur email address and send u junk. u no wat, i wont. i guess i really am bing nice. l8r, moms homw, not supposed 2 b on comp.!

  1050. *shrug* wasn’t me.

    i notice no boldness.

  1051. Hello everybody!

  1052. wat the shit? wat happened 2 the blog i posted yesterday. as i dissapeared, i will hav 2 summarize it. it said:
    if lizzi-wa doesnt change back my blog 2 wat it was, i will
    a) email wordpress, who hav a rule against changing other peeps blogs if they dont hav innapropriate words or ideas. and cud posssibly shut down ur blog 4 doing it 2 peeps
    b) hack ur email address and send u junk
    c)get my dad (computer proffestional) 2 hack this blog and delete it
    d)gett all my twilight friends and all the twilight luving peeps on scott-las site 2 come rag on u and only talk about twilight.
    d)i hav a treaty. i dont talk about the t-word, u dont rag on it. deal?
    the 1st part actually said that lizzi-wa was DEAD MEAT!!! there was 1 other thing, wich is that im 2 nice 2 do b and c, and prob a. i h8 having a conscience. and the thing is, it only pops up when its involving GIRLS! it doesnt bother me when i beet up the boys at my school with my book (or fists). but i never get in truble, cuz my teachers luv me. rock on. o, my treaty is quite brilliant, btw. now, u hav until lizzi-wa next posts. i will now go tell my friends at scott-las blog tha cant rag on u. yet. thall b dissapointed. i h8 my conscience. so long! if im not on 4 a while, the duct tape didnt get me! o, some1 needs 2 go on scott-las blog and explain that. i keep mentioning its an inside joke and they need 2 come on this blog 2 understand, but NO1 WILL! so annoying. and i dont hav enuf patience 2 explain. anyway, im not supposed 2 b on computer, mines unplugged, and im on my moms. which im never supposed 2 do w/out permission. but shes out. and the boldness is the caps words. witch i dont bleve in. but im onnorig the treaty and not mentioning it. we all hav r on opinions. l8r.

  1053. and were i sad were continuing w/ the subject? and how twilght and eclipse rnt o my fav book list in world? all those r opposites. except i will admit it. specials IS better than t-books. treaty onoring starts now. and if u think i wont falo up on my threats, 4get it. and if u sa im an annoying 6th grader, its already been done. trust me when i say i dont take offense when it comes 2 myself, only books. o, and those boys i beet up? tha said scott-laas books sucked. y do u think i beat them up? i luv beeting up boys who insult books. its so much fun 2 hear them take it back! o, wat i said about putting 2gether the books and publishing it, better idea. put it 2gether, but dont fill out the details and rough parts. send it 2 scott-la, let him fill out the rough parts, then let him publish it under a joint name w/ u guys! im brilliant. ok, im done bing full of myself.

  1054. check out my new blog! *plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz*

  1055. it occurred to me a few days ago that if scott-la ever wanted to take over the world, he would have a huge army of rabid fangrrls at his command. seriously, he could totaly do it. oooh, imagine a world ruled by scott-la! international uglies day!

  1056. yeah…um…Danielle-la?… wel…you cant really tell us we cant “rag on” twilight. i mean, this is a Midnighters site. we can “rag on” any books that we want as long as they arent by Scott. but…you cant talk about twilight being *chokes while trying to say the word that starts with a bet and ends with an er* than Scott’s books. sorry. its the law. and the law must be followed. or consequences will occur.

    have you even READ Midnighters?! cuz if you havent (and it doesnt seem like you have since youve not once talked about them in your time here) and all you want to do is talk about twilight, then you shoodnt be here. cuz thats just not cool ok? i mean seriously. just go with the club or dont even try.

    sorry. i hate saying stuff like that, but its true.

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😦

  1057. now on a happy subject:

    OHMYGOD LOTTI-LA!!! YOUR A GENIUS!!! do ya think if Scott decided to take over the world, he would name it…OHMY GOD!!! (not ohmygod. i just totally had a good idea). we cood have a contest!!!

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ’‘

  1058. i have just skimmed threw the comments that i missed, and here is my input:

    Danielle-la, pleez disregard the comment above the other comment. well, the bottom haf anywayz. sorry. but seriously, you only ever talked about Midnighters in that one comment. thats it!

    Erika-la. WELCOM!E!!!

    Sifa-la. BOY DO WE NEED A GIRL LIKE YOU!!! god you are fawesome! dont you realize that what you said is what we devoted members dream about EVERYDAY?!??!?!!? i dont no how i cood NOT let you in! WELCOME HOME!!!

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  1059. I will make only one comment about the whole Twilight thing, and then I will move on to a much happier subject. I thought Twilight was okay, but Scott-la’s books are much better, and this is a midnighter site. I come on here to talk about midnighters with the only other people who are as obsessed as I am, so if I want to talk about Twilight I can go to another site.
    Sorry, that was a bit more than one comment, but that’s as much as I’ll ever say about Twilight on this site. Ever.

    Anyway, a world ruled by Scott would be so fawesome! He could do it. He’d have so many rapid fan girls supporting him, and you know how dangerous we can be when someone says anything bad about Scott’s books. We should have a contest about what Scott-la would call the world if he took it over. That would be so fun!

    By the way, It’s great to have you back on this page Lizzie-wa.

    Got to go do homework. Bye.

  1060. yeah, cuz i know i would do ANYTHING for scott. and he would have this huge hoard of rabid fangrrls to do his bidding! the world doesn’t stand a chance!!

  1061. and if he made us all specials? we could take over the universe!!!



    i’m seriously convinced that fangirls are the new Weapon of Mass Destruction.

    not to mention the T-word again, but Stephanie Meyer could seriously own a couple hemishpheres by now if she pulled the Edward Cullen card.

  1063. um…huh? hehe. you lost me at “hemispheres”. hehe.

    im gonna post a contest tomorrow kay? but now i take shower and do homework.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  1064. if a whole lot of rabid fangrrl-inducing authors pulled together, we could own several universes!

    hehe. weapons of mass destruction. i’m a weapon!

  1065. why does scott not realise his potential? he probably has the biggest, most insane army right at his fingertips, and all he does is post randomly about zeppelins!

    although i like zeppelins

  1066. lzzi-wa, fix the comment. or i email wordpress. i read there rules, and there IS a law about changing other peeps comments around. and if i emailed them and told them u did it, they wud shut down ur site. and i will do it. i lost my conscience the other day, and i dont think thats coming back. HEY! i think that cud bcome a historical quote. dont u? do u honor the treaty? cuz if not, ill go 2 scott-las site. tha already started ragging on u there. thats how much tha like the t thingy. and i WUD join scott-las army. but stephenie wud SOOOOOO hav a hemisphere. i mean, scott-la cudnt deprive her of that. he and she r the greatest authors alive! or were ever alive! y rnt tha married? 2 greatest authors. male & female. = cuple. am i the only 1 that thinks that. i think im gonna go tell scott-las peeps 2 calm down and that tha cant rag yet. o, and i did read the midnighters books. i just dont mention them alot. but i got a girl on my bus 2 read them! and she is SOO goth. not in a good way. i think shes imo. ugh. but a magazine hired her 2 b a fashion designer! and shes in 7th grade! and its like, a huge l.a. mag! she rips up vintage clothing like corsets and makes stuff out of them. pretty fool. but the reason i dont mention midnighters a lot is cuz i HATED how jess went in2 secret hour 4 good. but i like how u guys ended chasing midnight. or at least, that shud b the end. but i think there needs 2 b an epilogue. and i sorta wish beth wud permanenly bcome like a midnighter. i h8 2 sa it, but beths pretty fool. and if scott-la takes over the world, btw, i wanna b a special! just not a cutter! cuz imo peeps r freaks! srry if any of u on this site r imo, but if u r, pleez go get help. 4 my sake, if not urs. a huge % of imo peeps comit suicide. and id b so sad if some1 on here committed suicide. o, and lizzi-wa? scott-las site is not part of the treaty. which is y weve started saying the t-word in every comment. lotti-wa even did it! so ha! and if u dont fix my entire comment, at least say that specials and t-series r equal. if nothing else. and say that extras sucked. cuz it did. i h8d it. any1 else? y is tally not main character?! and how come it is only 1 in uglies series 2 make #1 nytimes bestseller?!! any1 else sickened. o, wat ur fav midnighter book? y? that shud b a contest, lizzi-wa. i no, 4 me. book 1! the secret hour! cuz it rox! no1 gets turned into a darkling, no1 gets stuck in the secret hour! fawesome. im just chatting cuz im bored. now, t-series mite b against the treaty, but the host and other books r not! now, is any1 looking 4ward 2 the host?! i am. i dont think i can get it at midnight, tho, cuz i hav an honors ceremony the next day at skool @ 9:30 and theres no way i can b there if im up past midnight the night b4. o, happy news! i didnt get #12 soccer jersey! sad news. someon1 else did. happy news! there is a #13 jersey. sad news. its 4 the dog of our coach, and i cant trade shirts w/ the dog cuz tha cut it short. doesnt that suck? o well, its almost 11 so i g2g, even if it is a friday. im bored. so bored im reading AMERICAN GIRL! magazines! o gods above! and yes, i sa gods. i mite b jewish, but im a mythology maniac. especially greek. im sorta mad. it took so long 4 the public library 2 get me midnighters 1, i bought it. but the shop i specially ordered it from cud only order it in hardcover. so i spent almost $20 on a book i finished that night. sucky. now i want the new covers, but i spent so much on the old book, idk wat 2 do.. theres like no way i cud even get 15 4 it, so i really dk wat 2 do. any ideas? well, lluv yas! and fix the comment, lizzi-wa. *ominous, threatening voice* l8r!

  1067. look Danielle-la. im getting really tired of you. i dont like saying that, but its true. your just putting really unpositive waves of unpositivity into the atmosphere of the HQ. i dont care if you think stephenie is better. and i think that the idea of them getting married is sick. and if your not gonna mention Midnighters, then you shoodn’t be here. cuz thats what the club is about. and we didnt rite CHASING MIDNIGHT by the way. that was just Sera-la’s mini fourth book. CHASING MIDNIGHT is gonna be the title of the book when SCOTT rites it. eventually… and goths are fool. and you spelled emo rong. strictly forbidden on this site. and they arent TOTAL freeks. ive been accused of emoitity several times throughout yesterday. and i dont care if you talk about twilight on Scott’s site. even tho its rong and rude. but i dont care. do what you want. and EXTRAS didnt suck. in fact, i liked it better than the other UGLIES books. Tally’s a follower. she never DOES anything. Aya’s fawesome. but whatever. your opinion. just dont voice it on here in that amount of harshness. and i didnt like book one as much as the others cuz nobody got turned into a darkling and nobody got sucked into the secret hour. talk about boring! and whatever. ALL of stephenie’s books are part of the deal. in a way…they can be mentioned, but not rooted-on-for. and as for the jewishness, i used to be jewish too! but i have recently converted to buhddism. OH YEAH!

    so seriously. just act like a member or dont come on here. cuz its strictly for members. and i hate arguing with you about this. ok?

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😐

  1068. Okay, I have to agree with Lizzie-wa, Danielle-la, you’re are bringing down the whole atmosphere of the HQ, and them getting married would be very sick and wrong. Especially because if you know anything about Scott you should know that he is married to a fabulous author named Justine Larbalestier. (For those of you who haven’t read her Magic or Madness trilogy, you should. It’s pretty good)

    Also, Extras didn’t suck. It is one, if not my favorite of the Uglies series along with many of my friends favorite. Aya is fawesome. Totally fawesome.

    Also, book one was my least favorite out of the three books. (I still love it, but it was) Mostly because there is more action and excitement in the other three because Rex is turned into a darkling. Also there’s more of Dess and Melissa (my favorite characters) in the second and third books, while the first is mainly in Jess’s point of view.

    That’s all I’m going to say, because I’m pretty positive Lizzie-wa said it all.

  1069. Just curious, I just checked the Terms of Service for wordpress and I found nothing that said there was a law against changing other peoples comments. Also, I checked my own blog and there is a direct option that says you can edit people’s comments. I’m just curious where this law is stated, because I know I’ve edited people comments on my site before, and if there is a law I should probably change them back or something.

  1070. um, yeah i HATE it when peoples spell emo rong. and they AREN’T total freaks. i get accused of being emo regularly (although i’m not really – just insane) and why does you not want to be a cutter?? they is fawesomeness *regardless of cutting*!!! and goths are pretty cool, so don’t diss them.

    and i somewhat agrees with the aya is better than tally part. tally WAS a follower! she didn’t start the mind rain, SHAY did!!!!!!!!!!!! i get so hyper on that subject! SHAY IS SOOO MUCH FAWESOMER!!!!!!!!

    eew, stephanie and scott?! he is married to a fool author. the magic or madness trilogy WAS fawesome!


    man, i hate angus commenting. so o0n a happier note, SCOTT SHALL ONE DAY RULE THE WORLD!


    where have i heard that line before?…oh yeah! on Timmy Turner! i used to WORSHIP that show man! hehe. so much fawesomeness in such giant teeth.

    i still havent read the whole MAGIC OR MADNESS trilogy. only the first one. ya see, i have this list of NEED TO READ books. and i add a book to the bottom when i hear about it. rite now i only have 27 books on it. and thats an all time low! and the second MAGIC OR MADNESS book is #14. so it mite take me a month or 2 to get to it. i cant just skip around. its strictly forbidden. hehe. lists and there stupid rules! hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  1072. and Danielle-la, there are totally options to edit and change comments—especially if, as you seem to say you did, sort of threatened to kill the site’s admin. that’s totally within her rights.

    also, Magic or Madness was great.

    and i’m not reading all the way through that comment because i’m lazy and short for time, but how does one even spell emo wrong? it’s sort of….three letters and yeah.
    and i second (third?) the defense.
    people always think i’m emo. i blame the taste in music and all black clothes and pink hair. yeah.

  1073. she spelled it imo. which is pretty hard to forget, especially considering its only three letteres. ONE WOULD THINK PEOPLE COULD SPELL EMO RIGHT!

    i used to love timmy turner!. but i havent seen it in years. hehe, buck teeth. did you see the episode with the tooth fairy?

  1074. *sighs* am I going to have to be administrator?

    Danielle-la, you act like you just want to fight with everyone, and carry out all the drastic measures you threaten Lizzy-wa with. And I’m pretty sure it’s against the United States law to hack into somebody else’s blog, and delete it.

    Lizzy-wa is the owner of the blog. So she makes the rules on the blog. Even if they represent censorship and bias worthy of North Korea, she makes the rules. And if you want to post on this blog, you have to abide by the rules. I’m pretty sure the blog owner can block people from the website, or at least delete your comments. Although I think the changing of your comment provoked you, you shouldn’t have reacted that way. There’s always a mature, calm way to deal with issues. Threatening people is (a) immature and (b) not likely to have much affect on people.

    So please, in the future, think and calm down before writing annoying, confusing e-mails full of childish threats. Usually it helps in putting thing into perspective.

    Also, just a side note: I recommend learning proper English before picking a fight. It makes people take you more seriously.

    ~ Allie

    PS. About the Stephenie/Scott marriage thing – they are both married, and besides, I think Scott is Atheist while Stephenie is Mormon – those don’t mix too well. πŸ˜›

  1075. stephanie is a mormon??? when did THAT happen?/

  1076. ok, i hav complete rite 2 spell emo mother was reading over my shulder. and i told her imo stood 4 something else. yeah. and she believed it. *shakes head and sighs* gullible parents. and yes, i dont no where it is, but i read somewhere in wordpress’s rules that u cant change other peeps blogs unless htey hav something in them thats innapropriate. but i read those 2 1/2 years ago. so prob. changed. witch sorta sucks. so never mind that threat. but whatev. who wants 2 talk tridecalogisms?! i hav a contest! rite 1 sentence that makes sence, that is 13 words long and uses only tridecalogisms. and then try 39! its really fun 2 do during math and science. o, is magic or madness a good series? cuz i new justine was an author (and the stephenie+scott=cuple thing was a JOKE! cant u take a joke?! gods.), but i thought her books were strictly adult. o, and lizzi-wa, thanx 4 coming bak 2 scott-las site. even tho u diss books, we still missed ur obnoxious behavior. in a good way. how do i add a pic next 2 my comment? and if i say scott westerfeld books r better than-o gods, cant say it unless i hav 2-well, u no wat i mean, than can i bcome a rabid fangrrl? o, and thinking of which, has any1 ever thot of all the wonderful things we cud do if scott-la took over the world?!! mwa ha ha! we cud destroy all the peeps who say scott-las books suk! boo peeps that say that! a. k. a. shane williams and jonathon goldsmith. there the idiots i beet up w/ my books. often times extras. thats the advantage 2 hardcover. and u guys, i will admite, extras didnt COMPLETELY suk. but i missed tally. and shay. soooo shay. if the books HAD 2 b from some1 elses point of view, y not shays?! o, and i think it wud b a grat book if there was a book from shays point of view about uglies, pretties, specials, and extras. i just think that wud b awsome. ok, i dont really hav anything against emos. i just dont like emos that tri and kill themselves w/ knifes. has any1 read stay with me? im reading it, and in the beginning, this girls sister commits suicide. and its not the first time. ugh. and i LUV goth peeps. i wish i was goth, but id get in sooooo much truble. bsides, the only black stuff i hav is bat mitzvah dresses. uccchhhh. i h8 wearing them. but i gots 2. yo, jewish lizzi-wa, did u hav ur batmitzvah yet? and if u did, how mean were ur rents abotu learning the hebrew. cuz my moms such and idiot, she says i hav 2 learn 2 read and understand and SPEAK hebrew 4 my bat mitzvah. fluently. any sujestions? o just 4get the stupid other blog. i dont rely care wat it says. ill go tell emmi-la she cant rag on u. o, bak 2 goth thingy. any1 hav any ideas how i cud b goth w/out my rents noing? cuz if tha did, well, um, it wud sorta b good bye allowance, good bye books, good bye bank account. that wud b AWFUL. well, my momll b home soon and im not supposed 2 b up cuz iv got sunday skool 2morrow and its 11. l8r!

  1077. lizzy-wa isn’t obnoxious

  1078. i think that threatening to hack into a delete a blog definitly counts as inappropriate, Danielle-wa.

    and yeah, lotti-wa, Stephanie Meyer is mormon. always has been.

    and obviously lizzy-wa isn’t obnoxious! she’s lizzy-wa!

  1079. hey sup?

  1080. fawesome avatar darkness! i keep meaning to change mine to something better… oh well

  1081. fawesome avatar darkness! i keep meaning to change mine to something better… oh well

  1082. why did that post twice??? πŸ˜•

  1083. I can’t see Darkness’s avatar for some reason. 😦

    ugh! Lizzy-wa is NOT obnoxious. Why would you even say that? Whatever. Some people mistake energetic-ness as obnoxious-ness.

  1084. hey thanx lotti-wa! how do u join this site? or can i?

  1085. OOOOHHHHH!!!! πŸ’‘

    I GET IT NOW!!!!!!!!!! Danielle-la! EUREKA MUCH!!! i have just realized why you thot you cood delet the HQ! *snorts at idiotic (no offense) thot*. the rule is that you cant change someones BLOG!!!!!!! why?! cuz its THERES!!!! HELLO!!! (i cant beleive i didnt realize this earlier). no where does it say BLOG OWNERS cant change rude peoples COMMENTS. cuz its THERE BLOG. so if they dont want stuff to be said on THERE BLOG, they dont have to allow it! (still smiling with joy of said discovery). however, if the BLOG OWNER THEMSELVES were to say sompthing innapropriate on there blog, then someone cood report it. but i didnt do anything inappropriate (still smiling with freekishly unnecessary glee) so nobody can do NOTHING!!!!!

    *starts falling into hysterics* *pounds oJOIWEpytera; on owatureopaty keyboard eioawrepui* *falls on floor, still laughing and grinning hysterically*


    *finnally gains control*.

    phew. well that was fun. hehe. ya see, nobody coodnt have ever done anything, so really, i didnt have to do all that arguing! it made no difference! nobody was ever in any danger!!! (well, Danielle-la was about to be blocked from the site, but im over that maddenning urge now. so itsallgood).


    *starts singing Barney tune*


    hehe. wow! i shood be a song riter…

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  1086. lol

  1087. I love the song Lizzie-wa. lol

  1088. thank you! *takes bow* thank you! *takes another bow*.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›


    *and scott shall take over the world*

  1090. and you’re already added, rexrox-la. at like, 15 or something

    whooo! *happy birthday scott!* :mrgreen:

  1091. hehe. i just ADORE the steady row of 6 avatars. hehe. so colorful and happy-making! EVERYONE shood get an account! just so we cant all have pretty avatars! you dont have to have a blog to have an account ya no…strangely.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  1092. ok. never mind what i just said. cuz i have just realized that even those that DONT have accounts have avatars. in fact, EVERYONE has an avatar. MR. WORDPRESS IS A GENIUS!!! he must have made it so that everyone that comments (account or not) gets an atomatic avatar! unless of course they really do have an account and already have an avatar.


    by the way, im about to post.

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  1093. woah. why do i have like a diferent avatar every time i comment. wierd

  1094. thanx 4 the comment on my page Lizzy-wa!!!

  1095. ooo, could i be on the list? i wouldn’t mind anything… rabidfangirl, midnighterette…w/e is fine! πŸ˜€

  1096. hey wuzzup?

  1097. hola!

  1098. yeah, how do u change the avatars?
    i like mine and all but, just for future refrences πŸ™‚
    omg, i just got home from babysitting and they were watching El Daradio or however u spell it and i was like OMG! i havn’t seen that movie in a LOOOOOONG time! and i love that song lizzie wa b/c we had a half day today so when we go home all the kid shows were on and barney came on… lets just say i looked at it for 5 seconds and it was enough to scarr u for life… he’s a creeper! if i saw him in my room at night i would scream…
    giggle giggle
    c ya!

  1099. OMG! i just looked on ur sisters midnighters page and it said Alaina, thats my name!! pronounced uh-lane-uh !!!!!! sveet
    piece love and jellies- read that on a shirt, it was from like an aquariam, lol it was odd…

  1100. hehe. nice.

    like the new avatars?! i do!!!

    whose sisters Midnighters page?

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😐

  1101. lizzy. are you the one that is changing the avatars?

  1102. ok, 4 those who dont realize, i never actually WUD hak the blog. even if i cud. which i cudnt. cuz i hav a conscence, or however u spell it. ok, wud some1 pleez explain how EXACTLY u enter the contest? cuz i am reely slo wen it comes 2 computers. tha r SO not my thing. i h8 not bing on 4 a yl. how do i set an avatar? cuz i wanna desing a fool midnighters (yes i did sa it) collage, scan it, and post it as an avatar. and huever rote the short story w/ jessica bak in (srry, cant remember names) i luv u. can u print off a copy of the whole story and send it 2 me. autographed? cuz i luv luv luv it. im mad i missed scott-las bday. well, 2 work on my fawesome scott-la world!

  1103. ugh, i h8 that avatar. i look sad. but im not feeling sad. except 4 my nee and arm, which hurt. cuz im on crutches cuz i got fouled during soccer. as r 2 other girls. and 1 broke her thumb. and 4 r limping badly. bad soccer game.

  1104. NO! i TOLD you! Mr.Wordpress made it so that everyone automatically gets an avatar by there name even if they dont have an account! fawesomeness rite?!?!??!

    as for the contest Danielle-la, just check out the most recent post: TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!! (with 13 !’s by the way. so much luckness). i dont get why you only ever visit one page on blogs. theres so much more to discover!!!

    as for the soccer game. YOUCH!!!

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  1105. hehe. mine is funny! i just go like, punched in soccer! we were playing hampton who is THE MEANIST dirtiest players ever- they grab your shirt the trip u , kick u and stuff and one elbowed me in the stomach and i slide tackled the ball outta her! and i scored a goal, i am defense tho but my coach was yelling for me to go b/c the girls wern’t opean and hampton #17 got so mad, and when nobody was watching as we were running side by side she like punched me in the arm and i flew sideways into the mud cos’ it was raining! it was soo funny! i didnt do anything about it b/c i am better than that… but i was lauging when we won! …stupid hampton…

  1106. and i just re-read midnighters for the 4th time!! i LOVE thoes books, i really really want a foruth one, that would be so amazing!

  1107. i like mine! πŸ˜‰

  1108. hehe. i like yours 2!

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  1109. ello popet! waz up? me happy i am off grounding. ugh…. overprotective brother and non-trusting partens…. lo.



  1110. Hey sup???

  1111. isn’t that off pirates of the carribbean 1? me loves those movies! go johnny depp!

  1112. i like those movies! wich one is your fav?

  1113. ohmygod! i LOVE Pirates! the second one wasnt as good as the first or third. but yeah. i kinda fell asleep when i watched the second one. hehe. woops! so i was totally confuzzled when i saw the third one. “whose that guy?” “Captain Jack is WHERE?!” hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  1114. the third ones the best!!

  1115. i liked the first!

  1116. SCHOOL’S OUT FOR SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Anybody else done? I’m so happy it’s summer! I can write and read whenever I want now!

  1117. i have 4 days left… *sighs* i’ll switch u!

  1118. what? you guys stink. i have 14 days left of school, not counting weekends and stuff.
    don’t get out til June 13th. which, at least, is lucky. and it’s a Friday!
    so i’ll trade any of you, really.
    PLUS, i have to do another batch of quarterlies between now and then.

  1119. i still have 18 days of school left. and YOU guys are complaing?

  1120. wow thats sux. wut state or i guess it could be country u live in?

  1121. united states.

  1122. i live in good ole washentonio! hehe. i think i’ll become mayor and change the name of the state to washentonio…

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ’‘

  1123. When do you guys go back? We get out earlier than most people, but we have to go back on August 11. Which is waaaaayyy too early. And way tooooo hot. We’re still in the 120’s when school starts, and eating lunch outside in that weather is not fun. Of course, I’m lucky. Not! I get to spend a lot of time down at school the week before it starts due to things for Key club and things for newspaper. Anyway, I’m not going to think about that now. I’m just going to sit back and enjoy the fact that I am finished with finals, and I passed everything.

  1124. you get out on my birthday, sera zanes!

  1125. that mean your bday’s the 13th? LUCKY!

    my school doesn’t start again til the first week of september, that’s usually like the eighth or ninth, after labor day.
    and i’m in New Jersey.

    13 days til i get out!!!!!
    and now i’ve got a four day weekend!

  1126. woweeeeeeee

  1127. i gots a four day weekend 2! and i go back the day after labor day 2!!! small world…ish…well, technically we go back ON labor day, cuz thats when scool “officially” starts. but then that’s a vacation and we start the next day. i mean seriously, cant they just say we start scool the day after labor day?! how cheezy do they have to be?!

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ™„

  1128. i start like three weeks be4 labor day

  1129. wierd…

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😐

  1130. i missed my computer…ITS PLUGGED BAK IN!!! im on a midnighters rampage. and im going 2 ny next week! leaving next monday. mayb scott-la will b signing books yl im there. fawesome thot… skool ended last friday, the 23rd. but thats cuz we started the 13th of august last year. which is a lucky day…but not completely lucky! cuz it was the day after my b-day! which suked. g2g, ill try 2 come on from my friends house.

  1131. w8, just a q, how do i access chasing darkness online again? im bak from my friends house, srry i cudnt comment there. ok, somethings rong w/ scott-las fact page, the comment section dissapeared. wich is bad. ok, that last sentence was dumb. how do i put in an avatar? cuz i wanna find a midnighters avatar. ok, yesterday i saw my friend from camp at the decatur arts festival. i havent cn her since july. yeah. but shes read the magic or madness books. b4 camp-and while at it-we were both obsessed with harry potter. now weve moved on. but off that. so i saw her at this place called little shop of stories. she was filling her summer reading list 4 paideiah. i think thats how u spell it. well, all of scott-las books were on it! but she was telling me 2 read magic or madness series, i was telling her 2 read scott-las and twilight books, and them im like’magic or madness, oh, duh! those books r by the wife of the author of the uglies series.’ and she was like’seriously?!’so then i walked her over 2 the bookshelf w/ scott-las books and she said she read the uglies series. then i looked at her paideaih reading list, and midnighters books were on it! so im like, ‘read these books.’ so i handed her the 1st 1 from the shelf, and she bot it! yay! new midnighters fan! shes supposed 2 b calling me about lending her other books from her list, and im gonna tell her 2 join this site. new member! apparently, she started reading peeps, and HATED IT! w/ a capital h. how is that possible?! how cud u h8 a book by scott-la?! yeah, i didnt luv the end of blue noon where jessica went in2 midnight 4 good, but no WAY did i h8 it! but im gonna tri and talk her in2 reading peeps and the last days. and so yesterday. i hope she likes midnighters. btw, has any1 read the wee free men by terry pratchett? if u havent, u shud. i luv tiffany aching. she rox my sox. did i just sa rox my sox? wow. but unfortunately, there prob wont b anymore than the already 3 wee free men books cuz the author got diagnosed w/ early alziemers. which sux. but hes not as good as scott-la. i no im not supposed 2 talk about t series, or i shudnt. whatev. i think its iteresting that even tho thafinished filming the movie on like may 1st, its not coming out till december. i mean, i no tha hav 2 do a ton of stuff 2 fix it up, but still. im bored.

  1132. hello any1 there?

  1133. I feel 5 years old.

    I just want to lay in bed and pull my blanket over my head and stay there for the rest of my life without ever having to move.


  1134. why?

    *sorry if this is not tactful. i am never tactful in the morning*

  1135. *sighs* it’s a long story….

    I had the absolute weirdest science teacher this year. She was very creepy. My friends had this inside joke, where they called her “dan the man”. They made a false account for her on Bebo (a social networking site like myspace, in case you didn’t know) and it said some mean things.

    Last friday, this really annoying girl at school had my science teacher’s husband as a substitute one day, and she told him about the false account on Bebo. He told some people, and my friends’ accounts were blocked, and they were suspended from school, too.

    I just want to slap her for that. She shouldn’t have told him. She should have just told them to take it down. It was just an inside joke. I know it’s not right for them to have made that, but she shouldn’t have told on them like that.

    I haven’t been able to talk to them since Monday. I’m really worried, and I’m trying very hard not to think about it. I’m trying very hard not to think about anything. my life spiked upwards the past few months, but it came crashing down again a few days ago and now I don’t want to deal with anything. I’m afraid I’m going into a depression.

    *groans* I think I’m going to go back to bed.

  1136. ouch

  1137. yay im bak from ny. i was in nyc, but i didnt c scott-la, or get 2 visit his fav gelato place. i was there w/ my gs troop and a tour( my gs troop is awesome. we paint pottery gingerbread houses u name it). even tho we were in nyc, the tour did hotels and we slept in NEW FRIKIN JERSEY! we drove 1 and 1/2 hours everyday just 2 get 2 nyc. and the same distance bak again. i saw legally blonde at broadway… incredible. ok allie-wa, no offense, but if ur friends did it they shud sorta hav expected 2 get in truble… if something like that happened at my skool, a kid wudnt hav 2 tell a teacher. 2 days or less after they started it they wud b suspended. and its a public skool. w/ 1300 kids in middle skool. skool let out 2 weeks ago. i spent from monday 2 friday in nyc. it was awesome. hey, u no wat we shud do? we shud all at the same time send scott-la a red flagged email telling him 2 rite another midnighters book! then theyd all rush in and hed probably HAVE 2 chek them. brilliant idea! im going now, luv yas.

  1138. Umm…danielle, no offense, but I can barely understand what you are saying. Or maybe I should put it his way:

    i can barely undrstand wat u r sayin. u shud no the english language, uv been speaking it 4 ur whole life.


  1139. is infiltrateing sites and causing server problems, not to mention unesesscary blockage threats your only thought in life, danielle-la?

  1140. yeah lotti-wa…lately. i read the description for this book called ‘little brothers’ (i think?) well, instantly i start thinking ‘computer hacking is awesome…i wish i cud do it…wat awesome threats i cud come up /. and allie-wa….im just 2 lazy 2 rite in complete sentences…but i can spell…if i want…im bored…and i shudnt just b speaking english, i shud b speaking hebrew 2…but its such a hard language 2 learn. im trying 2 contact scott-la so he’ll fix his blog, cuz then ill go bak there and wont bother u…as much. and b4 u say that im spelling like some1 iming or texting does, i dont have an im. or a cell phone. cuz my parents r control freaks who worry 2 much. i just read a gr8 book called vampire academy yesterday. its like 300 something pages and it only took me 4 hours…with stops to talk to people, cuz i was at a party. where i was the only kid. other than the 7-year-old and the 20-year-old(if she counts as a kid. every1 else was, like, 40 at least)but it was an awesome book. and im still bored. and edward bought bella a car with 4000 pounds of body armor, missile proof windows, and a paint job thats not at all messed up by a flamethrower. paranoid. oops. not supposed 2 talk about twilight in positive way on this sight. o, and does any1 no how 2 change my little avatar? i heard something about becoming a member, but how do i become a member? and a member of wat? i just watched alvin and th chipmunks. it was stupid. but funny. it was so stupid that it was funny. wich means it wasnt 2 stupid. except it was. but im not making sense. i hav like $9.60 in library fees, cuz my sister lost a dvd, and i cant call them, so until they decide to charge me 4 it, i hav 2 pay fees. which is like a dollar a week. and i have $7.50 in fees. lotta fees. has lizzi-wa decided the winner of the contest? and where is she, speaking of that? where is everybody? hellllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?

  1141. Rex-la ish here.

  1142. that, danielle-la, is not even worthy of a response.

    hi rex-la

  1143. hola lotti-wa

  1144. oops forgot to sign in again. its Rex-la I just 4got to sign in…………..again..

  1145. im bored. no it was not worthy of a response. but then again, it was almost midnight. and i am not icy 24/7. or even 7 days a week during skool. skool is over. yay. since may 23rd. who lives in australia and has winter brak soon? im still bored. so im prob gonna chatter. every1 shud go join the wiki page. i wanna start a wiki page about tridecalogisms. with like all 5000 or 7000 or something like that. still bored. i think im gonna go read and eat breakfast.

  1146. any1 currently on?

  1147. guess not. l8r peeps.

  1148. I am here! I have a webpage. Its got some spanish tridecalogisms!

  1149. I do not mind if you post then danielle-la

  1150. ooh, spanish! hola, senors/senoritas!

  1151. Hola Lotti, Come stas?

    I just know I misspelled that. Oh, well. *rolls eyes*

    *giggles* that’s uncharacteristic of me. I never giggle. It’s just something Lotti-wa said. πŸ˜›

  1152. *sighs*

  1153. I have some French tridecalogisms. My favorite is contre-emploi which means miscasting, though you have to count the hyphen for it to have thirteen letters. My friend has a whole list of French tridecalogisms.

  1154. i learns french at skool. i know no spanish except for the hola senorita bit.

    what did i say?


    I don’t remember what you said, Lotti. Oh, wait–“that is not even worthy of a response” (to Danielle)

    *is hoping a certain person isn’t offended by this*

    It’s funny because I was thinking the exact same thing. I don’t even bother reading her stuff anymore. *incinerates chatspeak* 😈

    Shorthand is so pointless. It’s going to take a mere 1 second more to type out the whole word. Is one second going to kill you? How long does it take to capitalize your letter and put apostrophes where they belong? It takes less than a second and will save everyone time in reading it. Sometimes I have to sound stuff like that out because it’s hard to read. Sometimes it scares me. What could this world possibly be coming to? We don’t even have the patience to type whole words out. Lyk=like. It’s one. More. Letter. Seriously. Just take the time to write 1 more letter. It’s not going to hurt you, I promise. Just try it.

    Proper English is a beautiful thing. Use it.

  1156. ok, there r many, MANY reasons y i use shorthand. 1 of many bing that my moms an editor. and when she sees my shorthand, she sorta freaks out. but she cant say anything. cuz if she sees my shorthand, it means she’s reading my email. which she’s not supposed 2 do. but she can. so its just another way 2 rebuke my mom. who yells at me all the time. 4 absolutely nothing. i think im gonna ramble again. so 4 peeps who dont like rambling (and my shorthand) stop reading. ok reason #2 i use shorthand. tho i luv 2 rite, i have had 2 do SO MUCH l.a. story riting this year, with SO MUCH correct grammar, im bored of it. rexroxmysox, im going 2 go post all 7000 something tridecalogisms. i got my crct scores bak. im 1 of those georgians who freaked out cuz none of the crct social studies questions were wat we studied. at all. period. end of discussion. well, if u didnt no, in my state 20-30% of us-wait 4 it-passed. passed. PASSED. well, i seriously thot i failed the social studies section. which wud suk 4 me. cuz iv never failed anything. and my rents wud freak cuz thats what they do. or at least my mom wud. who freaks over everything. well, i passed everything. YAY! i didnt fail. yay. unfortunately in social studies, i didnt quite exceed standards. u have 2 get 850 or more in social studies 2 exceed standards. i got 842. my mom freaked. actually, out of 60 questions, i got 45 rite. only 75%. and i passed. that tells u how stupid people r, if people who only get 75% rite r almost exceeding standards. i got most questions rong in economica. only 7/12. and i guessed most of them. i guessed a lot. i just got lucky. lets c, wat other scores did i get in other subjects. and if u think im bragging, dont. im stating. and most of these were pure luck cuz almost nothing we studied were in the tests. in any subject. except math. lets c, scores:
    SCIENCE-55/60. and i exceeded standards. (exceeding standards in any subject is just getting aboce 850 all told. really easy.)
    SOCIAL STUDIES-45/60. did not exceed standards. 😦 πŸ˜₯
    READING-39/40. WAY exceeded standards.
    ENGLISH(which is actually seperate from reading. i guessed a lot, cuz most of the questions were about sentence parts and transitive and intransitive verbs and the likes. which i never got.)-48/50. exceeded standards.
    MATH(currently my fav subject, cuz i took 7th grade math 2nd semester in excellerated math. and i already new it. cuz in 5th grade, we worked out of a 6th grade mathbook. from a different company that middle skool uses and which actually had the 7th and 8th grade stuff. and my 5th grade teacher kept giving my friend and i 8th and 9th grade math worksheets cuz her dads a math professor and cuz my dad used 2 do math with me when i was little. no matter how much we told her we didnt want her too. even tho she was awesome. she called a different friend courtney child cuz her last name was courtney. she called all of us our last names and then child. it was foolio)-54/60. exceeded average. not bad, not gr8.oo, its about 2 be midnight, is midnight here! posting now so ull no its midnight here!

  1157. wow. that was a relatively long comment. im going 2 check out other parts of the website and other websites. and happy almost birthday, lotti-wa or whoever it was that said there birthday was friday the 13th. cuz its thursday here. srry if i dont remember whos bday it was, but im 2 lazy 2 check. and allie-wa, im ignoring u now. cuz i dont like peeps that rag on me about anything. im my own person, and i can do wat i want. remember that part of the constitution that says freedom of speech? it doesnt say it exactly, but im pretty sure that also includes freedom 2 spell how u wish. l8r peeps. i luv u all. even if u rag on me.
    btw, how do u do hearts? i still havent figured it out. it started lightning, i need 2 go.

  1158. Allie-wa, I have to agree with you that the short hand bugs me, but Danielle-la, if that’s how you want to write you can. I don’t have to try to decipher it if I don’t want to. It does bug me though that there are so many people out there today who only write (and even talk) in text messaging short hand language (or whatever you call it.) I wonder how long it will be until things like OMG and LOL are in the dictionary and are a part of everyone’s speech and regular gook writing. It scares me to think about how long it will be until the English language is abreviated down. You guys know those books (I can’t remember who they’re written by) called TTFN and, well, I can’t remember the name of the sequel, that are written completely in text. Those bug me a lot. Mostly because a lot of people have read them, and it is just a sign of how writing will be someday. i guess this is just my view though because I want to be a future writer, and I’m the daughter of an English teacher. If I ever started talking and especially writing in text I’m not sure what my mom would do. The good thing is that people who write in short hand/text is one of my biggest pet peeves (no offense Danielle) so there’s no chance of me starting to talk and write like that anytime soon. I barely text like that. Okay, I barely text at all. Danielle-wa, I’m not saying that it’s wrong that you write in short hand. Whatever. I really don’t care. I’m just saying that short hand writing bugs me, so I don’t have to read your comments if I don’t want to, or if I’m bored I can try to decipher them.

  1159. Mistranslated, you have restored some of my faith in the human race. Thank you. πŸ˜€

    Danielle, you said you were going to ignore me, but whatever. I know you’re going to read this anyway. I’m not saying you can’t write in shorthand. I’m just saying that I don’t like it.

    About that freedom of speech thing…

    A lot of people (especially young people) misunderstand that. It doesn’t mean you can just say whatever you want to anyone anywhere. You see, before the U.S. Constitution, people didn’t have the right to disagree with their government. The founding fathers of our country gave us that right. They didn’t want us to be like Britain. We were never an imperial country, either. The only country we ever owned was Cuba, because we started a war with the Spanish over it (that’s a long story…)

    The “freedom of speech” is a bit broad-termed. It confuses a lot of people. It’s the right to speak out against your country, politely and peacefully. It doesn’t mean you can say “kill Bush and all republicans!!” or “I’m going to blow up the White House! Down with democracy!! Anarchy rules!” It just means you won’t go to jail or get executed for disagreeing with principles of the government. Saying that kind of stuff brings me to another point…

    Just because you *can* say things like I mentioned above without going to jail doesn’t mean you *should* say things like that. A French philosopher named Jean-Jacques Rosseau believed in giving up rights for the common good of mankind (also called “general will”). My social studies teacher always gave us this example: You could go into someone’s house and rob them–you have the physical ability to do that. But just because you can doesn’t mean you should. You give up that right for the common good.

    Danielle, the “freedom of speech” has nothing to do with the right to use shorthand. It’s not like you’re going to jail for it. No one is forcing you to stop doing it. No one is even asking you to stop–by all means, continue if you want. I’m just voicing my opinion.

    Wow. Sorry for ranting. And don’t ask me if I’m a history geek. The answer is yes, but I learned all this in social studies this year.

  1160. wow. ranters rok. im 1 2. but i never rite in shorthand unless im blogging or emailing. cuz im 2 lazy 2 tyoe more. and i type so much my fingers hurt if i type more. yeah. btw, the author of the books is lauren myracle, and there called ttyl, ttfn, and later, gator.wat the-my brush just dissapeared down a black hole. it was sitting on my desk and i turned away and it was gone. i g2g cant finish my rant. g2g 2 drama camp, im doing a skit w/ 1 other girl where im an older sister in high skool. im suppposed 2 b goth. i dont hav blcack clothes. it sucks. luv yall, even if u rant!

  1161. any1 on?

  1162. hello

  1163. stupid skit thingy sukked. i went last in hole skool, blah. im gonna go cook cookies w/ my sisters godmother! i call her aunt, and we do stuf 2gether. bake cookies, c harry potter movies, give each other books, get nails done 2gether about once a year.

  1164. is it just my computer or has no1 commented? cuz if peeps hav commented anytime since june 13th, my computers not shoing it. im feeling lazy. where’s lizzi-wa? i havent cn her in 4ever.

  1165. yay! scott-las blog is bak up! or shud i say, it has bin bak up. lizzi-wa and lotti-wa new. but i havent cheked in so long cuz i thot it was gone 4ever and iv bin on her. but YAY. i prob wont bother u as much anymore.

  1166. lol.

  1167. Umm, Danielle, people don’t always post here…and if they don’t, posting a lot of multiple posts in a row won’t help them come back…

    So please, refrain from all the posts. This page is already long enough and the excess posts as really making my computer lag whenever I try to load this page.

  1168. Dang nobody is on anymore…. *cries* lol

  1169. wow i haven’t been here in a while. I blame summer—hence the no posts since June 13th. i been sleeping and hanging out with friends the last two weeks.

    and, like, when was Scott-la’s blog down?

  1170. um, im really brain-missing-okay, w8 a sec, if u new me u wud no how wrong that sounds coming out of my mouth-but Scott-la’s blog was down 4 about a week in May. yet if u notice, i didnt find out till l8 june. thats how much of an idiot i am. im bored…my friends r all calling me goth l8ly cuz my new fav color is black…and i like 2 wear it…even tho i own so little black…hey peeps, guess what? from july 6th-31st (more like 30th) im not gonna post! cuz im gonna b @ my fawesome sleepaway camp! just a q, where is lizzy-wa?

  1171. That’s so stupid. No offense to your friends. But liking the color black doesn’t make you goth or emo. Just because I’m wearing a black shirt right now doesn’t mean I’m emo. So f****** stupid.

    I hate it when people say that. If I wear pink and other bright colors I’m a prep. If I wear black I’m emo. I wear both…so am I a preppy emo? or an emo prep? Totally contradictory. I just like to wear both. πŸ™„

    I’m not sure if that smiley will come out.

  1172. Hiya everybody!

  1173. thats my favourite smiley!

  1174. Allie-wa, If people are emo just for wearing black I am a total emo. I love black. So what. That does not make me goth or emo. So annoying…

  1175. me too. practically my entire wardrobe consists of black. there may be some grey, white, red or dark purple in there though… i love dark purple

  1176. Hey everyone! Huh…I have some black but most my clothes are really colorful. Lots of different shades of blue and some pinks and purple. But I’m not preppy, I just like lots of colors.

  1177. peers inside closet…

    dark purple
    lighter purple
    neon green
    hot pink

  1178. i wear lots of black. not as much as i used to, but a fair amount. *looks* wearing a black t-shirt right now. my I’m An Extra shirt, actually.

    of course, i’ve also been told i was a “goth hippie”, which is kind of wtf as those two things to do not go together.

  1179. the funniest thing is my shoes

    black converse trainers
    black converse trainers with white-out hearts
    lime green converse trainers (with hot pink laces)
    white converse trainers with all of my friends signatures in vivid
    black and white vans

  1180. lol i luv shoes!

  1181. ok hey peeps! srry i havent bin on in 4ever. was @ sleepaway camp fron july 6th to 31st. then reading breaking dawn 4 a day n unpacking (excuse my usage of stuff relating to the t word)and then just chilling. u know the stuff. im not going 2 attempt 2 read wat u rote b4. i dont really care to read that stuff. srry. ok, after this sentence, im gonna try 2 rite correctly 2 pleez the peeps like that. Hope it makes you happy. Okay, lately I’m into Maximum Ride books. Does anyone else here like them? I still need to read the fourth book, though. Or rather, I need to get it from the library, where I’m borrowing it on CD. Because I requested it bookwise, and it finally came while I was at camp. And then left. Blah. And now, there is 14 copies of the book and 60-something requests for it. Or there was the other day. Plus, I don’t want to buy it because I’m saving up for an iPod. I have enough in my bank account, but I don’t feel like pulling from it. Goodness, I have to type so much extra stuff when I’m typing correctly. It makes my fingers hurt.

  1182. I read the whole maximum ride series. it is so good. its probably one of my favorite series. i actually own all four books. the first one i got free, i got the second and third one from my friend for my bday, and my mom bought me the fourth one for my bday. XD

  1183. my friend says the 4th one isnt good, its all about global warming. but i think knowing about global warming is important.

  1184. What about Maximum Ride?

    Mostly because of Max. Max’s corny sarcasm and dry humor is win. I thought parts of it were really stupid and cheesy, but mostly it was pretty good. The fourth one really sucked, though. It was pretty much just James Patterson trying to get good publicity by preaching to kids about global warming. It was so blatant it’s not even funny. There’s absolutely no point to it. At all.

  1185. That sounded contradictory. Let me clarify:

    All James Patterson does is preach about Global Warming. He thinks kids are so stupid and so easily influenced that they’ll just drink up anything he throws at them.

    What I meant by “it had no point” was that there was practically no real plot. There was one stupid little crappy plot thrown in to try to make it a bit more interesting, but it’s just…crap. And there are no new developments between the characters. There was too much Max/Fang (seriously. They’re brother and sister. That’s just creepy. Would you date someone who you considered your brother and had known since you were toddlers? Ugh.)

    it was crappily (crappily. Why is that not a word?) put together.

  1186. i kno. i didnt really like the fourth one as much. i liked the first and third one the best. i wonder if there is gonna be another one

  1187. iv heard mixed opinions like that, but im still gonna read it. just cuz i sorta got 2 2 finish the series. Allie-wa, if u notice in an earlier comment i actually used correct grammar cuz u were bugging me. but it made my fingers hurt more typing the extra.

  1188. *gives round of applause* Congrats on using correct grammar!

    S’not so hard, is it? I’m used to it. I’ve almost never typed in shorthand. There was a bad time about a year ago where I started using it occasionally, but I stopped. Thankfully.

    Eh. Just don’t mind me and my aversion to shorthand. The same way I won’t mind your aversion of correct grammar usage.

    Though I do have to ask something that you might know. I was on a forum a few days ago, and someone said “:mrgreen:’s r yous”

    Does that have any real meaning?

  1189. I don’t understand about half of shorthand, so congradulations on using correct grammar Danielle-la. Of course, I may not understand about half of shorthand writing, though my older sister’s much worse. She never texts or sends instant messages. Until rescently she didn’t know what lol meant. (I never use shorthand, but even I know that.)

    Anyway, I start back to school tomorrow. How much longer do you guys have?

  1190. I start the 18th. so next Monday!

  1191. i start like september 5

  1192. I need authors for my site! anybody interested?

  1193. aaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i hav school tomorrow. i cant believe it. soo retarded. jk jk. any of u guys watch americas best dance crew or have watched it

  1194. holy fudge… i haven’t been here in ages. this is sad… i have missed this place. now in the absence of fanlib, my fanlib obsession has faded. now i have returned, magically as if from the dead. i’ve been in school for a few weeks now. since the 15th. sighs. i have algebra now. absolutely suckish, i HATE it. anyway. gott en himmel, i can’t find the last time i commented.

  1195. whats up? Nobody gets on anymore.

  1196. i hav algebra too. soooo not cool. jk jk

  1197. algebra is my worst subject.

    by the way. WHERE HAS YOU ALL BEEN?!?!?!?!

  1198. I’m good at algebra, but I hate it. I hate all math. (Dess would kill me for saying that.) I’m good at it, but I hate it. The class is just really boring to me.

    I got The Risen Empire for my birthday yesterday. I’m so happy! I’ve been trying to get a copy of it for a long time now, and my local Barnes and Noble and library never have a copy.

  1199. wow… i havent been on here in forever!


    these 7th graders on my bus they are like really mean and totally taking advantage of their “rank” in middle school. they think they are better than the sixth graders and all. so on the bus today. they got on the bus and were like “squids get out of our seat. thats our seat” and the bus driver was like ” that’s anybody’s seat, if u wawnt it, get on the bus earlier. but they totally ignored her. and this one guy named patrick (btw he keeps on like hitting on my friend, yea really creepy…) anyways he told this sixth grader to get out his seat and so the sixth grader did. and he patrick laughed and just sat down at that kids seat. so the bus driver yells at patrick to give the kid his seat back, so he did. but he just slid over into the other backseat and the bus driver says “uh-uh. u do not get to even sit in the back seat anymore. move somewhere else. you are not allowed to sit in the back seat anymore. ” patrick gets up and moves somewhere else and shouts “stupid squids!” and i was just about ready to slap him. and my cousin is like “you were one too” and then patrick shut up. btw i’m an 8th grader and i cant believe they act like that. so immature.

  1201. We have the same type of thing happen at my high school. We had a pep assembly today, and when we were doing the class chants a lot of the stupid sophmore, junior, and even the seniors were booing the freshmen. It drives me nuts! I wanted to turn around and yell at the boy behind me, “You were a freshmen just five months ago. Unless there was some big timelapse between freshmen year and sophmore year that I don’t know about, you’re not much older than the freshmen.” I’m actually a kind of young sophmore and one of my friends skipped a grade, so I’m not much older than some freshmen and she’s younger than almost all of them. It drives almost everyone insane, but the stupid booing people still get their way. It’s a stupid tradition. Some of the freshmen I know are really nice people. They also call them Frosh, (don’t ask me why) in a really taunting tone that drives everyone nuts, but they get away with it. (Our school banner said Welcome Frosh.) it’s idiotic and it drives me (and most other people) nuts. Everyone was a freshmen not long ago, and the only reason they do it is because it was done to them. I’d like to know the stupid person who started this tradition. I’d slap them.
    Anyway, I’m done venting. The whole thing just drives me nuts.

    By the way, anyone else out there ever heard of the term Frosh? I have no clue where it came from, and I was wondering if anyone knows how someone out there came up with it.

  1202. Frosh. Freshmen? I don’t know. Here it is called Year 9. I think. I am not sure, it could be Year 8 or Year 10. I seriously have no clue. Who came up with the whole fresmen, sophomore, whatever thing? It makes no sense whatsoever…

  1203. Freshmen- Year 9
    Sophmore-Year 10
    Junior- Year 11
    Senior- Year 12 !!!!!!!!
    Personally I do not really get the point but thats what its called?

  1204. i’m not in high school yet but at my school sixth graders are called squids. a few days ago. lke the 2nd day of school on the bus. patrick was calling mario ( the sixth grader that patrick kicked out of his seat) SQUID!!! SQUID!!!! and so mario said “well if we are squids, then what are 7th graders called” and patrick said nothing. so mario is like “since you dont have a name, im gonna give one to you. im gonna call you…FAGGOT!” so patrick is all like “SQUID!!!!” and everytime patrick said “SQUID!!!!” mario would say “FAGGOT!!!!!!” it was pretty funny. mario is really small in size but he has a big mouth to make up for it.

  1205. I really have no clue where the terms freshmen, sophmore, junior, and senior came from. I like the idea of just calling us year 9, year 10, etc. That works a whole lot better, and it makes a whole lot more sense.

    Freshmen are basically treated horribly at high school. They’re pushed around and made fun of. The administration doesn’t help either. They assign the freshmen with bottom lockers and they basically give them the worst of everything. They say they want the freshmen to feel more at home in high school, but then they basically support the mocking.

    At my elementary school (we don’t have junior high) the eighth graders called the seventh graders sevies, but that’s about as bad as it got. It’s much worse in high school between the upperclassmen and the freshmen. At least it is here. I’m not sure about everywhere else.

  1206. but what’s year 13 then????? Is it Uni???? College????
    I am so confuzzled. here, you have six years of primary, two years of intermediate and then five years of college. but you can leave at the end of year 11 if you want. or you can slave away until year 13 and then go to uni.

  1207. There is no year thirteen here. Once you pass year twelve (or senior year) you graduate and go to college if you want to. There you start over as a freshmen, though years aren’t as important in college, due to the fact that it’s really harder to tell who’s in each year. Plus some people don’t have more than two or three years of college, while some have six or more depending if they want to go to a graduate program after they get their bachelor degree. Again, not everyone goes to college. It just depends on what you want to do with your life and if you can afford it.
    Here we have nine years in elementary school (kindergarden through 8th grade), then we have four years of high school. After that you can decide whether you go to college and basically how many years you go to college for and what degree you want to get.
    You actually can legally stop going to school after sophmore year, though pretty much everyone doesn’t considering that if you do you’re basically sealing your fate working at a fast food restaurant for the rest of your life.

  1208. this is a little of topic but do any of you guys watch americas best dance crew and if you do, who is your favorite crew

  1209. I do sometimes!!!

  1210. I do sometimes.

  1211. I didn’t know school in New Zealand was so different. I think it makes more sense, though. “Freshman,” “sophomore,” “junior,” and “senior” confuse me…I almost never get them in the right order.

    Poor freshmen. I think it’s stupid, everyone in high school has been a freshman. But, apparently, that is irrelevant. We are the Borg. You will be assimilated.

    Ahem. Enough with the geeky Star Trek references…

    To all those taking algebra this year: It sucks. For serious. I don’t know if I’m biased because my teacher sucked, but I hated algebra, for serious. Geometry is so much better.

    In randomness…anyone else *not* conservative? It seems like everyone I know has turned over to the dark side…er…*cough*

  1212. Lol you are funny.

  1213. haha, dark side.

  1214. if the dark side is conservativeness, thats not moi. I hope.

  1215. moi?

  1216. Moi = “me” in French. I think.

    Not a linguist. Though I think it would be cool to learn a different language. Or several. Which isn’t really as easy as it sounds.

    Hooray for non-conservativeness. πŸ™‚

  1217. dont say you want to learn another language. i has a german test tomorrow and its giving me hell. i am taking a much needed procrastination break from studying right now.

    ugh. algebra test on friday. i hate algebra. i shall never do calculus. i shall do statistics instead. i’m okay at statistics. just not algebra.

    yawn. i’m sleepy and its only like half past 10. Annyone else sleepy?

    I went to fun partay last night. my year 11 frends decided to throw an anti-ball party, because they weren’t allowed to go to the actual ball which is for years 12 and 13 only. has anyone else drunk champagne and coke out of a teacup? its called cocagne (like cocaine) heh heh heh…

    *i is NOT procrastinating. i is simply commenting on a valued blog about my tests that i should be studying for, not commenting about. and the party i went to when i should have been studying*

  1218. *still not procrastinating*


  1219. whisky tastes awful. do not drink it.

    rum is good though

    and vodka

    and KBB apple, rum, vodka and lemon squash all mixed together is nice. its an interesting glow-y green colour though. kind of like the stuff you get in glowsticks

  1220. *is also NOT procrastinating*

    I’ve only had wine before. Oh, and one small taste of beer, I think. I got it confused with root beer and accidentally drank it once. Not really all that great, in my opinion. I prefer root beer.

    If Jack Sparrow likes rum, it has to be good. :mrgreen: *loves Jack Sparrow* I’ve so been wanting to watch CotBP. We’re playing the Black Pearl’s theme in orchestra, and it really puts me in a PotC mood. Plus…Johnny Depp is so amazing as a pirate…and as everything else…

    We don’t have balls (as in, the dances) here. I think they’re called proms. And they’re only open to Juniors and Seniors.

    I also seem to have an aversion to algebra. Geometry I can handle (so far). Pretty much it just seems to be basic algebra mixed with a lot of logic and thinking abilities. Which I seem to have.

    You know what would be really fun? Writing another Bella deathfic! I think I will. Sometime after I write the last chapter of my first one.

  1221. I’m also not procrasting. Not at all, and I definitely don’t have a vocab test tomorrow or a French verb test. Not at all.

    I had an Algebra test today. It was quite annoying, though I don’t think I did too badly. It was funny, because we use those expensive graphing calculators in the class, and we had to solve these one equations using the calculator, and when we were going over those equations in math I could not figure out how to do them on the calculator, so I ended up doing them all by hand. We were taking the test today, and guess what, the stupid calculator problems were on there, and there was not enough time to do them by hand. So, in massive panic, I was able to figure out how to them on the calculator. Panic can get things accomplished!

    We have three dances each school year. We have the homecoming dance (coming up in two weeks) the winter ball, and the valentine’s day dance. Unless you’re a junior or a senior then there’s prom. Really, they aren’t exactly dances. Everyone goes and stands around in the cafeteria in the dark while music places and one of those colored disco ball things rotates. Then some couples dance for the slow songs. Sound exciting huh? I don’t mind them exactly. I end up going to most of them. Anyway I have to go to homecoming this year, because one of my clubs is sponsering it. Fun, huh? So, not only do I get to go and stand in the dark listening to blasting music, I get to sell tickets! (I really have nothing against dances. I’m just not in the greatest mood right now.)

    Okay, I really should stop *not procrastinating* I have too much to do, and it’s already six here, and I’m tired. School weeks are tooooooo long!!!!!!!!!

  1222. I know spanish… for the most part. Im still in Spanish 2.

  1223. Jack Sparrow is fawesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I got a jar of dirt, I got a jar of dirt, and guess what’s inside it?

  1224. Jack Sparrow is so full of fawesome.

    And Sparrington = hot. I know that sounds kind of strange. And creepy. But for serious…I love Sparrington…(Sparrington = Sparrow/Norrington)

    Mistranslated-la, expensive graphing calculators are so overrated. I never really use them. Not that I ever had one until this year. But whenever I had to borrow them from my teacher for tests and stuff I…didn’t. Which might be part of the reason why I failed nearly every quiz. And a significant number of tests. *cough*

  1225. They are over-rated. I hate mine, though we’re required to have them for the class. You either have to buy one or check one out from the school. If you don’t you basically fail the class. (I’m not sure how that works, but about half of our lessons are just about how to do stuff on the graphing calculator, so I’m pretty positive you wouldn’t do well in the class)

  1226. algebra test today.


  1227. I hate school calculators! They never work properly.

    Though the stuff people engrave on the back always makes me laugh. No, not laugh…smirk.

    I agree with Melissa: school is such a joke.

  1228. reading things on bathroom stalls can be very interesting as well!

  1229. I hate algebra. I have a deep hatred for algebra. I pretty positive I’m going to scream if I see one more number! I hate algebra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (Sorry, about that. I’m just ranting after spending the last three hours doing algebra homework that made no sense.) ARRRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1230. its okay let it out!

  1231. i hate algebra too! i have so much homework everyday

  1232. Things I have learnt today:

    If you are trying to do an A3 poster with a black background, it is better to draw your designs on a BLACK SHEET OF PAPER rather than drawing them carefully on a white sheet of paper, colouring them in carefully and then having to colour AROUND them carefully. May I point out that A3 is very large to colour by hand. And because this is important, it has to look neat. My hand is aching!!!!!

  1233. Algebra is the devil. Sense when did any algebra homework make sense? Must have missed the memo.

    Sorry about the Water Boy reference. I couldn’t help it.

    Wow…that sounds…crappy, Lotti-wa. I think you would need metallic markers to color on a black sheet of paper, though. I learned the hard way… regular markers don’t show up very well on black…

    Randomly, middle school honors orchestra sucks. Because almost everyone who auditions gets into it. And, uh, they don’t know how to play. For serious, PRACTICE!! It’s not that hard. I haz been practicing. It is worthwhile. For honest.

  1234. We had the same sort of auditions for our middle school honors orchestra. Pretty much, each band teacher puts in a couple of names, and someone up at our school district’s main office figures out someway to choose which ones to use. Since they’ve never heard any of the students play, I’m not sure how they choose. My guess, they drop all the saxophone players in one hat, all the trumpet players in another hat, etc. etc. Then they draw for who gets in.
    One year they actually decided to do things in a sense-making way, and actually have kids play for their audition. My middle school band is the best in our district. (I’m not boasting we really have that title. At our one concert where all the district bands play at different times, the other groups fight over who has to go after us, because we make everyone else look bad. (I’m really not boasting. It’s just true)) Anyway, back to the story. They auditioned everyone and we ended up with about three-fourths of the band being made up of our band. (These were blind auditions, so they had no clue who we were until after we were chosen.) Then, due to the other conducter having a heart attack, our conducter ended up conducting the district honors band. That was a lot of fun, and we had the best honor band the district ever had. (We practiced together for 10 hours almost straight (we had lunch) I play saxophone, my mouth and hands wanted to kil me) There is a point to this long story. We did this great performance, but the other band directors were mad that our band made up most of the group. So, last year (as I was told. I wasn’t there anymore, due to the fact that I had moved on to the joys of high school band) apparently they decided to go back to their old stupid way of picking kids to go into it. And, because we had all the spots last year, they wouldn’t let anyone from our band be in it. Stupid, huh?

    Anyway, I’m very sorry for the long, band related post. It just makes me angry everytime I think about all the stuff we had to put up with (especially everything our director has to put up with. Everyone outside of our school hates him because he’s so good, so he gets a lot of crap from the district). I’m going to stop ranting now.

    By the way, lotti-wa thinking about coloring that poster makes my hand hurt.

    Algebra homework never made sense. Not that I know of. I guess I was kind of stating the obvious.

  1235. That pretty much sucks, Mistranslated-la. Schools don’t really endeavor for the arts…*shrugs* In fifth grade, we had to play out in the hallway. Needless to say, we did not have enough room.

    Totally random: Being emo is illegal in Russia. Would that make me illegal, then? My friends say I’m emo…

  1236. why is it illegal in Russia???? I would be totally illegal – my TEACHERS think i’m emo.

    Music at our school is one HUGE fight for survival. there are like twenty bands, and its super hard to get into stuff like concert band and orchestra. There’s something called wind band which is for juniors and is impossible to get kicked out of. unless you are me and have only been learning saxophone for a term. then its possible to get kicked out of wind band.

  1237. Um, I think their reason is that it promotes dangerous habits among teens? Which basically means they think more kids will cut themselves and commit suicide and stuff like that if they dress emo. Which I think is kind of dumb…all they’re doing is taking away their freedom of expression. Or something. *shrugs*

    Haha, my teachers kind of give me sidelong glances, obviously debating whether or not to report me to the guidance counselor. I find it much amusing.

    At our school there’s concert orchestra, which anyone can get into (well, anyone who has been playing for at least 2 years) And there’s honors orchestra, which you have to audition for. Same for band I think, except for all the their instrument groups (wind, percussion, and brass, I think.)

    Our orchestra class is right next to the band class, and we have class same block as the percussion…they can be quite distracting.

  1238. Well, at my high school we have concert band (they’re really bad), a symphonic band (they’re a tiny bit better than the concert band, though not much), marching band (They’re probably the best out of the group, considering they practice the most.), and a jazz band. (They’re pretty good, but not great.) Our grade school band was actually much better than any of the high school bands. (I’m not in band anymore. There was no room in my schedule. It’s kind of sad. Clarisa (my tenor sax. I know it’s kind of weird that my saxophones have names, but it doens’t bother me) and Sammy (my alto sax) and I haven’t played together in almost a year. It’s kind of sad. I actually enjoyed band.
    Anyway, the arts are hanging on for dear life in my school district. They get no respect whatsoever. We have two gyms, yes TWO gyms, but they can’t seem to find enough money to buy the band a new set of drums or the drama department some new costumes? (Don’t get me started on the fact that we have to practically beg for ads so that we have enough money to get the newspaper out.) I’m pretty sure my district has no cares but sports. They get all the funding, attention, etc.

    They don’t allow emos in Russia? Where’s the justice in that?

  1239. I named my guitar. He’s called Chad, and is a great friend. But not as great as g-mo my computer or moggle my phone. naming inanimate objects is a good thing

  1240. I have afriend named chad…. lol. I name things too. I named my plant for crying aloud!!!

  1241. Yeah, my PC’s name is Mark, and my laptop’s name is Kate. Naming inanimate objects isn’t a bad thing, though my older sister seems to think I’m nuts.

  1242. Maybe we are all just NUTS!!!

  1243. Maybe we are all just pathetic?

  1244. I don’t name inanimate objects. Except my iPod (Toby). And my stereo (Lissa). And my computer (Sam). And my keyboard (Daniel)…and various other inanimate objects.

    Well. Whatever.

    RexRoxMySox: Duh. I don’t know about anyone else, but I know I’m pathetic. I realized that a very long time ago.

  1245. hahaha Toby should totally meet moggle. They could be the bestest buddies. i-pods and phones should be friends

  1246. iPods and phones should be friends. Or, like, one and the same. Like an iPhone. I saw someone stupidly carrying one around at school today. I’d never seen one so close before…I think I’m in love…

    *cough* Anyway.

    I want a pirate ship named iPiracy.

  1247. Allie-wa, Well then we can be pathetic together!!!!! (hehe)

  1248. ♥ iPhone… ♥

  1249. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  1250. β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯

    If everyone one of those hearts represented 10 dollars….

  1251. Patheticalness. lol

  1252. what? iPhones are so pretty

  1253. lol. JK!

  1254. Oh yeah, and my blog has kind of had a makeover. go check it out!

  1255. hi peoples, im bak after like 4 months. did ya miss me? probably not. but who cares? i dont! tee hee hee!. i think im hysterical. im sniggering to myself as i write this. tee hee hee.

  1256. woah. i just read all the past comments. lets address some of those topics.

    MATH-i luvvvvvvvvvvvv math. tho im only in 7th grade, so i dont get to do much. but the other day we didnt have afternoon classes for some reason. (okay, important to know is that the whole ‘middle school’ {7th and 8th grade} is only 41 students, 4 teachers, and one big room with mini room dividers and a big kitchen) so i went and asked my math teacher if he had time if he’d do math with me cuz i had no homework. so he sat down with me in a corner and i got to spend 3 hours, which is our whole afternoon class block, doing math! it was fun. and, apparently everything that he taught me he would normally have spent 5-6 months teaching. tee hee hee.

    okay, here is how i remember them.
    freshmen-fresh is like new, right? so fresh=new people
    senior-senior means old, like senior citizens. senior=oldest students
    junior-junior is only a little younger than senior. like u hear people saying he’s a junior, and then a senior? junior=little younger/1 year younger than senior
    sophomore-its the only 1 left, it has 2 be second year.

    BAND-we dont have a band. sobs. and my mom wont let me take private flute lessons again b/c i only practiced twice the whole summer. (what? who practices during the summer, especially if they could read insteead?) i play flute. tee hee hee. i luv flute. tee hee hee. dont ask. tee hee hee. mistranslate-la-i shud probably have a rivalry with u, cuz in the 5th and then 6th grade bands i played with, flute and saxes were always rivals. especially w/ altos. cuz in 5th grade no one had played before, so the altos (no one played tenor) always drowned out the flutes. grr. they had no control. n then in 6th grade there were 9 elementary skools feeding in2 my middle skool, and my elementary and 1 other were the only 1s who ever played band. and not every1 was in band. a bunch of the people from my elem. were never in band, and then a bunch of the band people dropped out after 2 weeks cuz every1 hated the band teachers. they were good, but no matter how strict they were they cudnt get everyone 2 behave. for 1 period, we sat in silence 4 a whole hour cuz some kids misbehaved so much. and the saxes never learned. thank god there were only 2 tenors, cuz they were loudest of all.

    NAMES-ive never named an inanimate object. but u guys r inspiring me 2 name 1. wich shud i name first-my computer or my ipod. (i got my ipod 4 my bday on august 12th. tee hee hee.) i think im gonna name my ipod Trissaline. after a character in a book i just started 2day. originally it was gonna have Gerard Way in it, but then i looked him up and discovered he was 31, and married. so i decided to have a new band. named Bleed for Me. i really like that name.

  1257. hello? where is every? im not hysterical anymore. i hope.

  1258. we are stillhere, but no one comments

  1259. y does no1 no longer comment? thats blah. isnt the point of a comment board 2 comment

  1260. i’m here…

  1261. mosy of us have been really busy with school. especially me, but its the weekend so yea

  1262. I’m here, though I’ve been real busy these last couple of weeks. Two weeks ago, homecoming week. (Newspaper’s in charge of the dance, so that was quite a busy week) One week ago, I got the stomach flu and had a bunch of stupid tests, fun huh? And last week I had the worst, hardest math test of my life. I was hyperventilating when I started it, and pretty much was in a daze through most of it. I’m not sure if I want to even know what I got on it.
    Anyway, if everyone’s been as swamped as I have been with school work, then i can see why no ones been posting.

  1263. what kinda math was it?

  1264. I’ve been here.

  1265. CAN I PLEASEEEE BE A MEMBA!? IM PROBABLY ANNOYING THE CRAP OUTTA YOU GUYS! but i’ve been looking for something like this for a long time. and i finally found it.. 😦 please?

  1266. Hellllloooooooo?

    *listens to echo*

    I’m alone…*walks away*

    *listens to echoing footsteps*

  1267. hello?


  1268. I’m here. Kind of. I’m kind of out of it right now, because I’ve just spent the last three days reading. You see, author John Green is coming to my school next week, and I’m trying to get through all of his books that I haven’t read and reread the books of his that I have read by next week, which total to reading four moderately long books, which I could do if I didn’t have homework and school and stuff in about a day, but for now I’m kind of slacking on stuff, and attempting to get stuff read when I can. Anyway, I’m so excited! I get to meet John Green! (He’s not Scott, but still, he’s awesome, and he’s the first author I’ve ever met who I’ve actually heard of.) I’m so excited!!!!!!!! Plus, I got picked to get to escort him around the school and stuff, which is totally fawesome. I can barely contain my excitement. Anyway, I should go do some stupid math homework and get my newspaper articles written so I can meet my deadline on Friday. Let’s just hope I can stop being so hyper so I can actually consentrate. (Not very likely.)
    (Wow, this has been a long echoed post.) Hello? Echo: Hello?

  1269. We haven’t had author visitations since elementary school. Never an author I’ve actually heard of.

    I do not know who Scott Green is, but I hope you have a good time meeting him. πŸ™‚

  1270. ummm.hello im new this sitw and i was just wondering if some1 can in..

  1271. Hey ppls i have to write a story for english class. Have any ideas or stories I could use!!!! Thanks!!!

  1272. I wrote a cool story once. It was about a world where everyone had a Twin *note: an evil cyborg robot twin* and there was just one ONLY CHILD.

  1273. Happy Samhain (or Halloween) everyone!!


    hehe. um…. i dont remember the last time i came on…

    but i FINALLY put you on top Mistranslated-la, and i just added Yasi-la too!

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  1275. heyz lizzy-wa i hasn’t seen you on here in ages!

  1276. i was about to go take a shower and i was like “WAIT! I MISS THE CMWC TOO MUCH TO TAKE A SHOWER AT THIS CRUCIAL TIME IN MY LIFE!!!”

    so i’ll just take a shower later… or not… ya no how it is sometimes. hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜†

  1277. Yo! Hey Lizzy-Wa!!! Long time no talk!!!

  1278. hey Rex-la!

    OHMYGOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just realized that OCTOBER EIGHTH WAS THE CMWC FIRST ANNIVERSARY!!! AND I FORGOT TO DO SOMETHING AWESOME ON THE SITE FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    wow. i really suck. maybe we can do… a 1 and 1/2 anniversary in five months… hhhhhmmmmm….

    wow. we’ve been around for OVER A YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    HAPPY LATE ANNIVERSARY EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -Co-Prez OUT! 😦

  1279. yay a whole year woot

  1280. Woot Woot!!!

  1281. we should have a late celebration. like, on November 21. it can be our one year, one month, and 13 day anniversary! or… something like that…

    -Co-Prez OUT! ❓

  1282. *attempts to scroll up to see how long ago I was last on here*
    *gives up*
    So, umm, ‘sup guys?

  1283. Serafina and Lizzy? What is this, a family reunion? It’s happy-making. πŸ˜€

    Oh, I finally read Peeps and The Last Days. And I reiterate: FINALLY.

    Anyway, yeah, it’s amazing. Or fawesome, or fexcellent.

    There was only one thing that bothered me, and that was the smashing of a ’75 Strat, which was rather feculent.

    I’m going to be talking like this for a while…

  1284. hehe. family reunion. hehe.

    ive always wanted to play the guitar. but, since i havent, i guess i didnt really get the feculentness of the ’75 Strat-smashing. hehe.

    dont you love Cal?

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜€

  1285. heh heh family reunion…


  1286. Family reunion!

    I’m with lotti-wa. Mozzy is fawesome! (Though Cal’s fool too.)

  1287. I love Moz. ^_^ Though Cal is fawesome, too. He’s just…not…Moz.

    Minerva is also one of the most amazing characters ever.

    I actually don’t play guitar either, Lizzy-wa. My brothers and dad do, though, so I’ve sort of grown up around guitars and stuff. My dad has a Strat, but it’s…recent. And, like, not rare.

  1288. I play guitar. but classical.


  1289. Classical is cool. My dad plays classical most of the time. Like, at 2:00 at night when I’m trying to go to sleep.

  1290. It’s like a familu reunion, but better, because family reunions kind of suck!
    *is not all that fond of extended family*

    I play guitar, just not very well. Not classical though.

    Yay TLD/Peeps!
    Personally, I never really liked Moz very much…especially after Minerva. I liked Pearl a lot better! Also, Zahler. No one ever likes Zahler. Zahler deserves more attention.

    My dad has a 1975 Telecaster, but not a Strat. We do have an irrational number of Strats though….(*coughsevencough*) My dad buys really cheap ones on eBay and puts better pickups in them and we smash up the body so it looks all old…..
    I’ve got an Arctic White Strat….it’s so prettyful….if only I was good at guitar….

  1291. My family reunions sound a lot like yours, Serafina. My extended family is not very fun to be around.They’re basically nuts, and all of my cousins are very annoying, but I’m not going to go into detail on that. This is definitely much better.

  1292. heh. my cousins ish equals MEGA PAIN in ass.

  1293. I don’t like any of my cousins. Evil I tell you…….. EVIL…

  1294. Everyone in my extended family is over the age of 50. I swear to you, there are no children who go to these things. Except me. And my siblings. It’s sad. All the old people think we’re, like, babies or something.

    But that’s my dad’s stepdad’s family. My dad’s family is slightly younger (around 20-ish and above.) But I have no cousins younger than college age (and of course *they* don’t have to go). So, yeah, I don’t like real family reunions much.

    The only thing I didn’t like about Pearl was her personality. She was all…bossy and high strung-ish. I have nothing against Zahler. He was cool. Also, Alana Ray is pretty fawesome. I laughed at her “carbonated” joke. Okay, I didn’t actually laugh…but I found it humorous. But yeah, Minerva is still my favorite character.

    1975 Telecasters are cool. I’ve never seen a white Strat. At least, not face-to-face. Only in pictures. They is beautiful, though.

  1295. Most of my cousins are actually around the same age as me. The problem: most of my cousins are very, very annoying. Also, my younger cousins are all evil. Pure evil. We’ve only had one full family reunion in my life (we’ve had Christmas dinner and stuff like that) and it was probably the most boring and annoying day of my life. (I may be over exaggerating on that a tiny bit. I’ve had math classes that were probably a bit more boring.) I’ve never met most of my mom’s side of the family (other than said family reunion) and for good reasons, though I’m not going to go into detail on that. My dad’s side of the family is the side that all of my very annoying cousins come from, and the side that we have to spend Christmas with. Fun, huh?

    Anyway, enough about my extended family. I’m too tired to go into detail about them. I’m very, very tried. This week has been too long, and it’s only Wednesday. Wait, it’s only Wednesday? ARRRGGH!!!! I can’t wait for this week to be over. I’ve had three major tests so far this week, a project due for math today, and we were doing layout in newspaper on Monday and Tuesday which can get very annoying. (Though I love newspaper and such, layout can get quite annoying)
    I just can’t wait for this week to be over. I’m sooooo tired.

  1296. im happy to know it’s not just me with the evil cousins…

  1297. It be exam week *scream!!!!*

  1298. Very fun, Mistranslated-wa. My teachers all seem to give tests all around the same time, like they’re conspiring to keep me up until 2:00 studying.

    Good luck, lotti-wa. I don’t have midterms until after Christmas.

  1299. i love my extended family! well… most of them…

    how extended do you consider “extended”? cuz i like MOST of my cousins. theres not really any i DISLIKE. theres just some that im kinda neutral for. i have 16 cousins and there all on my dads side. some of them are dorks… hehe. but who doesnt love dorks rite? well, one of them coodnt go to the family camping trip cuz he sprained his ankle playing video games. hehe. and not even wii or ddr or anything. just normal controller video games! hehe. dork. hehe.

    i had three tests last week too! and i was home sick on thursday. and we have a geography project due tuesday. and a language test wensday. but im not really stressed about ether. even tho i have yet to start said geography project… im not even sure what im doing it on yet… hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  1300. Dorks are awesome. Much awesomer than *other* people. *cough preps cough*

    Me, prejudiced? Course not.

    …it’s more like a vendetta.

    I feel sorta pathetic, though…I mean, even my teachers apparently think I’m pathetic. Based on how they sort of recommended me to the school guidance counselor last week. So very awkward. At least I have these things planned out in my head In Case Of Emergency, and can deny everything she could possibly suspect about me. Though I think my schoolgirl-giggling throughout made her skeptical.

  1301. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    And dorks are awesome!

  1302. Howdy everybody. Yay its almost christmas. So happy!

  1303. Hooray for almost Chirstmas. ^_^ I think there’s three weeks until Christmas break.

    And happy Thanksgiving. πŸ™‚

  1304. Up with dorks! You really shoudn’t be mean to dorks, they will end up being your boss someday.

    Happy Thanksgiving! Iwish we had thanksgiving here tho…

  1305. Imma dork and i think im pretty fantastical! lol

  1306. Aw, you don’t have Thanksgiving. Well, we all know New Zealanders have nothing to be thankful for…

    (just kidding)

    Being a dork during 10 miserable years of your life is worth a lifetime of getting rich from the “dorky” stuff you did for which you were made fun of.

    Speaking of dork, does anyone know what the word originally meant? I remember two cheerleaders in my class last year dressed up as “dorks” for Halloween and I told them what it meant…it was highly amusing, watching their reactions.

  1307. hahaha, yes I do know what it means πŸ˜‰

    It came up in Social Studies one day (my teacher preffers random online quizzes to actually teaching us)

  1308. *prefers

  1309. Online quizzes are fun…when you’re bored and have nothing else to do. They are much funner than listening to a teacher’s lecture.

    Unless, of course, you have my social studies teacher. One day in the middle of taking notes, he took a girl’s shoe off her foot and threw it out the window. And then he made her wait about 10 minutes before letting her go retrieve it. Also, there are three classrooms connected by a small center room, and my teacher abuses this by opening the doors to the other teachers’ classrooms and playing really loud 80’s music so they are forced to listen to it.

    Not to mention all the other really weird, random stuff he does. (Like playing with a Frankenstein doll from Hallmark that dances to Thriller…)

  1310. ummmm wat is rong wit him. lol.

  1311. i wanna be somethin i loved all the midnighters books they rocked and i read some pretty cool ones on fanfiction:)

  1312. i wanna be a Rabid Fangrrl πŸ™‚

  1313. All my teachers are nuts!

  1314. LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!

  1315. It’s your last day? I still have two more. Of course, they’re half days, but they’re also finals days. So it’s go to school, take tests, come home. Fun, huh? Only two more days, though. Then two weeks off!!!!!!!!!!! (Two weeks where I don’t have to get up at 5:30 everyday!) And the holidays!!!!!! Speaking of which, Happy Holidays everyone!

  1316. I have two days left as well. Today we didn’t have school tho cuzz of ICE!!! Woot Woot! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1317. It’s been raining here for the past two days. Yesterday it rained without stopping, and today its been raining on and off. I love it. It was actually cold too. In the 50s and 40s. (Okay, that’s not cold for most of the rest of you, but it’s cold for here.) The bad part is that our entire school campus is outside, meaning that we don’t have hallways connecting the buildings and rooms. Instead, it’s just hallways formed by the buildings. There are some actual indoor hallways and such, but crossing the campus becomes a real pain when it rains. Plus, we usually eat lunch outside, so yesterday we were kind of taking shelter under the covering in front of the library and ate standing, leaning up against the wall. Of course, after we were done eating one of my friends and I started running in the rain and jumping in puddles and such. (It doesn’t rain much here. We wanted to enjoy it while we could. Plus I haven’t done anything like that for over six years.) Then we went to fourth hour soaking wet. My math teacher gave me the oddest look. Anyway, it was fun, and tomorrow’s the last day which is even better!
    Plus, I’m finished with Advanced Algebra. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (The only real bad part about rain: attempting to deliver the school newspapers. Yesterday we were distributing them, and it was almost impossible attempting to get them to stay dry.)

  1318. my school was canceled for today because of snow. yay!

  1319. you work for the scool newspaper Mistranslated-la? thats cool. are you like, there supreme leader or anything? hehe.

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ˜›

  1320. Yeah, I work for the paper, though I’m not the supreme ruler. (sadly… hehe) I’m actually the ad manager. (I get to call a bunch of different people and ask them if they want to put ads in the paper so we have enough money to put out the next issue.) And I”m a reporter, of course.

    On another note, we might actually have a cold Christmas here! (We don’t dream of white Christmases. Instead, we just hope that it will be less than eighty degrees.) We might actually get down into the fifties on Christmas, though. I’m so happy! I might be able to wear pants on Christmas without sweating!

    Also, I’m finished with school!!!! Yay!!!!!

  1321. It almost never gets below 60 here, so Christmas is usually…Australian. A few years ago there was a massive storm on Christmas Eve, and it was all steamy and humid on Christmas. (Just like during a hurricane.) Usually it’s just wet. And slightly chilly.

    I’m so happy that we’re FINALLY on winter break. I’ve only been counting down since, like, November.

    Wow, school paper. I don’t even think we have one of those…(Well, I’m not sure. It’s one of the legends at my school, no one is sure if it exists. Like the mythical mutant goldfish named Toby that is said to dwell in the pond.)

  1322. Toby? Pond? O.o

    White Christmas? We has summer… A whole six weeks of it!

  1323. Yes, Toby.

    Hope everyone had a merry Christmas. πŸ™‚

  1324. Psh It’s always cold here. Like 15 degrees. Yuck.

  1325. Geez. And I thought 30 degrees was bad. πŸ˜›

  1326. 30 degrees is the hottest of hot summer days here… We’re stuck around 10 most of the time, if not less than that

  1327. 10 degrees? 😯 Celsius or Fahrenheit?

  1328. celsius

  1329. The coldest it’s gotten here all winter is probably about 40 degrees (Fahrenheit). If you can imagine everybody was freezing. (I know forty is actually warming up for the rest of you, but for us it’s freezing. In fact, most people are cold here when it reaches 70, though I’m not one of them, I know a lot of people who wear pants and jackets as soon as the temperature drops below 80). It was funny, the other day in chemistry we got into a discussion about perception, and how here if someone tells someone from the east coast that it’s cold outside, we’ll be meaning somewhere around 70 to 60 degrees, while the other person would think cold meant somewhere around 20 or so. Then during the summer when we say it’s nice outside, that usually means somewhere between 85 and 100 degrees. (85 is actually stretching it. It’s generally not 85 in the summer). I’m guessing for you guys 90 degrees is hot. For us, 90 degrees is a day to get outside and enjoy the nice weather. The great joys of living in a desert! (just to be clear, I’m being sarcastic. I hate this desert, and it’s heat. I want snow or at least cold weather!)

  1330. I want it to snow here… It snows down in the South Island, but it only rains up here in Auckland. Because we are practically surrounded by the sea, it’s pretty humid

  1331. That is true, 90 degrees is too hot. But then you also have to take into consideration the fact that there is NO HUMIDITY in the desert.

  1332. wow. I haven’t been on here in longer than I haven’t been on scott’s blog. was up with people? hey, has anyone else gotten VERY into the vampire phase that’s been going on for the past 10 months? I think I have a very unhealthy addiction to vampires.

    okay, a lot of us on this site are writers. I wanted to get it out there that there is an awesome place for posting stories. It’s called
    The people who created created this site. It’s amazing, and very useful. My favorite story is by a person who I am now friends with by email (close friends-she’s my beta too). The STORY is called
    What the Hell is Normalcy?
    It was written by beth-la on Scott’s blog. Her author name is
    spelled exactly like that. It’s amazing. Just the name cracks me up every time I read it.

  1333. jeez, i need to get on here more often. but while we’re talking about weather, my area is jacked up. one day u could be shoveling 6 inches of snow and ice out of ur driveway, the next you could be wearing shorts to school.

  1334. Ha, people here can wear shorts pretty much all year. Except the occasional winter-y day.

    Random, but has anyone read the book Speak?

    Danielle-la: Yeah, apparently vampires are the latest YA fad. Vampires are all right, but I think werewolves are cooler. Egyptian-like jackals are even better. (Though I haven’t yet come across a good jackal book. Not that I’ve really looked.) I have an affinity for anthropomorphic creatures, it seems.

  1335. I’ve never read the book Speak, but Laurie Halse Anderson, the author of it, it visiting our school next month. I’m very excited. (I’ve never read any of her books, (I’m planning to before she comes.) I just like talking to and meeting authors.) (She’ll only be the third author I’ve ever met, but still, I love meeting authors.)

    Vampires are the latest trend, though I’m more of a fan of werewolves and zombies. Of course at the moment it’s a whole lot easier to find a good vampire book than it is to find even one werewolf or zombie story, (even if that one book by the woman with the initial S and M (I promised I’d never talk about it or mention its name on here a while ago, but this is a valid point) has werewolves in it.) Writers and publishers jumped of the vampire fad, but they forgot about the werewolves. Sad. I want a good werewolf (or zombie) book!

  1336. The only book by Laurie Halse Anderson that I’ve read is Speak. It was awesome…I recommend reading it. Have fun meeting her. I wish my school would have authors come once in a while…

    No one get mad, this is just my opinion, but I think there are too many vampire books. I don’t have anything against vampires books – Vampire Academy (and Peeps!) were awesome. But there’s such a thing as too much. I think there should be more werewolf books too, Mistranslated-la. It seems like everything else is getting kind of smothered under the might of the All Powerful Vampire.

  1337. god i havent been on in a while.
    ALLIE-WA-atl got 4 INCHES OF SNOW on sunday. thats like an atlanta record. it was snowing REALLY hard 2.

    personally, i like vampires better, but thats just me. there are a lot of books out with both now.
    here are a couple books with werewolves (besides the dreaded ‘t’ ones). some hav vampires, some dont.
    666, the number of the beast

  1338. god i havent been on in a while.
    ALLIE-WA-atl got 4 INCHES OF SNOW on sunday. thats like an atlanta record. it was snowing REALLY hard 2.

    personally, i like vampires better, but thats just me. there are a lot of books out with both now.
    here are a couple books with werewolves (besides the dreaded ‘t’ ones). some hav vampires, some dont.
    -666, the number of the beast
    ^that book is a bunch of short stories by a ton of different amazing authors. Melissa Marr, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, etc. a bunch of them (like AA-R’s) were character developments. AARs was about a werewolf, but her most recent book, like a coiuple months ago, was “persistence of memory”. same amazing vampire world as all her others (AMAZING VAMPIRE BOOKS WITH GREAT HUNTERS IN THEM), and in the others we know there are shapeshifters, but heres a shapeshifter who conforms to werewolf rules. persistence is mainly about a human girl and a vampire, but Sassy (the guy werewolves real name is so awful that in the book hes called that) plays a major role.
    ^great book, werewolves, vampires, etc, but more about the people who hunt them. also includes demons.

    I CAN GET MORE if anyone needs them. just let me know.

  1339. wow. still no more comments

  1340. wow still no more comments. again.
    if there beith no more comments next time i check, then i will start talking about the dreaded T word! MWA HA HA! oops. my caps lock was on. and my evil laughter somehow got thru. wopsie daysie. MWA HA HA! darn that caps locks!

  1341. i want to know eneryting about werewolves

  1342. The T-word. Not good. Not good.

  1343. hehehe you guys the most fantastical thing happened to me yesterday! Scott-la recognized my name AGAIN at his signing! it was sooooo fawesome!

    -Co-Prez OUT! :mrgreen:

  1344. I met Scott last spring in New York, and I saw him again when he came to AZ yesterday. (So, so amazing, even though I didn’t get home until about eleven o’clock, because it was at seven and about an hour or so away from where I live, still, it was awesome). He also remembered me from New York. (Where I was commonly known as the girl-who-came-all-the-way-from-Phoenix-just-to-meet-authors.) Here’s to being remember, LIzzy-wa!

  1345. damn you guys are lucky! XD i wish scott-la would come over here!

  1346. aaawwww poor lotti-la! just go over to NY like mistranslated-la hehehehe kind of farther tho…

    nd ur so lucky mistranslated-la! you have no idea how much i have to beg my mom every time i wanna go see an author and theyre only like an hour and a half away! hehe

    but i just got home from seeing Justine-la too! it was really fun and you shouldv seen her Scott-la impersonation hehe

    -Co-Prez OUT! 8)

  1347. I can turn into a werewolves anytime i want is that cool or what

  1348. I still have no clue how I was able to convince my mom to fly cross country to New York to meet Scott, Justine, and Maureen. I think it might have been a very fawesome dream. I guess if my sister hadn’t wanted to go too, and if I hadn’t kind of needed to go to check out the NYU campus (I want to go there for college in a few years) we probaby wouldn’t have gone. Still, it was an incredibly awesome trip. I wish Justine would have come to Phoenix this time around though. She originally posted she was coming here, and then changed it later on. It was very, very sad-making. Still, it was great seeing Scott-la, and I only had to drive an hour this time to do it.

  1349. haha makes sense. multiple reasons are always good

    -Co-Prez OUT! πŸ™‚

  1350. al;ways, yeah :mrgreen:

  1351. so you guys–no one (especially me!!!) has written on here in FOREVER AND EVER!!!
    im pretty sure lizzy-wa forgot this site exists.
    yep, after around 3 years of us commenting all the time TRYING just TRYING to get his attention, he reacted to a bunch of random posers!!!
    ahh this is frustrating. i am frustrated. are you guys getting that?

  1352. no comments in a year? wow guys, how sad. we need to ‘activate the old crew’

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